Diseases of chickens and their treatment

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Growing chicken young, poultry can lose part of the livestock because of the disease of chickens. The first signs of malaise of individual individuals should be alarmed. The smaller the age of the chick, the more danger it poses.

Preventing chicken diseases in the first period of life

Of great importance is the selection of eggs for breeding offspring only from healthy chickens. During the withdrawal of the chicks, the physiological process of development of the embryo should be observed. The first chicks from broods are more active, grow faster. The chicks deposited from the incubator should receive:

  • bright clean room with heating;
  • vodichku in a special watering-pot;
  • small dry food in the form of corn slicks or millet.
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The temperature is created comfortable, so that the kids do not climb against each other. Do not steer them. If the heating is made by an incandescent lamp, the temperature under it should be about 37-39 degrees, as in a hen.

The chicken, hatching from the egg, already sees, hears and is ready to follow the hen. The she-squatter sits on the masonry after the first-born for 36 hours, then leaves the nest and leads the brood. Nature is wise, the remaining chicks will be weaker and may not survive. In the incubator, the process is stretched for three days.

When examining the feeding family, attention should be paid to brood activity, mucous membranes and the condition of fluff or feathers. Weak and low-active pets should be sent off to clarification in a separate box. Infectious diseases in the absence of immunity can quickly mow the entire brood.

Responsible for the first week of nursing pets, until they begin to break through the rudiments of feathers. At this time, chicken diseases appear more often. An ailment can be caused by:

  • conditions of detention;
  • unbalanced in composition by food;
  • poisoning with poor-quality food or vitamin deficiency;
  • bacterial and viral infections.

To obtain healthy young animals during the first month of life, the sterility of the feeding troughs and the cleanliness of the chickens content must be observed. To strengthen immunity brood vitamins for chickens in the early days are necessary in the form of green milled grass. Pharmaceutical formulations can be used starting from the second week. From the first day in the trough should be gravel or coarse sand, for inclusion in the work of the walls of the stomach.

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The role of vitamin supplements

If the chickens do not have enough vitamins in their daily diet, this will be noticeable from the fifth day of life. Nestlings require vitamins D, K. The shortcoming of each characterizes the signs:

  • A - conjunctivitis, weak legs;
  • B - convulsions, the head is thrown, development lags behind;
  • D - rickets, grows poorly, soft bones, poorly eating;
  • K - the chicken refuses to eat, the skin is dry, there is no thermoregulation on hot days, cannibalism.

As a curative and preventive remedy for beriberi and polyvitaminosis, Trivit is prescribed for chickens. The oil-based complex is insoluble in water and added to the feed, according to the instructions. Do not exceed the dose. Apply the drug as a medicine, when there were signs of illness in several individuals in the brood. Signs of polyvitaminosis will become diarrhea, cramps, lethargy and weight loss of chickens.

It is normal, if from the first days of life, the chicks get all the vitamins in their natural form. Sufficient will be 30 grams of different vitamins per head per day.

The water-soluble polyvitaminacidos composition is added to the chickens. It is a biologically active additive recommended by all agricultural animals and poultry, but in different doses. The complete complex of active substances is convenient and effective in application:

  • The aqueous form of vitamins is absorbed faster and better absorbed in the body;
  • balanced composition;
  • does not require additional use of other dosage forms of vitamins, especially D;
  • contributes to effective digestion of fodder and weight gain.

A preventive agent that prevents inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa is the preparation metronidazole for chicks. Water-soluble tablets or powder are used. This medication has no side effects.

What are the diseases of chicken symptoms and treatment?

At first glance, it is difficult for a layman to distinguish between physiological diseases associated with errors in care and infectious diseases. The first sign of infectious diseases will be the temperature rise in the chick.


The protozoan is programmed to bring the chicks out within two months. Then it starts to sweep. Monthly chicks are considered to be adapted to an independent life.

Non-communicable diseases of chickens are related to care:

  1. Overheating or cooling of the site is dangerous for chickens up to a month old, since they do not have thermoregulation. Such chicks move little, gather in pyramids, they have signs of ARI. It is necessary to adjust the heating mode and give a warm drink. If overheating is allowed, put the chicks in the shade and fill the drinking bowl, they usually overheat if there is no water.
  2. Atrophy of the muscular ventricle threatens chickens eating a floury homogeneous food and lack of mineral additives in the form of small pebbles. Chickens eat and drink all the time, but lose weight. In the litter leaves the undeveloped food. It is necessary to introduce into the ration droblenku and minerals. Make the diet varied.
  3. Indigestion makes itself felt at the age of one month. The cause may be rough substandard feed, dirty water for drinking and unsanitary conditions in the poultry house. Vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, indigestion will cause why the chickens die. Treatment with antibiotics, feed replace, include in the diet cottage cheese and curdled milk. Drink with the addition of potassium permanganate or baking soda.
  4. Chickens can peck stored chemicals in an accessible place, poison for rodents or get a surplus of common salt. It is possible to solder a bird with potassium permanganate, milk, but more often the chick dies.
  5. Cannibalism in chickens occurs for many reasons. A tight room or too bright light can provoke aggression. One of the reasons is a wrong diet. If the baby's body is cracked, the wound should be disinfected and made invisible. In extreme cases, the chicken must be planted. Why do the chickens start rasklevyvat each other, set experimentally. In the diet add bone meal, yeast, herbs. Apply therapeutic drug aminazine. Experts advise to conduct debikiirovanie beaks, at an early age the procedure is painless.
  6. The consequence of malnutrition can be other manifestations. Why do chicks fall to their feet? This problem is associated with a lack of calcium in the feed. However, rickets may have the same symptoms. And this is due to the lack of vitamin D and the content of chickens in a dark, tight room. To avoid the disease, it is enough to feed the animals with special compound feed with a full set of balanced ingredients from the first days.
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Infectious diseases include all diarrhea. Than to treat at chickens diarrhea depends on color of vydeleny. Diarrhea leads to dehydration, weakens the body. Danger of white diarrhea, it indicates the presence of salmonella sticks in the room. The spread of the disease is crowded and poor hygiene. Brown foamy diarrhea is caused by an infection and is called coccidiosis. After treatment of diseased chicks should be destroyed, the poultry house is disinfected. Green diarrhea can be infectious or a consequence of poor-quality food. Bloody diarrhea is treated with Avatev and Baytril preparations.

In case of any diarrhea, the chick must be isolated and afterwards continue to be treated, the place of general maintenance should be cleaned and disinfected.

Infectious diseases are accompanied by high fever. If the chicken is separated from the pack and stands motionless, choking, you need to inspect it. A common disease is typhus, which affects the chick from the age of two months. Twists up to 60% of the brood. For prevention use antibiotics and pink solution of potassium permanganate.

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Paratyphus or salmonellosis is a common disease in chicks in free-range. They can infect pigeons or seagulls, being near. At first, the disease does not manifest itself, it is difficult to cure afterwards, the herd's attack is up to 70%. Smallpox can not be cured. On the fifth day of the illness, yellow growths appear on the body and near the beak, then a rash appears in the beak.


To grow healthy young animals and avoid lunge, you must observe the conditions of detention, use benign food and vitamin supplements. At inspection it is necessary to reject chicks with insignificant deviations. In the insulator provide additional care and treatment of weakened chickens.

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