A septic tank with their own hands without pumping and smell: how to build yourself in the country

The cesspool is the simplest, but not very successful option of autonomous sewage in a private house. Modern technologies offer more convenient solutions, for example, local industrial cleaning stations.

Skillful builder is able to make a septic tank with his own hands without pumping. What variants of odorless septic tanks are popular among the owners of private houses and what is required for their construction - all this we will consider in our article.

And also we will give an example of the assembly of a septic tank made of concrete rings and compare the ready-made solutions offered by the market with homemade products.

The content of the article:

  • The principle of the treatment plant
  • Comparison of VOC and homemade septic tank
  • Nuances of autonomous sewer design
  • How to make a septic tank of concrete rings?
  • Other options for homemade septic tanks
    • Option # 1 - Eurocube septic tank
    • Option # 2 - monolithic concrete structure
    • Option # 3 - brick septic tank
  • Conclusions and useful video on the topic
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The principle of the treatment plant

Septic tanks are called sewers, which almost completely recycle wastewater, decomposing them into safe components.

All work on the transformation of human waste is assigned to microorganisms. Low-appetizing sewage masses aerobic and anaerobic bacteria are gradually processed into water and activated sludge.

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Wastewater treatment plant

Septic tank is a sewage treatment plant designed for the treatment of waste water for subsequent discharge into the ground or into a sewer

Sewerage device on a country site

The inclusion of a septic tank in the independent sewage scheme allows reducing or eliminating the call of the vacuum truck repeatedly

Three-chamber septic tank and absorption well

Utilization of the predominant share of wastewater that has been processed in a septic tank is performed using ground treatment systems: filter wells, infiltrators, filtration fields, drainage contours

Single chamber septic tank at the dacha

The degree of purification of waste mass affects the choice of the method of its further processing for discharge into the ground or on the relief. The more chambers in the septic tank, the higher the percentage of cleaning

Two-chamber wastewater treatment unit

In multi-chamber septic tanks, drains sequentially flow from one compartment to another, are cleaned mechanically, chemically and biologically

Prefabricated water treatment plant

Capacities and systems can be used to install a sewage treatment plant. prefabricated, concrete rings and rectangular structures, used tanks and other assistants facilities

Monolithic two-chamber septic tank

Inexpensive and fully implemented in practice version of the treatment system - a monolithic septic tank, for the construction of which, first formwork is built

Eurocubes as containers for a self-made septic tank

Plastic barrels, eurocubes, polymeric tanks are suitable as reservoirs for the device of self-made septic chamber chambers.

Wastewater treatment plant

Wastewater treatment plant

Sewerage device on a country site

Sewerage device on a country site

Three-chamber septic tank and absorption well

Three-chamber septic tank and absorption well

Single chamber septic tank at the dacha

Single chamber septic tank at the dacha

Two-chamber wastewater treatment unit

Two-chamber wastewater treatment unit

Prefabricated water treatment plant

Prefabricated water treatment plant

Monolithic two-chamber septic tank

Monolithic two-chamber septic tank

Eurocubes as containers for a self-made septic tank

Eurocubes as containers for a self-made septic tank

Aerobic bacteria can work only in the presence of oxygen, but anaerobic microorganisms successfully perform work in sealed containers.

Such a vessel reliably cuts off unpleasant odors of wastewater, but in order to connect aerobic microorganisms to work, it will be necessary to organize the forced injection of air into the septic tank.

In practice, this wastewater treatment system consists of several tanks or compartments.

And the whole process of processing can be divided into several main stages:

  1. Primary stockpiling, the separation of contaminants that are not biodegradable.
  2. Recycling of remaining wastewater using bacteria, as a result of which the contents of the septic tank is decomposed into water and neutral sludge.
  3. Additional treatment and sedimentationduring which the silt accumulates on the bottom in the form of sediment.
  4. Removal and disposal of treated wastewater.

All this takes time. Wastewater gradually moves from one section of the septic tank to another through overflow holes or special pipes.

