How to remove a tile without breaking it: step-by-step instructions

Faced with the need for repairs, the question often becomes of dismantling various coatings. The most problematic in this regard is tile. If you do not need to save the cladding, then there will be no problems, it is simply chopped off with a perforator. But how to remove a tile if you decide to reuse it? Tiles can later be used for cladding cottages, workshops, etc.

How to remove a tile without breaking it

Important points before removing a tile

The content of the article

  • Important points before removing a tile
  • What do you need to remove the tiles
  • Preparatory work
  • Removing a tile without breaking it: step-by-step instructions

The problems with the cementitious compounds on which the facing is laid, as a rule, are beyond the capabilities of even specialists, therefore it is undesirable to take on this work without skills. If the tile is laid on glue, you can try to remove it with minimal damage, but you need to prepare for the fact that splits are inevitable and often they amount to about 50%.

To determine whether this work should be done at all, a simple experiment can be done. What will be needed a spatula and a small mallet. Walk around the perimeter, and gently tap each tile. If there are many voids, you can start work, but if the tile is held in good conscience, then you should not waste time on it.

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Tile removal

What do you need to remove the tiles

Of the tools you will need:

  • bit;
  • hammer drill;
  • hammer;
  • durable spatula;
  • screwdriver;
  • scraper;
  • capacity for warm water, rags;
  • Bulgarian;
  • hardened wire with a cross section of 4-5 mm;
  • electric drill.

Reference! You also need to take care of security measures. Use rubber gloves, gauze bandage, goggles.

Tile removal

Preparatory work

If you completely dismantle the tile, you must whole, which is often simply impossible to do, then first you need to prepare the walls. The better these work is carried out, the easier it is to cope with the task, and the number of whole tiles will increase significantly:

  1. Along the perimeter of the room, the joints between the tiles are thoroughly wetted with water. It is easiest to do this with a sponge, wetting it in a soapy water solution.
  2. Remove the grout with a chisel, trowel or screwdriver.
  3. The edges of the joints should be additionally cleaned with an electric drill nozzle. If there is no nozzle, you can simply wipe them with a wet soapy sponge.

Reference! When the preparation is completed, give the tile a little “rest”, the moistened adhesive will swell a little, in this case it is much easier to produce work.

Removing a tile without breaking it: step-by-step instructions

It is necessary to work with a chisel and a hammer. It is long, difficult and time-consuming, but if you want to preserve the integrity of the tile - this is the only option. The stages of work are as follows:

  • if the row above, side or bottom is not open, then you will need to sacrifice some tiles for access. Most often this is not required, but if suddenly the cladding is on the entire surface of the room, then the tile is broken with a hammer at the top;
  • when access to the tile appears, it is necessary to drive the chisel between the layer of mortar and tile, and gently tap on it. If 4-5 hits were made and the tile is reliably in place, it is highly likely that it will crack from further hits. Try to pry the tile from the other part. If it again does not give in, you need to come to terms, you cannot take it off whole, and you need to break it. If the coating moves away from the wall, then you need to be especially careful when it has moved 2/3, at this point you need to make every effort to keep the corners intact. You need to poke the tile from all sides;
  • the tile is dismantled starting from the top;
  • from row to row move down. This reduces the possibility of collapse of the coating and injury;
  • You can remove the old cement composition or glue from the wall with a punch.
Tile removal

Tile removal is a long and laborious job. Most importantly, no one can guarantee the integrity of the tile. Therefore, you need to be prepared for everything and hope for a positive outcome.

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