How to choose a hood for the kitchen above the stove: according to the principle of work, in shape and type of construction.

Extractor fan in the kitchenThe kitchen is the only place in the house where food is prepared, and, accordingly, air pollution occurs, accompanied by the appearance of an unpleasant odor. In addition to the above, when creating culinary masterpieces, oily soot stands out, which settles on the walls and ceiling. And cleaning surfaces from greasy plaque is a very complicated procedure. It seems more recently, repairs were made, and again you need to paint the walls and glue the wallpaper. If this is not done, it will be unpleasant to be in the kitchen, and it will be somehow inconvenient to call guests. But these difficulties can be avoided. All that is required is to purchase a modern range hood for the kitchen.

How to choose a hood for the kitchen over the stove

The content of the article

  • How to choose a hood for the kitchen over the stove
    • Which size to choose
    • How to calculate the required hood power
  • What hoods are according to the principle of operation
  • What hoods are in shape and type of construction
  • Additional characteristics and functions of hoods
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Currently, manufacturers offer many models, of various shapes and wide functionality. But which one to give preference to, and what to look for in the selection process? We choose ventilation according to the parameters in accordance with the advice of professionals:

  1. Filtration. Manufacturers integrate two filtration systems. The first eliminates unpleasant odors, and the second delays soot and oily particles. The second filters are often presented in the form of a removable cartridge, with a polyester or non-woven coating. If contaminated, they will need to be replaced. But there are reusable filters made of steel or aluminum. You do not need to change them, but regular cleaning of dirt will become a prerequisite. Also, there are disposable carbon filters that neutralize a variety of odors. In addition, there are budget devices that remove dirty air through standard ventilation in the house. They do not have filters, but now it is very rare in the market.Hoods of various shapes
  2. Appearance. Hoods have a variety of shapes and sizes, which is why during the selection process you will need to build on both the quadrature of the kitchen room and the design selected during the repair process.
  3. Power. In the ventilation installation, one or two fans are installed, operating from the mains. And speaking about the selection of the ventilation system for power, it means the power of these fans. The level of productivity also depends on it, which, as a rule, ranges from 180 to 700 m3 / h.

REFERENCE! High indicators have the reverse side of the coin, namely a high noise level during operation. Yes, and high performance is not necessary at all in an ordinary apartment, for which a hood with average performance is quite enough. But more powerful models are suitable for lovers to spend a day at the stove or for installation in small catering establishments.

Which size to choose

The purchased device must comply with the parameters of the stove or hob. In the first situation, the standard size is from 45 to 90 cm, and in the second it ranges from 50 to 120 cm.

If the dimensions of the ventilation system will be smaller than the size of the stove, then you only have to dream about high-quality air cleaning. But with large dimensions, polluted air will be absorbed in full.

In addition, the determining parameter of effective work is the height of the device. According to established standards, it should be 0.75 m above the surface of the tile. Only in this situation, the operation of the hood will turn out to be of high quality, and it will be possible to achieve optimal air purification, reducing the risk of soot and greasy deposits to a minimum mark.

How to calculate the required hood power

As mentioned earlier, the higher the performance, the more efficient the ventilation device will be.

IMPORTANT! But it should be understood that the larger the quadrature of the kitchen, the higher it is necessary to select the power of the ventilation device.

To identify the indicators you need, you only need to know the area of ​​the kitchen, and then using the elementary formula to derive the value we need. By multiplying the length, height and width of the kitchen room, you can find out how much air is in it. Then the resulting figure must be multiplied by 12, and rounded to the nearest integer. This is the power level of the device required for the kitchen.

What hoods are according to the principle of operation

When choosing the right ventilation system, you need to know that they differ in the type of work. The market is represented by several options.Hoods are different according to the principle of operation

  1. Recirculation models. These models have filters and a forced ventilation system. In an active state, they conduct dirty air masses through filter units, and then send them back to the room. It is recommended to buy such models for installation in kitchens, where it is impossible to connect to a standard ventilation system.
  2. Flowing. They are connected to the duct, through which the dirty and the supply of clean air is carried out.
  3. Combined. Such systems work both in one and in the second of the above modes. The user has the right to choose both recirculation cleaning and air exhaust using an air duct.
  4. Models with automatic inclusion. They are activated automatically when there is a need for air purification.
  5. Hoods with filter. There are models with removable cartridges and reusable filters. Having preferred the first option, the owner will need to make regular replacement of the filters, and when buying the second - to carry out their regular cleaning.

What hoods are in shape and type of construction

The acquired hood should be in harmony with the interior and not stand out from the design idea. Today, the market is represented by a wide variety of models, so it is quite difficult for consumers to choose the right option for installation in their own kitchen. But knowing which ventilation devices by their shape and type of construction exist, the selection process is much easier, and you can give expressiveness to the kitchen design:Different hoods

  1. Wall models. They are installed directly above the stove or hob. Some customers prefer built-in hoods for the kitchen. They are installed directly in the kitchen, which allows you to rationally manage the space. This option will be ideal for rooms with low ceilings.
  2. Island hoods. Setting this option involves considerable waste of the financial plan. This hood is located in the center of the ceiling. Great for large quadrature kitchens. After mounting, a connection is made to the vertical duct. Sometimes these models are used to decorate the kitchen.
  3. Corner hoods. These models are designed to be located in the corner of the room. At the moment, only a small assortment is available to the buyer, which is why the demand for the presented type can be called minimal.
  4. Dome model. Installation is carried out directly above the stove, after which a kind of dome is formed. This range hood has impressive dimensions and a presentable appearance, which makes it an ideal option for consumers who want to make their kitchen an unusual and stylish room. In addition, this model is similar in price to an expensive fireplace.
  5. Hidden ventilation. The presented option is quite practical, and is installed inside the kitchen furniture. The user only sees a small part on which the device control panel is located. With the right approach, the cabinet where the hood is installed can be used for other purposes, which helps to save space in the kitchen.
  6. Telescopic hood. This model is characterized by flush mounting. During use, a panel extends where the grease filters are located.
  7. Flat hood. It works in circulation mode and is the most affordable option. Installation will not cause difficulties even for a beginner, and is carried out parallel to the hob on the wall.
  8. Box hood. Combines classics and notes of minimalism. Outwardly resembles an ordinary box. It is installed in the center of the room in an island way.
  9. T-shaped model. Reminds the letter "T" in an inverted form. Installation involves connecting to a very wide box.
  10. Inclined models. They are attached to the wall, significantly save space and have high performance due to the fact that the air flow moves through a narrower passage.

REFERENCE! Along with the description of these models, you can pay attention to consumer reviews, which will certainly simplify the process of choosing the right ventilation for your kitchen.

Additional characteristics and functions of hoods

For some users, the type of control panel is also a determining factor. They are:

  • sensory (light finger tap on the desired sector);Different hood control panels
  • slider (slider moved on the plane);
  • push-button (control the device and set the desired parameters using regular keys).

In addition, modern hoods delight with additional functionality. This can be a device shutdown timer, humidity level sensor, several speed modes, the presence of lighting devices, etc. These options greatly simplify the use of technology, and make it work to the maximum efficient and high quality.

We hope that the information presented will facilitate the selection of a suitable hood for you, and you will be able to get a truly high-quality, durable and efficient model. Enjoy the shopping!

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