Sludge obtained as a result of biological treatment of the contents of the sewage system is called neutral or active.

Both names can be considered correct. This mass is neutral because it does not pose a danger to the environment.

Septic tank with waste disposal in the ground

Waste water settled and processed by bacteria is disposed of into the soil through an after-treatment system. In the diagram, this is an absorbing well, instead of which there may be an infiltrator or a filtration field.

Moreover, sludge can be used at the site as a useful fertilizer for plants. But this sludge is called active due to the fact that a part of the bacteria is contained directly in this mass.

Microorganisms that recycle waste water, independently reproduce themselves in the cleaning process. For this reason, there is no need to constantly introduce them into the septic tank.

If such a device is used improperly, the number of bacteria inside can drastically decrease. This happens if aggressive substances that destroy microorganisms uncontrolledly enter the sewage system.

This applies, for example, to chlorine-containing drugs, some antibiotics, technical oils, cleaners, etc.

Preservation for the winter treatment plant

In order to preserve the efficiency of expensive equipment and protect the colony of bacteria from death, the seasonally used septic tank must be properly mothballed.

Another common cause of death of microorganisms in the septic tank is improper preservation of the device for the winter. Some owners confuse the septic tank with the heating system and completely empty it for the winter period.

This is wrong, the device must remain partially filled, even if it is not used, in order to keep the environment suitable for bacteria.

More detailed information on the types and principle of operation of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria is available. in this article.

If the device is warmed and properly mothballed, neither winter frosts nor spring floods are terrible for it. It will not pop up and crack, even if some of its contents freeze.

It is important, of course, to correctly install the device. During wastewater treatment, bacteria effectively eliminate the odor characteristic of sewage.

Use of purified water in irrigation

Purified and clarified waste water that has been processed in a septic tank can be used to irrigate green spaces and to care for the area.

The resulting water, of course, is not suitable for drinking, cooking, washing or other household needs. With a high degree of purification it can be used for watering plants on the site.

Often, water is removed through a filtration well or filtration field. Water gradually enters the ground, passing through the cleaning system, a layer of sand and rubble.

The silt that settles on the bottom of the hermetic tank, of course, does not go anywhere. It accumulates, with the result that the total volume of the septic tank is slightly reduced. When the amount of sediment becomes critical, the device should be cleaned with a special pump.

The septic tank is cleaned much less frequently than the cesspool is pumped out, and this process is usually not accompanied by a stench, because the sludge has a completely neutral smell.

We advise you to read more about cleaning rules septic tank and features of its preparation for the winter period of operation.

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Filter sewer well

The simplest means of ground treatment and disposal of wastewater that has been processed in a septic tank is an absorbing well - a structure with a soil filter instead of the usual bottom. However, its device is permissible only if between the bottom of the well and groundwater will be at a minimum thickness of 1 m

Infiltrating cassette on a country site

If a region has a high level of groundwater, even if it occurs only during the flood period, it is not necessary to discharge treated water through an absorbing well. Better install infiltrators

Construction of a filtration field

The second variant of the system of advanced treatment of waste water with a high GWL is the filtration field. For its construction, as well as for the installation of a group of infiltrators, there should be a lot of free space on the site.

Discharge of purified water into the gutter

For the treated wastewater disposal, nothing will have to be built if there is an opportunity to bring the treated water into the drainage ditch that flows into the city or town sewage treatment plants.

Filter sewer well

Filter sewer well

Infiltrating cassette on a country site

Infiltrating cassette on a country site

Construction of a filtration field

Construction of a filtration field

Discharge of purified water into the gutter

Discharge of purified water into the gutter

Comparison of VOC and homemade septic tank

Get a septic tank is relatively easy, you can just buy it. Modern VOCs - local treatment plants - are high-performance devices that are reliable and easy to maintain.

This may be a relatively compact unit, internally divided into compartments with overflows. Treatment of waste mass in such units is carried out by settling without the participation of technical devices.

If the units are high biological treatment systems, they are equipped with pumps and aeration systems for supplying oxygen. This option depends on the power supply.

