The use of ashes for pumpkin crops


Wood ash is a product obtained as a result of burning plants. The ash contains:

  • a large amount of potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium.

These are only basic microelements. It is known that the ash contains more than half of the entire periodic system of chemical elements.

Wood ash is used as a fertilizer for berry crops and fruit trees. For top dressing use 1% or,% ash solution. For its preparation in 10 liters of water add 100 or 150 g of ash, respectively.

Ash is needed for pumpkin crops, especially for cucumbers. They fertilize with a solution of ash or pour it on the leaves in a dry form to enrich the soil with potassium. If you make dry ash under the bushes, be sure to pour the plants, otherwise the ashes will burn the roots.

It is important to remember that the composition of wood ash can vary depending on the type of fuel burnt. If you burn straw, then the ash content will be less than 2% of potassium. In such an ash contains about 30% of phosphorus and magnesium. If you burn birch firewood, then it will contain about 12% of potassium.

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Ash reduces the acidity of the soil, so it can not be applied to coniferous crops. Coniferous plants are not fed with wood ash. It is used solely for the control of pests and fungal diseases.

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Treatment of fungal diseases and treatment from pests

In order to prepare a remedy for fungal diseases, in 1% solution of ash add 1 g of laundry soap per 1 liter of the drug. This solution is sprayed with cucumbers affected by fungal diseases.

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Also this plant is treated with plants affected by aphids. In order to get rid of slugs, it is necessary to scatter the ashes near the cradles of pumpkin crops and on their leaves. After the rains, the procedure must be repeated.


Ash Storage

Ash has no expiration date, so you can use a natural mineral fertilizer harvested a few years ago. If the storage conditions are observed, the ash will not lose its useful properties.

Store the ash in a dark place, in a closed container. The main condition of storage - a dry room. You can use plastic buckets with a lid of paint or cellophane bags that tightly tie.

The ash should not get wet. If water gets into it, the ash will lose its useful properties. It can be used to structure the soil, but as a mineral fertilizer it does not make sense.

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