How to make a heater for the house with his own hands: Walkthrough

heaterIn the cold season increases the need for a heat source for local heating. Why is this happening - this is a topic for another conversation, but one way or another, every fall, sharply increases the demand for heaters, which are used for home heating and industrial premises. Many artists prefer to make their own hands, the more that there is nothing complicated about it does not exist.

Can I make a heater with your hands

The content of the article

  • Can I make a heater with your hands
  • How to make your own hands heater for the home: the options
    • homemade thermo
    • Heater from the remnants of a warm floor
    • Making the fan heater from the fact that at hand
  • How to make a powerful heater with your hands
    • Do your own oil heater
    • Homemade infrared heater
  • Rules of operation of self-made heaters

heater do with his own handsIn fact, a homemade heater - and it's not such a complex structure, and make it not so difficult at home. You do not need a lot of tools and some materials in short supply.

How to make your own hands heater for the home: the options

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Below is a look at some ways of manufacturing the heater with your hands.

homemade thermo

homemade thermoThe basis of this design lie homemade two plates ordinary window glass. This two rectangles measuring 40 * 60 mm each. That is, each area is within 25 square meters. cm.

For the production of the work required:

  • twisted pair copper wire;
  • tester;
  • candle made of paraffin;
  • block of wood;
  • pliers;
  • sealant;
  • glue based on epoxy resin;
  • c / b napkin;
  • Hygienic sticks.

sequence of operations as follows:

  1. Cleaning of glass plates using the wipes. Remove dust from the surface, degreased and dried.
  2. And spark ignited using a pliers-type tongs zakapchivayut glass. Important in this step is to obtain a uniform layer of deposit. Closed soot side and will act as a conductor portion. This operation is to obtain uniform layer to be repeatedly retried.
  3. After the glass cooled, each of them is cleaning the edge of a deposit. To do this, using hygienic sticks, remove carbon deposits around the perimeter.
  4. Layer is deposited on the cleaned foil is 5 mm wide. The foil acts as a terminal. The same operation is performed with the second plate.
  5. On that part that remained coated with coke deposited adhesive layer, over which is placed a segment of the foil prepared above. Strips act as the contact you want to connect the conductor.
  6. Details junction between a connection point, brush sealant.
  7. On a wooden block placed assembled structure and includes a network of 12 V.

The design is ready for use.

Heater from the remnants of a warm floor

heater from the remnants of a warm floorAmong the owners of property in the city, and beyond, we have received wide popularity warm floors made from film. If after installing floor heating in housing remain waste of the film, they can be used to make home-made heater. To heat the room 4 square meters. m, it is enough of a square. m film. This heater can be mounted either in the house or in the garage.

preparation of materials. To ensure the work on the creation of a heater is necessary to prepare the next set of materials and tools:

  • foil film, it is used as a substrate film for floor heating;
  • copper wires of 0.75 square meters. mm;
  • thermal control;
  • bitumen tape.

The sequence of operations for manufacturing the heater of the fuser as follows:

  1. Once you collected all necessary, can proceed to the cutting of the sheet film.
  2. Prepare wires for connecting it to the film. For this it is necessary to remove the insulation from one end of the bend purified end half and tighten it in the harness and then compress it pliers.
  3. To the prepared harness worn terminal.
  4. Connecting with the wire clamp to the edge of the imaging film.
  5. Insulation of all connected with the use of bitumen tape.

Either before work or after the assembly of "warm" plate, the free end of the wire is necessary to install the socket.


This "WARM" LIST OF WORKS VOLTAGE 220 volts, so the consolidation and operation it is necessary to provide all the SAFETY PRECAUTIONS.

Making the fan heater from the fact that at hand

heater from the fact that at handIn fact, in the household you can find a lot of interesting things, from which you can make a small power heater. You can use cans of mineral water, it is possible to produce thermal panel and much more. There model made on the basis of the wire heating element, such as nichrome.

How to make a powerful heater with your hands

By the way, with his own hands, you can do more "serious" heaters, they can be used not only for heating the garage, but enough to maintain heat in a small workshop.

Do your own oil heater

Oil heater with your handsOil heater has high efficiency, is quite simple to manufacture and safe in operation. His work is built on the following principle - inside a sealed enclosure is filled oil. Inside the housing are arranged heating elements that heat the oil, moving inside the container.

such an arrangement is required for the manufacture of:

  • TAN - 1 kW at the rate of 1 sq. m.
  • Sealed housing, the design of which completely eliminates the leakage of fluid, most often it is welded. The composition, which includes anechoic tube.
  • Clean and industrial oils. Its volume is 85% of the internal volume of the housing.
  • Controls and automation, their range is determined by the power parameters of the heater.

The order of execution of works is as follows:

  1. Constitute system sketch, there should reflect the linear dimensions of the sections, the elementary heat calculation. On the basis of this sketch can be a bill of materials needed to build the structure.
  2. Acquired tube is cut into the size and choke, subsequently they are installed heating elements. To perform welding work makes sense to invite an expert.
  3. The design must provide for a neck for pouring oil and oil drain cock, it is set at the lowest point of the structure (Sensitive)
  4. Once the register is welded, it is advisable to test for leaks, for this work is necessary to attract the pressing pump. As the detection of leakage they must be completely eliminated.
  5. At the prearranged place to install heating elements, and then you can check availability.

Homemade infrared heater

a self-made infrared heaterAlternatively, you can consider this option as a "warm panel". This will require a dry glue, graphite powder, a plastic sheet, and the cord. In short the essence of the idea is as follows: - graphite powder mixed with glue. Clay - a binder base, and graphite - a conductor with a high resistance. Once the mixture is ready it can be applied to a plastic sheet and observing the measures fulfill all the necessary connections. Operating temperature of this mixture is 65 degrees.

While the mixture is still in the liquid state, it is necessary to fill in the form, made of wooden beams and after drying to connect wires and test operation.

Rules of operation of self-made heaters

It is desirable that improvised heaters were fitted with automatic, which will reduce the possibility of overheating or ignition device.

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