Contents of the article:
The type of white currants( video)
The type of white currants - cuttings
- Grades of white currant( video)
See the pictureblack, so with good and careful care is able to bear fruit up to 8 years. Like many other shrubs, white currant needs annual fertilization and timely pruning. The quality of the crop directly depends on compliance with these conditions.
Planting white currants - preparing the soil and applying
fertilizers In order to plant the white currants correctly, and the plant has taken root in a new place, you need to choose a well-lit, dry place and prepare the ground. For this:
- Digging the right number of holes, the width of which is 50-60 cm, and depth - 35-40 cm. The top layer of soil is more fertile, it is folded at the edge of the hole, and the ground from the lower layers is mixed with mineral and organic additives:from 8 to 10 kg of peat or humus, up to 200 g of superphosphate, 25 g of potassium chloride, up to 40 g of wood ash. An important condition: white currant roots should not come into contact with mineral fertilizers. They burn the root system and the shrub will start to ache.
- At an angle of 45 g. The plant is placed in a dug indentation, carefully straightening the roots of the shrub, and slowly rushing to the ground, layer by layer, carefully compacting the ground. To seedlings harmoniously settled in their "house", they can be slightly shaken when planting - this will allow the roots to finish off, and the earth to evenly fill the empty spaces between the roots.
- The shrub is slightly buried a few centimeters so that new shoots can appear on the submerged part of the shrub and the root system becomes thicker.
- The distance between the bushes must be at least 1 meter.
Care for white currants in spring
For the summer period white currant bush should be prepared in advance. The following activities are carried out in early spring:
- When the first buds on the branches begin to swell, the currants can be watered from time to time with hot water, the temperature of which should not exceed 70C.The plant will not suffer from this, but insect pests will have a very hard time.
- The soil under the plant should be slightly burst and fertilized with mineral mixtures. From above, the treated land can be laid with a layer of rotted organic matter. It will become a shield from insects, protect the roots in dry days and feed the plant well.
- On sunny, dry days, it is advisable to water the shrub abundantly. White currant loves water. Regularly watered, it is able to give excellent, fragrant, juicy berries.
- It is better to pull out flowers from young bushes in the first year in order to give the plant to grow strong. Then the cultivation of white currants in subsequent years will not cause any trouble.
Pruning white currants
To stimulate a bush for a good harvest, annually it is necessary to free it from old, diseased branches, from which there is no longer any sense.
From the white currant bushes pruned shoots that are 6-7 years old. They need to be carefully cut to the very bottom, leaving no hemp nestlings for rot and infection. On old shoots insect larvae can nest. Thinned plant crown well passes sunlight and bears fruit well.
Pruning can be done in the spring before the appearance of the first buds, in the summer after the crop was harvested, or in late autumn, when the plant “falls asleep”.Most often, gardeners cultivate shrubs immediately after the berries have been picked. Leaves, unnecessary shoots are removed from the plant. Caring for white currants also includes additional feeding of land. It is desirable to water the soil with solutions in which mineral and organic fertilizers are added.
Breeding method of white currant - cuttings
By planting several white currant bushes, you can use cuttings to multiply their number. In the case of a strong and established plant, cuttings with 5-7 buds are neatly cut from the middle part.
If this is done in February, the cuttings placed in the water will sprout. In the spring, the cuttings are placed in a moist, well loosened soil, pressing them at an angle of 45 ° C.
Seedlings are covered with cans or foil, protecting them from the weather. If grafting occurs in autumn, the soil is additionally covered with spruce paws and protected with a layer of overheated organic matter.
Cuttings are planted in a well-lit area. The sun's rays work wonders with berries: they become sweet and tart to the taste. On shaded areas of land, the berries of the plant become sour.
Amateur gardeners love messing around with white currants, as it gives good harvests of wholesome and very tasty berries, which make excellent berry jelly, jam, tinctures and other foods. The berry is rich in beneficial microelements and vitamins, which the human body desperately needs in winter. Morses, compotes, jam with tea perfectly quench thirst, promote recovery during cold ailments, are very tasty and pleasant. White currants are loved by both children and adults.