Tasty and healthy carrot casserole

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The use of carrots is huge. Not only is it saturated with useful components for the body, so also the budget. A lot of delicious dishes are prepared from it. Particularly deserved carrot casserole. We offer several delicious recipes for the whole family.

Carrot casserole for children

Let's start the compilation from the children's version. Kids are very fastidious: it's not tasty, it does not fit. Especially upset moms, when their beloved child enthusiastically eats kindergarten food. Now you do not have to study children's books in search of a useful and at the same time delicious dishes. The recipe for carrot casserole is in the kindergarten for a note.

To prepare a miracle dish you will need: 3 tbsp. l. manki, a pound of carrots, one egg, 1-2 tbsp. l. sugar, favorite spices (for example, cinnamon, vanillin), a piece of butter.

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Do not forget, you prepare the dish for children, so be sure to follow all recommendations.

Stages of preparation:

  1. Carrot thoroughly wash and boil in the skin until cooked. You can cut root crops into 2-3 parts, so they quickly weld. After the carrots peel off the skins and trim the ends of the "brusochkov."
  2. Clean the carrots with a convenient method (for example, grate them finely or "twist" in a blender).
  3. In the carrot puree add egg, mango, spices and sugar. Mix thoroughly until smooth.
  4. Cover the parchment with a piece of parchment paper (do not forget to "cover" and the sides), pour out the dough and shake the shape slightly so that the mass is evenly distributed.
  5. Cut the butter into thin slices and spread over the surface of the dough. This secret will allow the casserole to acquire a creamy taste and juiciness.
  6. A carrots pudding in the oven is prepared for 35-40 minutes at 180 ° C.

Remove the prepared casserole from the mold and serve it to the table. The dish goes well with cocoa on milk.

Tandem cottage cheese with carrots

Cottage cheese-carrot casserole is an incredibly useful, tasty and very beautiful variation of the dish. It will be appreciated by both children and adults.

For cooking take: 2-4 tbsp. l. manki, egg kg carrots, half a kilo of cottage cheese, a pinch of vanillin (can be replaced with vanilla sugar). Additionally, you will need kg of raisins, 5 tbsp. l. ordinary sugar, butter (about 1 tbsp. l.), 3 tbsp. l. sour cream.

This is a classic recipe for a dish. But, taking it as a basis, you can create your own version. So, in the casserole you can add other dried fruits or fruits (well combined with carrots pear and apple).

Stages of preparation:

  1. Carrots thoroughly wash, peel, dry on a towel and cut into small pieces.
  2. In a frying pan or a pan with a thick bottom, melt the butter, put the carrots and simmer until soft.
  3. Meanwhile, prepare the cottage cheese mass. In a deep container, lay the cottage cheese with sour cream and beat until homogeneous.
  4. Drive in an egg, pour out vanillin, sugar and mix everything.
  5. Add a portion of mango, mix and look at the consistency of the curd mass. It should be moderately dense. If necessary, add more manga.
  6. Raisins thoroughly wash in running water, shift into a piano, fill with hot water and leave in this condition for 5 minutes.
  7. Cooked carrots scrolled through a meat grinder (preferably several times) or grind in a blender. Add sugar and mix.
  8. Steamed the raisins and, dividing into two parts, add to carrots and curd mass. Mix.
  9. Form the baking sheet with parchment paper or carefully oiled. Now put a little cottage cheese mass and level it on the bottom. Top with a little carrots.
  10. Repeat the procedure to form a casserole.
  11. Bake a carrot casserole in the oven, heated to 180 degrees. The cooking time is 20-25 minutes.
Read also:Fruit recipes for the winter: canning apples in own juice

After the time has elapsed, remove the casserole and cool it. After that, it can be shifted to a plate, cut into pieces and served to the table.


Carrot casserole with milk and cottage cheese

And here is another unusual recipe for carrot casserole. Its a secret in the cooking of the carrot itself - it is stewed in milk. Juicy and very tasty.

For cooking you need: 4 tbsp. l. sugar, half a glass of cow's milk, 250 grams of cottage cheese, the same amount of carrots, two eggs. In addition, you should take a pinch of salt, a piece of butter, a mango (3 tbsp. l.).

