What are the heaters

Today in the market confusion: a host of modifications of heaters, but each is suitable for different cases, otherwise it would have disappeared long ago, absorbed by competition. The division is by type of fuel and methods of energy transfer to the environment. Even with a USB interface, miniature devices for hand warming are powered. Older protocols will not allow a significant amount of power to be taken, but the updated standard is capable of delivering 100 watts. We do not see the need to connect heaters by this method, except for intellectual control of equipment. There is a prerequisite for creating curious unified systems. Today we are talking about the types of heaters.

How are heaters divided into

groups? Globally we divide heaters into electric current-fed, and burning fuel to produce heat. In the first case, the gradations are not visible, in the second we note that from the point of view of the ratio of price and result, coal is considered advantageous. And boilers already use this fact in practice to save money. We have repeatedly considered that it is realistic to receive benefits by warming water on a blue or other type of fuel. A true peasant completely drowns firewood, including coniferous trees.

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Recall that the efficiency of such devices is less than 100%.It is not profitable to buy electric water heaters for use in winter, and in summer there is a reason, because the initial temperature is higher. At the same time, the efficiency was estimated approximately, and in the case of heaters this will not work.

On the Internet, they often discuss the reason for the discrepancy between tile power and consumable gas. But the answer is given:

  • efficiency hardly reaches 60%.The rest disappears through the ventilation system. We heat the street in winter and summer.

What was the experience. The owner noticed the time, heating the kettle to the desired temperature. There was a power rating according to the passport. Similarly, we note the amount of burnt gas during this time. Having the caloric value of the fuel, it is possible to estimate the amount of energy. We are guided, for example, by the mass of the balloon, which decreases as work proceeds. In the case of heaters exactly the same. Part of the energy is lost with the exhaust. It is a mistake to think that condensing boilers produce 100% efficiency, as the combustion products are cooled to a temperature of 30 oС.

Anyway, the invisible part goes to the work of a fan that pumps air through the system. Due to this, energy is lost with a guarantee. In this regard, what to recommend. The boilers are selected with a margin of 15%, taking into account losses inside the device. The same applies to heaters.

Usually these are infrared devices that use gas, kerosene and other types of fuel. It is difficult to estimate the power of the heater, it will have to come up with a stand at home. Complemented by the fact that infrared models are mounted firmly, for example, fireplaces. But, if you have the desire and need, you can do the measurements.

It is necessary to choose a couple of days that do not differ in terms of the weather outside, take, for example, an oil radiator of known power, turn on for a while, measure the time to reach the temperature of a given point. It is not necessary during the experiment to recalculate calories. There is a power of an electric heater, it is easy to check it by connecting an ammeter and a voltmeter to the supply circuit. The efficiency of heating elements is quite high, and for reference you can see the passport numbers. When power is determined, experience begins. The first day heats the electric heater; on the second, we replace it with a gas appliance. The conditions are the same, and the desired power is out of proportion: in the first part is the ratio of the times, in the second - watts. If the conditions are met exactly, simply find the desired parameter, compare the value with the passport, respectively, we estimate the cost of gas. We find out the benefits of using different types of heaters.

These arguments seem to critics theorists to be water until it is the turn to pay, and from experience it becomes clear whether the correct decision was the choice of instrument. But, if the house is already equipped from above and to the bottom, it is already too late to change something. In this regard, we would recommend estimating expenses in advance empirically. Here are a couple of aspects to consider when choosing an energy source:

  • Gas requires removal of combustion products. Natural gas may indeed be cheaper than electricity, but it is not so easy to use this energy carrier in practice. In a private house, holes are punched in the street, where a coaxial of two pipes passes. One for fresh air intake, the second for exhaust emission. Say more, if you look in the SNiPs, then you can find instructions on the withdrawal of pipes, where the range and height of smoke emission are discussed. Not a word about coaxial structures piercing the walls. Those who find a solution are waiting for the test: the facade is often with veneer and air clearance. It is unprofitable to beat holes for the appearance of a building and it is often impossible without structural damage. Work will require a permit, and if the building is on the main street of the city, there is a chance that you will have to visit the responsible authorities.
  • A quota is allocated for electricity, and the figure is small. If at creation of the power project of the house mistakes are made or the consumption is underestimated, excess energy should be bought. Most likely, power engineers will have to pay extra to obtain the consent of raising the capacity that a house can consume at a particular point in time. This is called a quota. The value is not so great, and electric heaters consume it all. It should be understood that the heating of the mansion will require hundreds of kilowatts. If the price is not critical, then are there electric heaters for a given power. Yes, there are. This station, pumping through the heaters a huge amount of water distributed over the radiators. Powerful models can be called electric boilers.
  • The gasification of a house will have to be completed under the gas supply system for the house. This means that pipe laying is required. In its simplest form, this does not look good, but a centralized supply from the “yellow pipe” can be used. As you know, in the Russian Federation on the appearance pay attention to almost the last. The rest of the plan for the equipment at home heaters may be very different. These are liquefied gas tanks that supply fuel to the risers through the gearboxes, and individual cylinders for each heater. About the removal of combustion products have already been said. Experts do not recommend categorically taking gas heaters with an open hearth. In this case, the air is taken from the room, which leads to the cooling of the room.

Complete classification of heaters

Finally, we indicate the types of heaters. This material collected in one place is hard to find, we believe that the issue of use is of particular interest. The heaters are classified according to the type of heat transfer and the working environment. In accordance with the first division distinguish:

  • Convection heaters.
  1. Heaters with natural convection.
  2. Forced convection heaters.
  • Infrared heaters.
  1. Dark infrared heaters.
  2. Light infrared heaters.

Also would be attributed to the third group of conduction heaters of the system Underfloor heating, because heat transfer occurs due to thermal conductivity. Otherwise, the two paths indicated are the main ones; in the near future, manufacturers of heaters will not invent a new one. Depending on the working environment of the element are distinguished:

  1. Oil heaters.
  2. Heater type heaters.
  3. Wind blowers and heat guns.
  4. Tube Heaters.
  5. Radiant Ceiling Heater.
  6. Stove Heaters.
  7. Film and cable heaters.
  8. Wall panel heaters.
  9. Radiators.
  10. Heaters fireplaces and other appliances of a similar sense.

Indicated the main types of heaters. Units can even work on different principles in the same group. Mikatermicheskie we refer to the plate, resemble oil, and are due to infrared radiation. It is not enough to tell what heaters are, it is also necessary to evaluate the ways of obtaining heat by them. For more information, look at other reviews; on your website, your Technician is available for almost every kind of description of the principle of operation and examples of logical use.

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