Tomato varieties for open ground

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Agrotechnics of cultivation of a tomato in an open ground and a hothouse is very different. If you want to get a good harvest of tomato in your garden areas on your summer cottage, you need to make a careful selection of seeds. The main requirement is the resistance of plants to temperature changes and short vegetation period. Which tomatoes are best planted in the open ground, we will tell in this article, as well as read when it is better to plant tomato seedlings!


  1. Early varieties of open ground tomatoes
  2. Average varieties of tomatoes for open ground
  3. Popular late varieties
  4. How to grow in the open ground?
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Early varieties of open ground tomatoes

The choice of an early tomato variety for open ground with good taste and abundant harvest is not too big.


This amazing super-early variety will please any summer resident. Fruits appear together and very early. The bushes grow very quickly and only 85 days after sowing the seeds you will see the first tomatoes. You do not need to tie them up. True, it is necessary to tinker with the removal of stepchildren. There are a lot of them, but do not rush to throw them away. Having planted in the ground stepsons, you will receive additional bushes of excellent tomatoes.


A tall bush is better to form at once in 2 stems. The harvest is plentiful, from one bush to 12 kg of ripe, delicious tomatoes.

Raspberry giant

This variety is distinguished by large fruits, as evidenced by the name of the variety. The weight of one tomato can reach up to 700 g. The variety is resistant to diseases.

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This Dutch variety will delight you for a long time with its amazingly delicious creamy fruits. The bush grows to a height of, m. Fruits are great for salads and canning.


An excellent variety for lazy gardeners, which does not require special treatment for diseases and pasynkovaniya. Grow it for canning.

It is best to plant tomatoes on the beds with different maturation periods to provide your family with delicious fruits until late autumn.

Medium open ground tomatoes

Among the varieties of medium ripeness, the choice is much greater. Fruits come in a variety of colors, sizes and tastes. Big fruits at Giant 5, Pink Elephant. Variety Ogorodnik is famous for its small sweet fruits. The variety Matroskin in striped.



A variety of tomatoes for lovers of a large crop combined with good taste. Sick rarely and does not need special protection.

Grandee of large size

Refers to stubble tomatoes for open ground. The height of the bush is only 70 cm. Fruits are heart-shaped and can weigh up to 1kg. Excellent variety for fresh and winter preparations.

Salted delicacy

Tomatoes do not burst during conservation. Fruits are elongated, fleshy, dense with a weight of up to 100 g. Bushes grow up to 1 m. This grade is desirable to go in and tie.


Small compact shrubs up to 70 cm high will be pleased with a harvest of fruit weighing up to 150 g of elongated shape. The variety is resistant to diseases and does not need pasynkovanii. Good for fresh consumption and for conservation.

Tomato of Sevryuga

The height of the bush is no more, m. Great for fresh consumption and various conservation. It does not get sick, it grows in all weather conditions. The fruits are large with good taste.

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Popular late varieties

Late-ripening varieties have lower yields than early ripening and mid-ripening varieties. The shape of the color and weight of the fruits are different and the choice is great.

Wonder of the World

Fruits of lemon color weighing up to 100 g. Especially delicious in marinade from its own juice.

De Barao

This variety attracts the attention of truck farmers by the variety of color of ripe fruits. Planting on the plot of 3 bushes of each color, you can surprise the acquaintances with a beautiful and delicious sunset. For cultivation, a special hedge will be required. The height of the bush sometimes reaches 4 m.


The height of the bush is up to 50 cm. Fruits with excellent taste. The variety resists a complex of diseases. Great for canning whole fruit.

How to grow tomatoes in the open ground

In the southern regions of the country, tomatoes are planted in the open ground in mid-May. The time of planting a tomato on the beds in the middle zone of Russia comes from May 25 and lasts until June 5. But the planting of plants in the warmed soil of the northern regions can begin only on June 5.

Soil preparation

The landing site must be well protected from the wind. For tomatoes, humus-rich sandy loams and light loamy soils with neutral acidity are best suited.

It is not recommended to grow tomatoes on one patch more than 3 years in a row. Return to the old landing site is possible only after 4 years.

It is advisable to start preparing the beds for tomatoes from the autumn. Soil is cleaned of weeds and dug to a depth of 30 cm, previously applying organic fertilizer. On a square meter is enough 6 kg. For clay or loamy soil, you will need pereprevshie sawdust, on 1 m2 1 vedro. In the spring, treat the bed with a solution of copper sulfate. For 10 liters of water add a tablespoon of vitriol. This mixture is enough for 5 m2. Dig and leave the soil for warming up.

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After 2 days, plant strong seedlings in the open ground. Saplings of tomatoes for open ground should have up to 9 healthy leaves, a stem up to 1 cm thick and one or two flower brushes.

Before transplanting seedlings on a bed, the ground in pots should be watered abundantly, which maximally preserves the root system.

Choose a planting scheme and prepare wells. The depth of the hole should be not less than 15 cm, and the diameter up to 30 cm. In each hole to fill a handful of humus and mix well with the ground. Pour in, l of water. Plant tomatoes.

Care and feeding

To grow a good harvest, you will have to fight pests, plant bushes, loosen the ground, make fertilizing. The soil in the beds with tomatoes should not be covered with a crust, so as not to violate the water-air and temperature regime of plants. Avoid the appearance of the crust will help conventional mulching with humus, straw or peat.

To feed tomatoes need to start already two weeks after landing on the bed. For 10 liters of water, 10 g of ammonium nitrate and 15 g of superphosphate. This solution is enough for 1 m2. As soon as the first ovaries appear, prepare a solution of 10 liters of water, 10 g of ammonium nitrate and 15 g of potassium sulfate. A solution of organic fertilizers will help to get a good harvest. Concentrate is prepared from 1 part of bird droppings and 20 parts of water. A solution bucket is enough for 20 tomato bushes.

Now you know how to grow tomatoes in the open ground in order to get a good harvest with good taste. Perhaps you plant other grades of tomatoes in your summer residence. Share your experiences with us, leaving comments on the article.

Tomato varieties for open ground - video

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