How to dry a carpet with a vacuum cleaner and not damage it

Carpet - part of the interior, making it cozy and soft.And in any home, an unforeseen situation can happen when liquid spills on the carpet. This can happen during cleaning, children’s games or just by chance. It is not always worth handing the carpet in dry cleaning, most often with a small amount of moisture can be handled by improvised means.

How to dry a carpet with a vacuum cleaner

What the carpet is made of; volume of pollution and moisture

The content of the article

  • What the carpet is made of; volume of pollution and moisture
  • Drying process
  • How not to damage the carpet

To understand how to care for a carpet, you need to know what material it is made of.

There are two types of carpets:

  • synthetic;
  • natural.

Synthetic carpets are easy to clean, they are inexpensive. They are easy to clean and dry.

Natural carpets are often made of wool or silk. With improper care, the fiber can stretch, and the shape will change. Carpets made from natural materials are easy to dry with your own hands if a small part of the surface is wet. If the entire carpet is soaked, for example, as a result of flooding, it is more reliable to contact dry cleaning.

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How to dry a carpet with a vacuum cleaner

The amount of spilled water also affects the drying process:

  • if a corner is soaked (for example, a mug of tea or water is poured), there will be enough improvised means: napkins, rags;
  • if a bucket of water is spilled or the carpet is half wet, you can’t do without equipment;
  • if the entire carpet is wet and occupies a large area, it is easiest to call a special service. But if you have free space, you can do drying at home.

Drying process

Typically, each carpet has a label with the rules of care. These instructions will help you understand how best to dry the product, whether it is possible to hang it, or to use chemical products.

How to dry a carpet with a vacuum cleaner

What to do if a little moisture has got:

  1. Make sure that water does not get under the furniture. If this still happened - push it and wipe the floor dry. If moisture is not removed, it will begin to deform the tree, and mold and an unpleasant odor will appear on the textile.
  2. If water does not squish under the carpet, then a pair of towels is enough to wet its surface.
  3. If the carpet is wet on both sides, the wrong side is also wiped with a cloth or napkin.
  4. When the surface becomes slightly wet, the carpet is left to dry under natural conditions. In addition, you can use a hairdryer or air conditioning, but carefully - especially if the carpet is made of natural materials.

The coating can not be actively rubbed with a rag or napkin, as this can destroy the structure of the pile. All movements should be easy and confident.

If the carpet squishes, it means that it has absorbed a lot of moisture. You have to save him in another way:

  1. Free the floor from furniture and wipe the floor underneath if necessary.
  2. Fold the carpet in half so that the wet part is on top.
  3. Walk along the seamy side with a wet vacuum cleaner while draining. The vacuum cleaner has ceased to draw in moisture, which means the carpet is sufficiently dried.
  4. Dry the floor under the carpet.
  5. Unfold the carpet again and walk along it with a napkin or a washing vacuum cleaner.
  6. Use a patting hand to verify that the carpet is squishy. If sound remains, repeat the procedure with the vacuum cleaner again.

If the carpet is all in the water, because the apartment was flooded or another unpleasant incident occurred, it is worth several times to think about drying it yourself.

How to dry a carpet with a vacuum cleaner

If you decide to dry it yourself, you need free space:

  1. The carpet rolls upside down. The roll is placed vertically on a balcony or street.
  2. The floor under the carpet is wiped dry with a rag and washed from dust.
  3. The carpet is unwrapped and passed through it with a washing vacuum cleaner, and then with dry rags or napkins.
  4. If moisture occupies no more than 20% of the surface of the carpet, it can be hung on a clothesline to dry.

In other cases, the carpet after treatment with a vacuum cleaner is left to dry on the floor. Additionally, you can turn on the air conditioner or open the windows so that the moisture evaporates faster.

How not to damage the carpet

How to dry a carpet with a vacuum cleaner

In order not to spoil the coating, it is necessary to observe the drying technique and precautions:

  1. Do not step on a wet pile so that creases do not form.
  2. All wet furniture and objects must be removed from the wet surface.
  3. Dry the product on both sides. This will eliminate the appearance of mold.
  4. The carpet is not dried on a rope if it is 20% wet. Material may stretch and deform.
  5. If a decision is made to dry the product in dry cleaning, it is rolled upside down.
  6. For drying, only a washing vacuum cleaner that can be rented in dry cleaning is suitable. An ordinary vacuum cleaner will not be able to draw in moisture, but will provoke a short circuit.
  7. After drying the carpet, the vacuum cleaner must be taken apart, washed and dried.

Drying the carpet at home may not be as difficult and scary as it seems at first glance. Everything must be done without unnecessary haste. If in doubt, it is better to give it to specialists.

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