Pros and cons of the halogen heater: whether to buy a halogen heater

halogen heatershould pay attention not only on the characteristics before purchasing the halogen heater, but also on the advantages and shortcomings of devices on which and the productivity will depend forthcoming process.

The operating principle of the halogen heater

The content of the article

  • The operating principle of the halogen heater
  • Pros halogen heater
  • Cons halogen heater
  • Should I buy a halogen heater

For the future analysis of the pros and cons need to consider in detail the way the unit works.

halogen heater working principleDue to the halogen lamp emits waves. Lamp characterizes itself as a tube in which is halogen. The shell is also equipped with a buffer gas. When the device is turned in a spiral temperature rises and a flash illumination occurs, the tungsten atoms depart from it, and then joined again. A feature which has design is that heating occurs with the space by increasing the temperature of the individual items of furniture (which includes the floor wall of the room) and living organisms. And it is from them is already underway in the warm atmosphere. Therefore, the more powerful the equipment, the greater the volume of warmed up.

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Pros halogen heater

pros halogen heaterIt's amazing how much has the positive qualities of the device.

  1. Thanks to a special work process, warming occurs instantly. Spent a few minutes, then you already feel the difference in degrees.
  2. What is more As for the heat, so it is uniform. Some heaters are able to reproduce the heat only the lower part of the room. Immediately warm air mass is distributed equally over the entire area.
  3. Availability in the acquisition. One reason for the high demand - low, justified by the quality, cost.
  4. It is not making a sound during operation. Guaranteed no noise.
  5. Lightweight and compact. This means that you will be able to place or hang the unit at any place, and he, in turn, will not take up much space in the apartment.
  6. Does not collect dust, respectively, it is not dirty.
  7. There is a possibility to use it not only in the restricted area, but also in open terrain.
  8. Easy to install and setup.
  9. Do not dry the air, after work, it would be easy to breathe and stay indoors.

Cons halogen heater

cons halogen heaterOf course, each heat has disadvantages. This one is no exception.

  • Since the temperature rise occurs due to people heating, there is a possibility of exposure.


Harmful effects are not proven conclusively by scientific researchers, however, it is to worry and certainly will not be for a long time under the rays of the instrument issued.

  • At night, the unit may interfere with the work. This is due to the radiation in yellow shades. In addition, some owners may exert a bright glow.
  • Heating takes place by a local. Warm air space does not extend all the rooms that are in the house.
  • degree of heat flux control is not intended.
  • Admissibility of skin burns in humans. Failure to comply with safety measures - to be at a certain distance from the unit - you can get to the deterioration of the retina.

Should I buy a halogen heater

Halogen heater homeOf course, it depends on the technology of appointments by the potential buyer and the personal preferences. If the characteristics coincide with the desired, then this is the right device. In any case, it perfectly fulfills the function of the heater, as they have a strong power. Convenient for operation in open areas, on the street, terraces and even in restaurants. However, the room should not be left for long periods of time. With correct use and the required performance measures such embodiment is suitable to use.

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