Read also:Winter cherry in the form of fragrant jam

Stages of preparation:

  1. Root vegetables to wash, peel, cut into small pieces, put into a pan. Pour in the milk.
  2. Put the butter on the carrot, cover with a lid pan and simmer the contents until soft.
  3. Put the whole mass in a blender or grind it in a convenient way.
  4. Pour the mass back into the pan, pour in the mango, mix and cook for 3 minutes, setting a small fire.
  5. Curd crush the crush (you can in a blender), add egg yolks, salt and mix everything until smooth.
  6. Mix together carrot and curd mass.
  7. Separated previously whipped with sugar.
  8. Transfer the proteins into the "dough" and mix.
  9. In the oiled form, evenly distribute the carrot mass.
  10. Bake carrot casserole in the oven for 40 minutes at 180 ° C. To check whether the casserole is ready, take a toothpick or a long stick. If after piercing the cake it goes dry - you need to turn off the oven.

Ready casserole slightly cool, put on a plate, cut into portions, decorate with powdered sugar and can be trapeznichat.

You can add a little creative: put some carrots "dough then in the middle put pure cottage cheese and pour all the remaining carrots.

Casserole in the Multivariate

For those who like automated cooking in our arsenal, there is a carrot casserole in the multivark. However, you still need to prepare the ingredients. But the car itself will worry about baking.

You need to have at your fingertips: half a kilo of cottage cheese, 2 medium carrots, sour cream, mango and sugar (4 tbsp. l. each ingredient), two eggs, a piece of butter.

To make a casserole, you can use any fat cottage cheese. If the cottage cheese is excessively liquid, before using it, it is better to squeeze it out on the gauze.


  1. Root vegetables to wash, peel and grate finely. For grinding, you can use a blender, a meat grinder.
  2. In a deep container, pour in sugar, hammer eggs and grind until smooth with a mixer. Add the mango and mix thoroughly.
  3. In cottage cheese add sour cream and mash with a crush. To get a more tender texture of the casserole, you can use a blender.
  4. In the curd paste add the egg-sugar mass and mix. Then put the carrot and thoroughly shake everything until smooth.
  5. Bowl multivarki, including the sides, cover with butter. Pour into it the finished "dough" and put it in the unit. After closing the lid, set the "Baking" mode. The cooking time is 60-80 minutes, depending on the model of the multivark.
Read also:Seasoning mushrooms for the winter - tasty and satisfying

At the end of time, carrot casserole with a manga should be left inside for another 10 minutes, so that it "has reached". After it can be pulled, put on a plate and served with sour cream.

During the preparation of the casserole, you can add various candied fruits pre-steamed in hot water. Manka can be replaced with flour. In this case, the consistency will be somewhat denser.

Carrots with apples

Carrot-apple casserole is a dish that can be cooked at any time of the year. What pleases in the winter, when with fresh vegetables and fruit is tense.

You will need: a mango (glass), two apple fruits, three eggs, 2-3 carrots, 8 kg of sugar. Additionally, 1 tsp is required. soda, a pinch of cinnamon, vegetable oil (2-3 tablespoons). For decoration, you can take powdered sugar.

Let's proceed:

  1. Roots should be washed, peeled and finely grated. Transfer the carrots into a deep bowl, pour in the sugar, mix and leave in this form for a few minutes to allow the sugar to melt.
  2. In the meantime, wash the apples, peel and seed and cut into small cubes.
  3. In a separate container, break the eggs and whip. Pour the egg mass to the carrot. There also send cut apples, vegetable oil, soda, spices and mango. To stir thoroughly.
  4. Put carrot weight in a baking dish, coated with butter, and level the surface with a spoon or spatula.
  5. Leave the minutes on the 10 form on the side so that the mancha swells.
  6. Set the form in the oven and bake for 40 minutes at 180 ° C.

The prepared dish should be left for a short while in the switched off oven, after getting it, slightly cool, transfer to a plate and decorate with powdered sugar.

As you can see, the carrot casserole is prepared very quickly and simply. It can be served both for breakfast and used as a snack. Another plus - it will be to the liking of both children and adults.

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