Leveling the floor under the tile: why do you need what is required

Alignment of the floor, as well as walls, and the ceiling is a mandatory process in apartment renovations, when it comes not only to painting walls. And this procedure must be performed efficiently. Why?

Why do I need to level the floor under the tile

The content of the article

  • Why do I need to level the floor under the tile
  • What will be required for the process
  • How to align the floor under the tile correctly

level the floor under the tileBecause if this is not so, it makes no sense to lay tiles, like other flooring. It will be instantly destroyed by the first person who stepped on it. All because of the bumps. Ceramic tile is extremely fragile, it does not perceive this kind of load.

So, leveling the floor before laying the tiles and not only is an obligatory event, both in the kitchen and in the bathroom, in bathrooms, living rooms and in all other rooms. And you should start by dismantling the old coating.

What will be required for the process

level the floor under the tileIn preparation for leveling the floor, you should determine the method of work. There are several of them. The cheapest and most popular is a concrete screed.

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  1. For work, you will need cement grades from M300 and above, sand, input and various additives, for example, expanded clay, brick or glass battle. If there is no way to complicate the work of making the mixture, you can buy a ready-made dry mixture, fill it with water and use as intended.
  2. First of all, you need to decide what to do with the old screed. The solution here is simple. If it is strong enough and holds well, and there is no need to significantly lower or raise the floor level, you can do without dismantling.
  3. Whatever decision is made, you still need to start work. So, the old screed is removed using a traditional set of tools: a chisel, a hammer and the like. If the screed will be produced under a certain slope, it is recommended to use a concrete mixture, it is more stable. The concrete option is also used in the case when it is necessary to eliminate large gaps and gaps.
  4. Ready mix is ​​poured on the floor cleared of a coupler. It remains to wait for the completion of drying, which can last up to three weeks.

Experienced repairmen recommend using the finished mixture, finding what works best for a particular floor. It will turn out a little more expensive, but the screed will dry in four to five days, that is, three times faster.

How to align the floor under the tile correctly

level the floor under the tileAs often happens in construction and repair work, some technological methods are unconditionally supported by some specialists, while others consider the application of such approaches to be a mistake. Many people choose dry mixes, and this makes serious sense.

The fact is that various functional additives are added to the mixture. It can be any polymeric materials, disintegrants and the like. They are often useful because they enhance the strength characteristics of the mixture or its elasticity.

After pouring, the fresh coating must be carefully leveled, covered with plastic wrap and left alone for a while. From a few days to several weeks have to wait. After the screed has dried, it should be treated with sandpaper for smoothness.

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