Indirect heating heater: what it is, the device, operating principles, advantages and disadvantages.

Indirect heating boilerThe need for hot water in any home or office undeniable - for this set boilers. Such devices are electrical, wherein the heater is present as a heater. In the market there are gas appliances with a burner. In addition to these, issued units of indirect type.

indirect heating water heater is that it is

The content of the article

  • indirect heating water heater is that it is
    • Structure and working principle of indirect heating boiler
    • Installation and connection of the water heater
  • Advantages and disadvantages of indirect heating boiler
  • Choosing boiler indirect connection

A feature of the construction of boilers of indirect type is the lack of their own heating element. Such a device is due to reception of heat from the outside, usually from the central heating system or a solar cell. Possible to use a cascade system, i.e. the heating process in the unit-type indirect activation occurs after the main boiler.

REFERENCE! The need for application arises when it is necessary to increase the supply of hot water from the weak pressure in the building due to heating of cold or extra point.

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Structure and working principle of indirect heating boiler

Water heater so-called indirect heating tank is cylindrical in shape. The apparatus consists of the following elements:

  • housing;indirect type cylinder apparatus
  • insulation;
  • Internal stainless steel tank;
  • temperature meter;
  • heat transfer systems;
  • magnesium anode.

A heater installed between the tub and the housing provides the least heat loss. Inside the tank is a heat exchanger. It is made of steel or brass tube which special curves laid on the bottom, thereby providing uniform heating of water. A thermometer monitors the temperature. For protection from corrosion is set magnesium anode.

REFERENCE! Given the characteristics of seasonal operation and customer needs, modern water heaters indirect type often combined to produce steel, combined with a gas or electric heating.

The heater can be mounted:

  1. On the wall, when the room is little space or want to save it. But it is necessary to take into account that the fastening brackets are executed having a weight limit, so the mass of the boiler should not exceed 100 kg.
  2. On the floor, applied to the devices of 100 kg, on special supports.

Installation and connection of the water heater

Before turning on, you must mount the device correctly. The following nuances should be considered:

  1. First we need to choose the place of installation. As a rule, it is a bathroom or toilet.
  2. When installing it is important to take into account: the convenience of dismantling, the ability to get to the connections. It will need during servicing and repair work. Do not interfere and obstruct the passage of other engineering systems.Where to install the boiler indirect heating
  3. If the room where the boiler is installed, the walls are not capital, and plasterboard, it is impossible to fix. In this case a variant or outdoor installation is performed on a metal rack.
  4. Connecting to the water supply and electricity system is carried out by qualified personnel. Particular attention should be paid that before turning on the power grid metal case must be earthed.
  5. After installing the switch is made to the power grid, according to the instructions given in the data sheet. Check the correct operation of the device.
  6. After the hot water supply to the water heater heat exchanger, the coolant must circulate continuously to maintain the temperature - the pump is installed for this purpose. After heating to the desired temperature, the pump is deactivated. Water can remain hot for a long time due to the heat-insulating insulation.

IMPORTANT! Stainless steel tank, sooner or later would be destroyed by water. It is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the tank seams - they are often the first to provide a leak.

Advantages and disadvantages of indirect heating boiler

Note advantages indirect heater type:

  1. The ability to heat large volumes. Wall device can warm up to 150 liters, floor - to 300 liters.
  2. Saving. At the height of the heating season will receive substantial savings on utility costs.
  3. The possibility of organizing several hot water dispensing points. This is true for a large private home or office.

REFERENCE! Application of the combined version is currently in high demand as the season shutdown and reduction of hot water pressure more and more often occurs in congested neighborhoods megacities. It comes to the aid of the combined type water heater that runs from the coolant heating in winter, and in the warm season comes into effect on the electricity or gas.


  1. The high cost in comparison with analogues. As a rule, the high cost of the product due to the prices of spare parts and consumables.
  2. The water is heated for a long time, because of the large volume of the tank and heating technology. If you apply for frequent use in everyday life, it is possible to provide a smaller volume.
  3. The heating is dependent on heating the coolant. Indirect heating period one is justified in the middle of the heating season. On warm winter days, when the coolant temperature falls, the use of indirect device becomes impossible - water heating does not occur.
  4. Ceiling heating temperature is lower than the electric and gas heaters. This characteristic limits the use of this type of water heaters in the health and care institutions where there are stringent requirements for hot water temperature.

Choosing boiler indirect connection

When choosing a water heater should pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. What volume. It is necessary to define the purposes for which is bought, what the potential costs, whether additional points. Do not forget that a large volume will be a long time to warm up.Vodonegrevateli indirect heating of different amounts of
  2. The material from which the coil is formed - steel or brass. They are removable and are welded to the tank. Typically, removable brass - they preferred.
  3. The material from which the tank is formed. Cheap models often are not made of stainless steel. They have a coating, which is subsequently covered with cracks, which leads to rapid wear.
  4. What material is used for insulation. It should be made of polyurethane instead of foam. Foam rubber has poor thermal insulation characteristics, so it does not allow to fully operate the device.

Water heater necessary and useful in the home appliance. The market offers a huge number of models - in value and principle of operation. From the most budget to premium. So, the choice can be done, do not overpay superfluous. It remains only to pick up the device, the characteristics of which suit you.

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