Local cleaning station

Local biological wastewater treatment plants are high-tech complexes that are distinguished by a rather high price and usually require access to electricity.

As a rule, bio-cleaning stations are already insulated and equipped with a reliable airtight lid. VOCs producing a high degree of purification are equipped with compressors that pump air into the device and perform active aeration of the effluent.

This allows the use of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria in the wastewater treatment process, decomposing more than 95% of all wastewater.

But all such devices have significant drawbacks - the high price and dependence on the availability of electricity, necessary for the operation of technical equipment.

Variants of industrial overflow septic tanks, in which no compressors are provided, are quite inexpensive and are quite suitable in terms of price and wear resistance for arranging the summer cottage.

But such models, in fact, represent a modernized version of the sump. The degree of cleaning here reaches only about 60 - 70%, water is suitable only for technical use after the ground aftertreatment in an absorption well or filtration field.

More detailed information on existing types of septic tanks, the principle of their work and recommendations on the choice of a suitable option for their needs. given here.

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Deep cleaning sewer station

Sewer volatile installations produce the highest degree of wastewater treatment, disinfect and lighten it by 95-98%

Use regardless of geological conditions

Deep cleaning stations are installed in soils of any structure and density. Used on areas with any height of groundwater

Costly technical installation stuff

Sewage systems for deep wastewater treatment are equipped with compressors, filters and aerators, accelerating and improving the processing of waste mass

The way to reduce energy consumption

In addition to the price, much higher than the cost of conventional septic tanks, sewage stations also consume energy during processing. To reduce costs, it is recommended to use sockets-timers.

Deep cleaning sewer station

Deep cleaning sewer station

Use regardless of geological conditions

Use regardless of geological conditions

Costly technical installation stuff

Costly technical installation stuff

The way to reduce energy consumption

The way to reduce energy consumption

All this encourages the owners of private houses to build a septic tank on their own, which does not need to be constantly removed. It cannot be said that this is a simple and easy work, but if the master has experience, for example, building his own well, then he will cope with the creation of a self-made septic tank.

For the money, it will definitely be cheaper than the acquisition of LOS. And the result will be much better than using a conventional cesspool.

To make a septic tank, you need to choose a place, dig one or more trenches, build them sealed containers, connected overflows, make a filtration well, etc. No super complex equipment or special building skills will need.

Nuances of autonomous sewer design

First, you should draft a new structure and find a suitable place for it on the site. The volume of a septic tank for giving without pumping is not difficult to calculate. To do this, multiply the number of people who live in the house by 200 liters. This is a typical rate of water consumption per person per day.

The resulting figure should be increased by another 20%. The result will be the desired volume of the septic tank. Distribute this volume as follows: 25-30% of the volume is removed to create a filtration well, and the rest is transferred to the main compartment or septic tank compartments. The parameters of a septic tank depend on its configuration.

Concrete ring septic tank

For the construction of a homemade septic tank of concrete rings will need to dig two or three trenches, separated by a distance of about 50 cm

The volume of a tank of a cubic form is calculated as the product of length, width and height. If the tank is cylindrical, then to calculate its volume, multiply the height by the base area. The formula for the area of ​​a circle is well known from the school geometry course: the product of the square of the radius and the number pi.

Determining the parameters of the tank, it should be remembered that the distance from the bottom of the septic tank to the point of entry of the sewer pipe should be 80 cm or more. It should also take into account the slope of the pipe.

Choosing a place for a septic tank, it is recommended to adhere to the following sanitary standards:

  • a distance of at least 10 meters from residential buildings and water mains;
  • a distance of at least 30-50 meters from drinking water sources;
  • more than 3 meters to fruit trees;
  • more than 5 meters to the road, etc.

The greater the volume of the septic tank, the more stringent sanitary standards are imposed on it. Detailed information can be obtained in the relevant sections of the SNiP number 2.04.03-85 and regulations SanPiN the rules for maintaining the purity of groundwater.

