Kitchen fan: how to choose and install

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High humidity in the kitchen can cause condensation to appear on the surface of the walls, the kitchen set. Ultimately, this will lead to mold and mildew. In addition, an exhaust fan will help to cope with the smells formed during cooking.

Cooker hood

Types of exhaust fans

Before buying ventilation equipment, you need to familiarize yourself with the existing varieties, advantages and disadvantages of each option.


Such devices consist of a housing in which a wheel with an impeller rotates. The blades are usually fixed on the axis of the electric motor, which is why the devices are called axial. When the wheels rotate, the blades capture air and push it in the direction of the axis.

The exhaust fan for the kitchen is equipped with a manifold, which increases the productivity of the appliance. Axial devices are characterized by good efficiency, they are able to pump up to 100 m3 hour, but at the same time they have a small pressure. The device is noisy during operation, sound intensity up to 50 dB.

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Axial fan


These fans differ from the previous subspecies in the spiral shape of the blades. During engine operation, air flows are pushed in the right direction due to centrifugal force. A feature of the device is the perpendicular direction of flow relative to the air drawn in. In everyday life, such designs are used extremely rarely.

Centrifugal fan


Diagonal fan models are highly efficient. The air entering the inlet of the device moves in the direction of the axis of the device, then moves at an angle of 45 degrees. Thanks to such features, the intensity of the device and productivity increase. The diagonal model is considered a silent household exhaust fan, and it also has small overall dimensions.

Diagonal fan


These devices appeared on the market relatively recently, they are characterized by a different principle of operation. Here, a turbine is used to supply air, which directs the flow through the diaphragm into a special frame. Strengthening retraction is possible through the use of a multiplier.

A special mechanism is installed in the device, which makes it possible to adjust the flow rate to 90 km / h. Such devices have a high level of security, they are silent and economical.

Fanless fan

Advantages and disadvantages

Each kitchen fan for extracting air has its own strengths and weaknesses, but several characteristics are characteristic of all models. The advantages of such equipment include:

  1. Small overall dimensions. Some models of fans are built into the ventilation pipe.
  2. The set of parts for the device has a protective grid. This element prevents insects and dust particles from entering the impeller, which extends the life of the equipment.
  3. Any user can disassemble the fan. This is necessary to clean parts from debris or to eliminate minor malfunctions.
  4. The engine does not need frequent maintenance, it is constantly cooled, able to work all day.
  5. When installing an exhaust fan, you can use auxiliary equipment, for example, a motion and humidity sensor or an hour timer;
  6. The devices in question have a minimum weight, they are made of plastic;
  7. Many models do not create noise during operation, they consume minimal amounts of electricity;
  8. Simple installation, installation of equipment can be performed even by an inexperienced user.

The disadvantages of the devices are related to the features of their device. Since axial devices create a lot of noise, it is not recommended to install them in small rooms. If the equipment is installed incorrectly, incorrect flow circulation occurs.

How to choose a fan for hoods

When choosing an exhaust fan with a check valve for the kitchen, you must pay attention to the technical characteristics of the device and other important parameters. We are talking about the performance of the equipment, the noise level that the device emits, and the possibility of its safe use in a moisture-saturated environment. Special attention should be paid to the price / quality ratio of the product. We will deal with each of the characteristics in more detail.

Exhaust fan


When calculating such an important parameter, you must have the following information:

  • overall dimensions of the room to calculate its volume;
  • air exchange rate per hour.

Important! The product of the area by the multiplicity of air exchange indicates the performance of the radial fan for drawing.

To determine the minimum power of the device, it is necessary to carry out the following calculation. We determine the area of ​​the room by sequentially multiplying the length, width and height of the kitchen. To determine the performance of the hood, you need to know the number of air changes per hour. We multiply this value by the area of ​​the room.

The multiplicity of air exchange is determined by building codes. For the bathroom, you need to take 6-8 air changes per hour, for the kitchen - 4-6. The multiplicity of air in the toilet corresponds to an air exchange coefficient of 6-10. Minimum indicators are taken with the number of residents in an apartment or country house from 1 to 3. If tenants are more than the specified value, you can take the maximum coefficient.

After the performance calculation is completed, you can go to the store to buy the necessary equipment. A centrifugal fan for hoods is selected with increased performance by 10-15% in relation to the calculated values. Productivity depends on the volume of the room, the average is 90-100m3 per hour.

Noise level

The impeller or turbine of any device is driven by an electric motor, which creates two types of noise during operation - aerodynamic and mechanical. The first sounds arise through the vibration of the parts of the device and the duct. The second noise is formed through the movement of the blades, it penetrates directly into the room.

Extraneous sounds exceeding the 36 dB range annoy the person, so it is better not to install household appliances with such indicators in residential premises. Silent ventilation in the kitchen is possible if you install appliances with a sound level of not more than 30 dB. Characteristics, relative to the noise level emitted by the device, are indicated in the passport.

The intensity of extraneous sounds can be reduced by installing a plate or tube type silencer behind the device. The duct is also insulated with sound absorbing material. It should have a sufficient diameter for unhindered passage of air currents. If the cross section of the duct is small, as a result of turbulence, traffic jams form and extraneous noise occurs.

Kitchen fan


Silent channel exhaust fans should have one more important characteristic - protection of the case against moisture penetration. In the cooking room, evaporation occurs. Moisture on the contacts may cause a short circuit in the device, which will lead to its breakdown or fire.

To prevent this, purchase sealed enclosures from your store. The fan passport has a special mark that indicates protection against ingress of water.

Advice! As an additional safety measure, connect the instrument to a 24-volt power source. Closing such a fan will not harm human health.

Extra options

When choosing exhaust fans for installation in the kitchen, you need to pay attention to their functionality. The standard type of equipment is equipped with a check valve, which blocks the return of exhaust air into the room. Such devices are convenient, but not practical. They are connected to a light switch, work for a limited time. Sometimes this is not enough to fully remove moist air.

Automatic models are considered more modern, but they have a high cost. In such devices, clock timers are installed, which allows you to adjust the intensity of their work. The equipment works when the light is turned off for another 25-30 minutes. There are exhaust automatic fans with an installed humidity sensor. After exceeding this parameter above the set mark, the device turns on.

Good technical characteristics of the device are not the key to its long-term operation. When choosing an exhaust fan for the kitchen, you need to read customer reviews about a particular model. The user has the right to demand from the seller a quality certificate for the supplied products. The minimum security value corresponds to the marking ip 34. Dimensional products will not always be of high quality.

Note! A good fan for drawing into the kitchen does not always have a high cost. A correctly selected budget model can last from 3 to 5 years. Expensive household appliances are usually equipped with automation, a humidity sensor and a timer.

Exhaust fan

How to install an exhaust fan in the kitchen

When installing the fan in the kitchen, the following tips must be observed:

  • Connect the hood to the ventilation duct at the highest possible height, this will make it possible to collect all exhaust gases (hot air is always in the upper part of the room).
  • For better circulation, openings for fresh air should be located on the opposite side of the room relative to the fan.
  • Do not install the fan above the stove if its body is not protected against moisture and high temperatures.
  • If power surges occur in the mains, then the fan is connected through a line filter.

In the case of using an air duct with a diameter distinguishable from the exhaust outlet, these parts are interconnected using special glue or dowels.

Exhaust fan


An inexpensive exhaust fan with a simple design allows you to solve the problem of clean air in the kitchen. Any user can install this device according to the attached instructions. The device is mounted in the ceiling, on the walls, fixed in the transom windows in the kitchen.

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