Dishwasher Malfunction Ariston

The breakdown of the dishwasher causes a flurry of emotions, but do not be in a hurry to despair. Our publication will help you troubleshoot the dishwashers "Ariston" with your own hands. The error code on the display can indicate them, and each fault has its own "symptoms".

We will learn to distinguish and eliminate the breakdown of the dishwasher "Hotpoint-Ariston".

Ariston PMM error codes are collected and described in detail in a separate article.

Dishwasher Malfunction Ariston

Content of the material:

  • 1The main reasons for the breakdown of the Ariston dishwasher
  • 2How to repair a dishwasher
    • 2.1Replacement of heater
    • 2.2Checking the water intake and level sensor
    • 2.3Pump replacement

The main reasons for the breakdown of the Ariston dishwasher

The reasons that the dishwasher does not work may be several. As already mentioned above, you need to pay attention to the "symptoms" of breakage. Let us consider in more detail

  • Ariston PMM does not heat water. The cause may be a broken TEN. Check the wiring leading to the heater, the heater itself and the thermostat. The latter helps to measure the water temperature, so in case of a breakdown, it needs a replacement.
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The main reasons for the breakdown of the Ariston dishwasher

  • When the machine does not collect water, you need to check the presence of water in the water supply. Sometimes the cause is a blockage in the filler hose or strainer. Did you notice that the dishwasher does not wash the dishes? Check the nozzles on the sprinkler, maybe they are hammered.
  • The water is constantly poured and drained in the dishwasher. This fault indicates problems with the priming valve. Its membrane does not close, therefore water constantly arrives, thus the indicator blinks, notifying about breakage. The reason may be in the level sensor, which is responsible for monitoring the water in the tank.

The main reasons for the breakdown of the Ariston dishwasher

  • The machine is noisy at work, the water does not drain. Could break the beam, or the pump broke.
  • The reason for the leakage of the car could be a drain and a filling hose. Depressurization of the enclosure or door could also serve as a leakage of water. We need a thorough inspection and replacement of parts.

The main reasons for the breakdown of the Ariston dishwasher

  • Your dishwasher "Ariston" does not start and does not turn on? Plug another device into its outlet. If it does not work, then a breakdown in the outlet. Next, check the on-board switch. Call the switch contacts, replace it if faulty.

If your car is still under warranty, then you should not solve problems yourself. It is better to contact the service center.

How to repair a dishwasher

In some cases, you can repair the breakdown yourself. Before starting work, disconnect the Ariston machine from the network and communications. Prepare the necessary tools.

Replacement of heater

The heater often suffers from scale when using hard water. If you hear an unpleasant smell of burning, you need to check the wiring of the heater, which could burn out. Are you sure that the Hotpoint-Ariston heater is defective? Then proceed with the replacement:

  1. Open the door to the hatch where the dishes are loaded.
  2. Take out all trays and shelves.
  3. Remove the spray for water by pulling it upwards. It's at the bottom of the car.
  4. From the bottom is a filter that protects the pump from contamination. Unscrew the part and remove the mesh from the bottom.
  5. Remove the bolts that secure the pipe and heater.
  6. Put the dishwasher on one side, opening the access to the bottom.
  7. If the machine is detached, remove the rear panel by unscrewing the mounting bolts. If the device is built-in, remove the bottom.
  8. A pump is attached to the TEN by the side. You need to unscrew it clockwise. Disconnect the pump wiring and pull it out of the housing.Replacement of heater
  9. Disconnect the heater's rubber mount and remove the heater.

Tip: To make the correct wiring connection, take pictures of the connectors before you get the item out of the socket.

Start the machine after repair to check the operation of the new item.

Checking the water intake and level sensor

When the Ariston dishwasher does not receive water or, on the contrary, is constantly poured, check the intake valve. Repair the item is not subject to, so you need to disassemble PMM:

  • Remove the side or rear panel (depending on the model) of the dishwasher.
  • The valve is located immediately behind the filler hose.
  • Unscrew the valve fasteners, disconnect the wiring.

Checking the water intake and level sensor

  • For replacement, the part for the particular dishwasher model is selected.

Also could break the pressure switch. The causes of its breakdown are natural wear, burning of contacts, clogging in the pressure tube.

How to disassemble the machine and get to the sensor:

  1. Open the access to the bottom of the dishwasher.
  2. Find the level sensor. It looks like a box with tubes.Checking the water intake and level sensor
  3. Remove the two mounting bolts.
  4. Pick up the tube from the box with pliers.
  5. Inspect the tank (box) for pressure.Checking the water intake and level sensor
  6. Check the electrical part of the pressure switch by measuring the resistance at the terminals.
  7. If there is a fault, replace the new part in the reverse order.

Making a replacement is easy and with your own hands. Be careful, follow the recommendations.

Pump replacement

Below is the instruction to replace the drain pump (pump) of the dishwasher. In this repair the main thing is to properly disassemble the dishwasher.

Replacement stages:

  • Open the bunker door of the car.
  • Release the hopper from shelves and baskets.
  • Pull out the bottom filter, as well as the metal mesh.
  • Remove the water inlet hose.
  • Put the car on the "back remove the bottom cover. To do this, unscrew the screws around the perimeter.

Pump replacement

  • Disconnect the wiring connectors from the pump.
  • Unclip the hose clamp with pliers. Disconnect it from the pump.
  • Unscrew the fixing screw, remove the pump assembly.
  • Replace the new pump with a rubber seal. Connect wiring.

Pump replacement

Please note that next to the drain pump is a circulation pump (motor). If the pump only drains the water, the pump drives it by the machine, delivering it to the sprinklers.

Pump replacement

If the PMM "Ariston" does not wash the dishes, the reason may be in the washing pump. How to get to the drain pump we described above. Then proceed as follows:

  • First remove the drain pump.

Pump replacement

  • Disconnect the pump motor wiring.
  • Press out the engine mount.
  • Unclip the metal hose clamps that are attached to the circulation pump (only three hoses).

Pump replacement

  • Pulling it out of the body, you need to remove the spring in the bottom and rearrange it to a new part.
  • Turn the spring clockwise and remove.
  • To install a new engine (washing pump), you need to remove the old hose clamps and install new ones.
  • Secure the device in the reverse order.

Pump replacement

So you can independently cope with the repair of the dishwasher brand "Ariston". Pay attention to the operation of your equipment, if you notice any deviations - carry out an inspection.

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