In addition, one should take into account the groundwater level, since the bottom between the conditional bottom of the ground treatment facilities and the groundwater table should be at a minimum distance of 1 m.

Requirements for septic tank

This diagram clearly depicts the sanitary requirements that are imposed when choosing a place for a septic tank at a site at a private house.

If the groundwater is too high, even more serious demands are placed on the structure of the septic tank: it must be absolutely leak-proof.

For a home-made design in such a situation, only a plastic container - Eurocup - will do. Or you should give preference to the cumulative capacity of industrial production. We advise you to read capacity selection rules for a septic tank.

Septic cover

For each compartment of the self-made septic tank, a lid should be made through which maintenance and maintenance of the septic tank can be performed.

Another important point when choosing a place for a septic tank is access for transport. Although cleaning the septic tank without pumping out is not often performed, the presence of special equipment can greatly facilitate this process.

How to make a septic tank of concrete rings?

One of the most popular options for a homemade septic tank is the construction of concrete rings. Ready-made concrete structures greatly facilitate the installation of the device compared to, for example, with pouring concrete.

The process of creating a septic tank consists of the following steps:

  1. Marking space for a septic tank.
  2. Digging trench.
  3. Installing concrete rings.
  4. Concreting the bottom of the pit.
  5. Connecting sewage and overflow.
  6. Sealing and waterproofing joints.
  7. Backfilling of a ditch.
  8. Installation of the upper ceiling with a cover.

But before buying the necessary components it is desirable to make septic system and deal with installation features. The following photo selection will help you visualize the process of building a septic tank made of concrete rings:

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Step 1: Forming a pit for installing reinforced concrete rings

To install concrete rings, develop a pit or dig a series of pits to the design depth of the sewage treatment plant.

Step 2: Assembling the concrete septic chamber from rings

Separate chambers are assembled in series, setting reinforced concrete rings on each other and connecting them together.

Step 3: Preparation of the end of the concrete ring to the installation of the following

Before installing each next ring on the previous one, bend the mounting hinges and treat the end face with cement mortar. In addition to the facet of the rings with a facet, a bitumen-impregnated rope is laid for sealing

Step 4: Sealing the joints between concrete rings

From the inside, the concrete shaft is treated with water-repellent compositions, carefully sealing the joints of concrete rings

Step 5: Processing the Outside of Wells

The treatment of the septic tank chambers with water-repellent agents is also carried out from the outside. They will protect concrete rings from washing out of concrete and subsequent destruction.

Step 6: Connect the compartments of the concrete septic tank

After the construction of the chambers of concrete rings they are connected by sewer pipes. The pipeline is laid with a slope for the formation of the natural movement of waste masses

Step 7: Filling the pit with an installed septic tank

The pit with installed self-made septic chambers is gradually filled with sand. Backfilling is done on 30 cm, rammed, then fall asleep again

Step 8: Installing hatches with necks on the septic tank

Before completion of filling on the necks of the chambers, rings of hatches are mounted, to which the hatches themselves are attached

Step 1: Forming a pit for installing reinforced concrete rings

Step 1: Forming a pit for installing reinforced concrete rings

Step 2: Assembling the concrete septic chamber from rings

Step 2: Assembling the concrete septic chamber from rings

Step 3: Preparation of the end of the concrete ring to the installation of the following

Step 3: Preparation of the end of the concrete ring to the installation of the following

Step 4: Sealing the joints between concrete rings

Step 4: Sealing the joints between concrete rings

Step 5: Processing the Outside of Wells

Step 5: Processing the Outside of Wells

Step 6: Connect the compartments of the concrete septic tank

Step 6: Connect the compartments of the concrete septic tank

Step 7: Filling the pit with an installed septic tank

Step 7: Filling the pit with an installed septic tank

Step 8: Installing hatches with necks on the septic tank

Step 8: Installing hatches with necks on the septic tank

Under concrete rings, of course, you need a cylindrical trench. Such pits will need two or three, depending on the number of chambers of the septic tank. If we are talking about servicing a small cottage, you can get by with just two cameras.

