Autumn time in the garden: we fertilize grapes and currants

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I have a young garden and a small vineyard, which this season was not given a very generous harvest. Probably, this is due to the fact that in the spring we did not particularly spoil their feeding. Now we decided to catch up. Tell me, what complex of autumn fertilizers can I use in autumn for grapes and currants?

For all garden crops autumn is a crucial period. At this time they are preparing for the upcoming winter and gaining strength before the next season. No exception, and cultures such as grapes and currants - autumn fertilization will help them successfully and without losses overwinter, and also replenish the supply of nutrients spent on the formation and maturation harvest.

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What do grapes need in autumn?

Grape bushes at the end of the growing season need organic feeding. At the beginning of September, manure, compost or ash should be introduced into the trunks, retreating from the trunk about 50 cm. Dig up by deepening the fertilizer for at least half a meter. Top dressing should be done when the soil is wet.

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Fertilizing young grape bushes with manure, if it was laid when planting them, can be carried out not earlier than in three years.

In addition, in late September, you need to fertilize the grapes with a mineral complex of nutrients, consisting of:

  • 20 g of superphosphate;
  • 1 g of potassium iodine;
  • the same amount of boric acid;
  • 10 g of potassium salt;
  • Zinc sulphate and manganese - each 2 grams each.
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Such a composition will contribute to the laying of a future crop and help the grapes survive the winter. To lay it it is necessary in trenches, preliminary made in a trunk circle.

After applying fertilizers, cover the plantings with humus or grass.

What does the currant need in the autumn?

The fertilizing of the currant must begin to be done even after the fruiting has ended. At this time, nitrogen fertilizers and superphosphate should alternate.

With the advent of September, preparations containing nitrogen, it is necessary to exclude, otherwise the bushes will continue to grow shoots and will not have time to grow stronger to frosts.

It is better to replace them with organic, for example, a bird droppings, making 800 g per 1 sq. Km. m., or watering the bush solution, prepared in the proportion: 5. In addition, at the end of September, the currant can be fertilized with mineral fertilizers, including potassium sulfate (15 g) and superphosphate (30 g) and for each bush.

Read also:Fertilizer for garlic in summer - ash woody

And in conclusion in November, make a currant humus and dig the ground under the bush. By spring, he will have time to decompose and with the beginning of the growing season will actively feed the plant.


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