Is it worth overpaying for a Chinese dumplings?


Dumplings are everyone's favorite dish. If you buy them in a store, you get an inexpensive, fast and tasty dish. However, sometimes you want your home-made ravioli. Only they are done for a very long time. After all, you need to manually put stuffing in each pelmenku, then wrap it in a special way, check if the dough is well sealed, and only then you can cook. Such a long job like not every hostess. And what should I do? Go to the store and buy ready-made dumplings again?

The answer is simple: no, by no means. After all, there is a pelmenna, thanks to which the preparation of dumplings does not take much time. It is a rectangular shape with several dozen holes.

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It is very easy to use a dumplings. First, roll the dough and put it on the mold. In each cavity lies the filling, and then closes another layer of dough. It must be rolled up right on the mold, so that unnecessary pieces of dough are easier to take away. After that, the shape is turned over, and from each hole a pelmeni is squeezed out onto the table. So quickly you can make several dozen pelmeni at a time.

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Advantages of pelmennitsa:

  1. Simplicity. To use pelmennitsa do not need any special knowledge and skills.
  2. Speed. Now molding dumplings will take much less time.
  3. Compactness. When the pelmennitsa is not needed, it can be hidden on a shelf, where it will not take up much space.
  4. Purity. After use, flush with water.
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Pelmennitsa is necessary for every hostess who prefers to cook everything by hand. However, there is one important question: how much is such a dumplings? In Ukrainian and Russian online stores, this product costs 249 rubles. Quite inexpensive.

And on the website of Aliexpress the same product costs 240 rubles. That is, it practically does not differ from the domestic product in any way. However, it is designed for only 24 pelmets, while the goods from the domestic producer allow making 35 pelmeni simultaneously.

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Characteristics of the pelmennitsa:

  • material - plastic;
  • length - 24 cm;
  • width - 24 cm;
  • White color.

As you can see, pelmennitsa is worth buying from a domestic producer, as it is designed for cooking more dumplings. And the characteristics and price of this device does not differ from the product that the Chinese manufacturer offers.

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