The first will be used for sedimentation and bacterial wastewater treatment, and the second will be the utilization of clarified wastewater through a sand-gravel filter.

Pit for septic tank

The easiest way to make a pit for a septic tank with an excavator, although if desired, these works can be performed with a conventional shovel

For a private house in which several people live, it makes sense to build a three-chamber structure. The first two cameras will be almost identical in design.

The first is a tie-in sewer pipe leading from the house. The distance between the separate parts of the septic tank should be about 50 cm.

The depth of the pits is determined by the height of the rings and the thickness of the bottom, although in the last pit the concreting of the bottom is not necessary.

For excavation, you can use an excavator or hold them manually, although this method is rather time-consuming. On dense clay soils, you can first dig a pit, and then set the ring in it.

On sandy soils, rings are usually placed in a selected place and soil is selected from inside the circle so that the ring gradually descends.

Then install the next ring, etc. This method is very effective in arranging wells, but septic tanks are usually not so deep, so you can choose the most convenient method.

Septic Rings

To lower concrete rings into a pit for a septic tank, it is most convenient to use special equipment, for example, a crane or a winch

The excavation has been dug, the rings have been lowered, now we can proceed to concreting the bottom. To do this, use a mixture of cement, sand and water in a ratio of 2: 2: 1. The composition is poured at the bottom of the structure. Before using the septic tank, it is necessary to wait for the screed to dry, this will increase its strength.

The joints between the rings are sealed inside and out with cement mortar. It is recommended to use dry building mixtures that are intended for use in places with high humidity. After sealing seams they are treated with a coating waterproofing.

Septic tank waterproofing

Outside, a septic tank is covered with a waterproofing layer. Some masters recommend to coat not only the joints, but the entire capacity of the device.

The trench for the sewer pipe leading from the house to the septic tank without pumping and smell is laid with a slight bias. At the junction of the septic tank and the pipe in the thickness of the concrete a hole is made of suitable sizes.

In the same way install and overflow pipes that connect the individual parts of the septic tank. All joints between the septic tank and the pipes should be sealed and covered with a waterproofing layer.

A gravel-sand filter is placed on the bottom of the last section of the septic tank instead of cement mortar. First, sand is poured and smoothed, and then - a layer of gravel.

It is also allowed to use for this purpose rubble of a suitable fraction. The thickness of the filtration layer should be approximately 30-40 cm.

Septic cover from rings

As the upper floor of a septic tank made of concrete rings, use a special round plate of a suitable size with an airtight lid.

After all sections of the septic tank are ready, you need to cover them with round concrete slabs, which can be purchased from manufacturers of concrete goods complete with concrete rings.

There are openings in these covers with hermetic concrete covers. It remains to carry out the backfilling of the pits, and the septic tank can be considered ready for use.

Other options for homemade septic tanks

In addition to concrete rings, other materials can be used to create a septic tank. Consider the most popular materials and options for the manufacture of septic tanks.

Option # 1 - Eurocube septic tank

Earlier it was mentioned Eurocup - sealed plastic container.

It is relatively easy to install such a septic tank, but you should take into account the low physical weight of the plastic. During the spring flood, groundwater can simply push the light tank to the surface.

To weight such a septic tank, a concrete slab with metal hinges should be laid at the bottom of the pit. To these loops capacity is fixed with a metal cable. Sometimes such a septic tank is made heavy with the help of some heavy object, which is fixed in the upper part of the device.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the step-by-step assembly guide. septum from eurocubes.

Option # 2 - monolithic concrete structure

Concrete septic tank can be made using the fill. In this case, it is not necessary to make several pits; you can do with one large-size structure and a rectangular configuration.

First, the bottom is concreted, then the formwork is installed and the walls of the septic tank are poured. To divide a large capacity into several sections, concrete walls are made inside.

Formwork for septic tank

To fill the concrete septic tank with the help of the solution, you will need to build a wooden formwork, in which you immediately make holes for overflow pipes

They then perform holes, which will play the role of overflow. On top of such a septic tank closed with a concrete slab with a hole for the cover. Hermetic but large enough cap should be in any septic tank. It is required to perform maintenance on the device.

