Rules of planting black currant

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Black currant is one of the most famous and favorite berries of most people. Having excellent taste qualities, it is also extremely useful for the body. The level of vitamin C in berries is one of the highest of all known products containing this vitamin. These berries are used during colds, intestinal diseases, for general prophylaxis of the body. In addition, jams, compotes, jellies and currant jams are the favorite dishes of so many people. Everybody knows about its useful properties, but not everyone knows when and how it can be planted.

Planting of black currant

Optimal conditions for planting all kinds of currants - autumn.
Plant shrubs in autumn, usually at the end of October. The main thing is to plant the bush before the frost. If you plant a bush in the fall, then before the spring comes, the soil around the bush is harrowed, and the sapling gets well, and with the onset of the first heat intensively starts to grow.

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The choice of a landing site should also be approached responsibly. This plant is hygrophilous, so it will be suitable for wet areas, but well protected from drafts. The planting of currant in autumn is not allowed to be carried out on wetlands.

The most optimal option is medium and heavy loam soils. Currant is afraid of stagnant water, so good drainage of soil should be established.

How to plant a black currant in autumn

Many, planting a bush of black currant, immediately forget about it, and remember only during harvesting. And, in vain. To get a good full crop, you need to follow simple rules.

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The area allocated for the planting of currant, is leveled, all depressions are filled up. Further, a large pit is dug out - 40 cm deep and 60 cm in diameter. The bottom of the hole is covered with a bucket of humus and potash fertilizers are added at least 100 g in the form of charcoal.

For planting take two-year-old seedlings, with roots 15-20 centimeters. Shoots should be at least 30-40 centimeters. You can use seedlings and one-year-olds, but the root must be sufficiently developed.

There is one trick that is used by gardeners and which is the main rule when planting black currant.

Plant a bush at a slope of 45o to the ground level, so that the stems are located fan-shaped and the lower buds on them were covered with earth. At least 2 kidneys should remain on the surface.

This should be done to form a powerful healthy black currant bush.


Next, you should make a deepening around the planted bush, water it with a bucket of water, tamp well and lay mulch around the bush in the form of peat, compost, straw, leaves up to 10 cm. Depending on the size and variety of currant, the distance between bushes is observed from one meter to one and a half.

Currant loves lighted, open spaces, but partial shading does not hurt it, but it will affect the yield in the future.

Currant has a high frost resistance, but still it should be protected from late spring frosts, as the fruit buds that have been put into growth can freeze, which will affect the decrease productivity.

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Theses will describe the rules that should be observed when planting black currant:

  • to land in October-November;
  • dig a hole 40x60 cm;
  • fall asleep with a bucket of humus;
  • add charcoal;
  • shorten the roots, leaving 30 cm;
  • deepen the bush at a slope of 45o and bury;
  • make a deepening around the bush;
  • abundantly watered;
  • to trim the stems, leaving 30-40 cm long;
  • to cover up.

Care for black currant bushes

Having planted a bush of a currant, it would be desirable, that results of works pleased many years. Therefore, in good care, it still needs an early stage of development.

While the bush does not bear fruit, it is enough to water it, weed and weed it. In the year of fruiting it is already required to carry out fertilizing in the form of mineral fertilizers (100 g of superphosphate, 20 g of potassium sulfate and 30 g of urea) and organic fertilizers in the form of chicken manure and manure.
1 kg of manure is insisted for three days in a bucket of water, diluted with a bucket of water and poured into the root. The same thing is done with chicken litter, only the water discharge is increased 2 times.

In order not to lose a crop during spring frosts, during flowering and budding, bushes should be well spilled and covered. If you are not too lazy and do everything in time - the harvest is assured.

Mandatory currant is poured during the formation of ovaries and pouring fruits, to avoid their grinding, especially if it coincides with a drought. Collecting the harvest, watering continues. And in the dry autumn, before the onset of frost, podzimni watering is done on 3 buckets per bush.

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Do black currants need pruning?Pruning is aimed at forming a bush, preventing thickening and improving the quality of the next crop.

Pruning of black currant bushes

Black currant in one place grows for 15 years. A high-quality and correct pruning promotes the extension of fruit bearing for a few more years. Such pruning is that in three years only 6-8 shoots are left on the bush, from which even more powerful stems and even larger berries will grow.

Subject to pruning under all branches, giving a small increase and which are older than three years. Old shoots are easy to distinguish - they are more dark in color.

Cut out diseased shoots and growing stems in the ground.

Sanitary pruning is done during flowering, those branches that are sick with a swallow.
If a black spot is seen on the cut, they are pest larvae. Such a branch is urgently cut to a healthy part. All branches affected by the larvae are burned.

Crop the plant mainly in late autumn. Old shoots are removed from the ground, leaving 3 centimeters of hemp to stimulate the growth of the most fertile underground kidneys.

It is not recommended to prune in the spring, during the growing season, because through the cuts the plant loses a large amount of juice and along with it nutrients.

All slices are recommended to be treated with garden fumes, since currants can not themselves cut slices.

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