Washing machine cover: what's the use

Manufacturers of washing machines pamper us with a variety of functions and programs, but the exterior design remains traditional. For decoration and variety of appearance, there are special covers for washing machines.

What it can be useful for and what kind of functional load it carries, we'll discuss in the article.

Washing machine cover: what's the use

Content of the material:

  • 1Why it is needed
  • 2On which washing machines you can buy a ready-made case
  • 3How to sew a case for a washing machine with your own hands
  • 4Correct application
  • 5Patterns of covers

Why it is needed

The casing on the washing machine has both practical and aesthetic application. Do you need to equip the bathroom in a certain style? Please: choose a flower ornament or a strict coloring. Tired of the same kind? Change it to a brighter cape.

Covers for styaroks are made of special fabric - polyester. They are light and waterproof. Therefore, it is convenient to take care of the casing, it is resistant to dirt. And even if you put a stain, it will easily be washed in a washing machine.

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Why it is needed

If we talk about the practical function of the cover, then you will be convinced that it protects the body of the washer from damage. Probably, more than once it happened that the powder or rinse aid was spilled onto the body or control panel of the AGR. In the future, this negatively affects its work. But the cover is able to protect the machine from spilled funds and other damages mechanically.

Most of the capes have special pockets, where you can conveniently add detergents. Small pockets are provided for collecting small items and other items that get from things before washing.

Moreover, the fabric covers are able to reduce the noise level when spinning.

On which washing machines you can buy a ready-made case

Choosing a casing for the stylalka in the store, you must navigate by the type of its loading.

For machines with vertical loading, covers are provided, consisting of two parts: for the case and separately for the cover. So, you can conveniently fold up the cover, remove the cover and start washing.

On which washing machines you can buy a ready-made case

For stylals with a frontal arrangement of the hatch, a one-piece casing is designed - with a special curtain in the front. During work, you fold or collect a curtain into a roll.

Where to buy a ready-made case? In the store or on the Internet. The latter option is convenient with a wider choice of colors and shapes. It can be just a cape that is removed before washing, or a permanent casing for the case.

On which washing machines you can buy a ready-made case

Choose the cover according to the dimensions of your washing machine. For a narrow machine, specify its dimensions (40x60x80).

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to choose a cover that matches the size of a vertical or frontal washing machine. Therefore, you can sew a cloak yourself, choosing any coloring.

How to sew a case for a washing machine with your own hands

For these purposes, you can choose any fabric, preferably waterproof. If your goal is only to protect the stylalk from contamination, then you can choose the usual oilcloth.

How to sew a case for a washing machine with your own hands

How to sew a cover with your own hands? Measure the washing machine, leaving a small allowance. Do the work step by step, start by making a pattern. It should be borne in mind that the front hatch and rear wall must be constantly available. It's also easy to use the control panel. To do this, provide a folding curtain.

Think about the location of pockets, hooks, stickers, which will hold the curtains.

How to sew a case for a washing machine with your own hands

Correct application

Using a case is not only aesthetically and practically, but also dangerous. If not properly used, the casing can accumulate moisture, which will lead to rust and corrosion of the casing. Therefore, during washing it is desirable to completely remove it, or fold the curtains for normal ventilation.

Correct application

Having weighed the pros and cons of the invention, you can take it for its manufacture. The fabric cover is convenient and beautiful if you use it for the aesthetics of the room. But it should not interfere with the styarke to perform its function.

Patterns of covers

Patterns of coversPatterns of coversPatterns of coversPatterns of coversPatterns of covers

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