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Stage 1: Development of a pit under a monolithic septic tank

For the casting of a monolithic septic tank, a pit is being developed, the dimensions of which are half a meter larger than the design from each side around the perimeter.

Stage 2: Preparation of the bottom of the pit before starting work

The bottom of the pit is rammed and poured with sand for 10 - 30 cm. Dumping moistened and thoroughly rammed until footprints no longer imprinted on the surface.

Stage 3: Construction of formwork for pouring septic walls

In the prepared excavation, formwork is made of edged boards, the dimensions of which correspond to the design parameters

Stage 4: Pouring mortar into formwork with reinforcement

Before the concrete solution is poured into the formwork, a reinforcing cage made of a ribbed rod of 8 - 10 mm is installed. In places of passage of pipes are installed sleeves. After casting, spacers are placed inside the chambers so that the hardening concrete does not deform the formwork

Stage 5: Dismantling the formwork after concrete hardening

During the hardening of the pouring it is necessary to periodically moisten the concrete, it is necessary to protect it from UV exposure and from rain, covering it with polyethylene. After 28 days the formwork is removed

Step 6: Base device for pouring overlap

To fill the floor of the septic tank construct the base of the board on which polyethylene is laid as a waterproofing

Stage 7: Laying the reinforcement before pouring the floor

Before pouring the concrete slab, a reinforcing mesh with a mesh size of 10 cm is laid on the prepared base.

Stage 8: Backfilling and arrangement of the septic tank necks

After a minimum of 14 days after pouring the ceiling, it is covered with soil, the ground is enclosed in order to protect children and animals, the area is decorated

Stage 1: Development of a pit under a monolithic septic tank

Stage 1: Development of a pit under a monolithic septic tank

Stage 2: Preparation of the bottom of the pit before starting work

Stage 2: Preparation of the bottom of the pit before starting work

Stage 3: Construction of formwork for pouring septic walls

Stage 3: Construction of formwork for pouring septic walls

Stage 4: Pouring mortar into formwork with reinforcement

Stage 4: Pouring mortar into formwork with reinforcement

Stage 5: Dismantling the formwork after concrete hardening

Stage 5: Dismantling the formwork after concrete hardening

Step 6: Base device for pouring overlap

Step 6: Base device for pouring overlap

Stage 7: Laying the reinforcement before pouring the floor

Stage 7: Laying the reinforcement before pouring the floor

Stage 8: Backfilling and arrangement of the septic tank necks

Stage 8: Backfilling and arrangement of the septic tank necks

Are you interested in this type of septic tank? We recommend to consider the manufacturing process in more detail. monolithic concrete septic tank.

Option # 3 - brick septic tank

In a similar manner, a septic tank is made of brick. The bottom is concreted, the walls are erected with brickwork, and a concrete slab is laid on top. Inside, such a septic tank does not hurt to handle waterproofing. It should be understood that not any design of this type can be considered a septic tank.

The septic tank can be made with your own hands from concrete blocks or bricks, but the laying should be as tight as possible.

Another option is to make septic tank of old tires. However, such material cannot provide sufficient tightness to protect the soil from unprocessed wastewater.

With the help of tires, only a permeable cesspool can be made. The life of such a device is significantly limited, in contrast to the capital septic tank, which with proper maintenance can last for decades.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

This video details the creation of a two-chamber septic tank:

Of course, a homemade septic tank does not always provide the same high degree of purification as modern VOC. But nevertheless these constructions function very successfully with relatively low expenses for their installation and maintenance..

When building a septic tank, it is important to adhere to technical standards to prevent contamination of groundwater.

Do you use a homemade septic tank without pumping? Tell us what type of structure do you prefer and does your family have enough of its volume? How often do you clean and what steps are you taking to prepare your septic tank for the winter?

Leave your comments under our article - your experience in the construction and operation of an improvised septic tank will be useful to many owners of private houses and cottages.

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