Is it possible to wash the sleeping bag in the washing machine

Tourist equipment makes staying in nature more comfortable. But products such as a tent or a sleeping bag are quickly contaminated, so they require special care.

About how to wash the tent in a washing machine, we already wrote in the relevant article. Below we will talk about the care of a sleeping bag. We'll figure it out, can I even wash the sleeping bag in the washing machine and what kind of detergents will be suitable for gentle washing.

Is it possible to wash the sleeping bag in the washing machine

Content of the material:

  • 1Can I wash
  • 2How to properly wash the sleeping bag
    • 2.1Automatic washing
    • 2.2Handwash
  • 3Than to erase

Can I wash

Before you throw the product into the drum of a styalka, it is worth assessing how much it is dirty - maybe, the impurities are insignificant and you can do without automatic washing. It is not forbidden to wash sleeping bags in SMA, but this is often not recommended.

Start with a dry cleaning:

  • Dry the bag before cleaning.
  • Brush the garment to clean the sleeping bag from dirt stains. Having found out fatty spots, use the solvent "Whitespirit" - it will wipe them off the fabric.
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  • Unscrew the bag.
  • Moisten the sponge with soapy water, wring out and wipe the underside of the product. Try not to wet the bag too much.
  • Dry the sleeping bag, fold it and remove it until the next hike.

Important! Soapy water not only cleanses the fabric, but also neutralizes unpleasant odors, add a bit of potassium permanganate into it.

How to properly wash the sleeping bag

If the dry cleaning was ineffective, you will have a completely logical question: is it possible to wash the sleeping bag in the AGR? We asked the avid travelers whether they were wiping their sleeping bags in an automatic mode. To which they received a positive answer and learned a few uncomplicated rules.

Automatic washing

Memorize the recommendations to know how to wash a sleeping bag in a washing machine:

  • Choose a gentle washing mode with a temperature of up to 40 degrees and the maximum drum speed is not more than 600.
  • Correlate the dimensions and weight of the product with the maximum capacity of the drum.
  • Turn off the spin function.
  • Use a liquid detergent - it is easier to rinse out of the fabric.
  • Check for any damage, if there are tears, sew.
  • If the scope of the equipment is impressive, wash it in a short mode only in cold water.

Using these simple rules, you can cleanly and without loss wash equipment:

  1. Straighten the product.
  2. Turn it inside out.
  3. Roll into a roll.
  4. Load it into the drum (you can use the balls for washing so that the filler does not get lost).
    Automatic washing
  5. Pour liquid liquid into the powder receptacle. Use professional "chemistry" for tourist equipment.
  6. Do not use bleach and rinse aid.
  7. Close the hatch.
  8. Select a delicate or manual wash mode with a low drum speed and start the cycle.
  9. At the end of the regime, do not rush to get the bag, let it stay there for at least half an hour - excess water drains from it, and this will facilitate drying.

Attention! Do not in any case press the bag in the typewriter. Do not try to squeeze it and manually. A wet sack is more prone to deformations and tears.

Correct drying:

  1. Dry the product in a ventilated area only horizontally. Spread it on a special dryer, ironing board or on drying ropes. If you dry directly in the apartment, then spread the rags or paper to collect the dripping water.
  2. After draining the water, you can put a heat fan at a distance - so the bag will dry faster. But do not use a hairdryer and do not dry on the battery!
  3. During drying, from time to time (every 1-2 hours), shake the bag to distribute the filler evenly.


If you were afraid to wash the accessories for sleep in the typewriter, wash them with your hands. This washing is more gentle, which is especially important for old bags. Read below about how to properly wash the bag yourself:

  • Straighten the fabric, unscrew the product and zip or velcro fasten.
  • Fill the tub or large basin with enough lukewarm water.
  • Load the sleeping bag into the water.


  • Stand in a bath and trample on the bag for about 15 minutes. Do not overdo it - do not need to tap tap.
  • After the "foot" washing, grasp the bag with your hands and do the movements as if rinsing, smoothly moving the thing from left to right 10-15 minutes.
  • Drain the dirty water and dial a clean one without removing the product. Rinse the equipment and lower the water, again picking up clean.

Important! You need to rinse several times so that the detergent completely exits the fabric. If there were a lot of foam, then rinse 3-4 times.

  • After the last rinse, drain the water, spread the bag in the bath and allow to drain for 30-40 minutes.


  • Dry the sleeping bag in the same way as after automatic washing.


Than to erase

We already reported above that when washing the sleeping bag it is better to use special means. So, on what to stop?

These detergents are recognized by tourists and used most often (you can buy in specialized stores):

  • Salton Sport. Specialized gel for any kind of washing - hands or in the AGR. Suitable for removing stains from bags filled with natural fluff. Produced in the form of a bottle of 5 liters. It is worth between 200-300 rubles.

Than to erase

  • Cotico. Domestic gel for sports equipment, clothes and various equipment. Can be used for washing neoprene, lycra and membrane tissues. But it will not do for fluff. The size of the bottle is 1 liter, it costs about 300 rubles.

Than to erase

  • Toko Eco down Wash. This is impregnation for products filled with down. It is made in the form of a spray, which should be applied even before washing. Then it is pushed out of the fabric along with stains. Packed in a 5-liter balloon, costs about 500 rubles.

Than to erase

  • Heitmann Spezial Wasche. Gel with good reviews, used to clean tents, sleeping bags and other equipment on artificial fillers (holofayber, sintepon and others). Can not be used for down things. It is distinguished by a natural safe composition - a praised "German quality". Costs within 400 rubles per container, 5 liters.

Than to erase

Remember that you need not only to wash correctly, but also to store the sleeping bag. Do not try to pack it in a compression bag to save space in the closet. Straighten the fabric and hang it on hangers or in an arbitrary position - so you keep the functionality of the filler longer.

Than to erase

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