Pinyon diseases and pests: we are looking for ways to protect flowers

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Diseases and pests of pions, in the majority of cases, are the same as those of other plants. In comparison with other colors, these decorative cultures are considered quite resistant to various kinds of lesions. But still they can be exposed to insects, viruses and fungi. In such cases, it is very important to recognize the disease in time and to start the treatment correctly.

Common diseases and pests of pions

It is necessary to learn how to distinguish pion diseases from plant damage by pests.

Gray rot

Loves moisture, cold weather, thickened plantings. This fungus leads to a decrease in the turgor in the plant cells, which causes the cessation of photosynthesis. As a result, the shoots stop growing altogether, and the stem of the young peony rot and fall. In adult colors, brown ring-shaped spots appear, due to which the plant also fades. The first symptoms are a grayish coating at the base of the stem.

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Gray rot is considered the most dangerous among diseases and pests of pions. If pions have a similar disease, the affected parts of the bush have to be cut off, and the plant itself should be sprinkled with an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate. But to struggle with this problem is necessary at its first signs. Special preparations are used for this. With a strong defeat, it will be difficult to save the plant.


Characterized by greenish, whitish, yellowish spots on the leaves (in the photo the disease of pions and the fight against it). There may be different sizes and shapes. This virus affects tissues at the cellular level. From what the plates are deformed. The spread of the disease leads to a violation of water metabolism throughout the plant. As a result, the stems and leaves dry. First of all, it concerns young shoots.

On other plants, the mosaic is spread in the event of any damage to the instruments after the diseased bush has been treated (or simply by touching). Also, a big role in the transfer of microorganisms from one culture to another is played by wind, insects.

There are no preparations from the mosaic. The only thing that is used to combat this disease is the complete destruction of damaged bushes.

For preventive purposes, when working with plants, disinfection of instruments should be carried out. for this you can use alcohol or regular vodka. Healthy shrubs from infection can be tried to save with an aqueous solution of carbophos. The clothes in which the diseased plant was removed should be heat treated.

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Powdery mildew

It is caused by fungi. Mostly affects adults bushes. It appears, as a rule, in the beginning of summer. Powdery mildew "loves" hot, humid weather. Spreads spread during watering, with the help of wind, in contact with an infected plant. You can find it on a white patch on leaves and young shoots. First, leaf plates are affected, which are closest to the ground. Over time, this fungus covers the entire bush.

As a result, the appearance of the plant changes. The most affected areas darken and die. But these are not all problems. Powdery mildew affects negatively the winter hardiness of this decorative culture. A weakened bush can freeze. Treatment of this disease of pions is carried out with the help of special preparations purchased in the store, or an aqueous solution of soda made at home. In the second case, 2 tbsp. l. Calcium bicarbonate is diluted in a bucket of water, add the same amount of grated soap. Well sprayed once a week.


A characteristic feature of this disease is the presence of brown spores on the back of the leaf plate and yellowish spots on the top of the leaf. If you do nothing, then soon they will turn brown and fall off. The danger of this disease lies in the fact that it not only can destroy the green part of the bush, but also lead to the fact that the peonies will not survive the winter.

Rust is spread with the help of wind, water. Entering the plant, the fungus destroys it from the inside.

Bring to similar problems can:

  • prolonged cold weather with rains;
  • too dense plantations;
  • a large amount of nitrogen in the soil.
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Fight this disease with fungicides. If the first signs are found, it is recommended that the affected areas be removed and destroyed. Also, we need to remove weeds in time and do not supersaturate the soil with nitrogen fertilizers.

Often observed such a disease of pions as the twisting of leaves. Her treatment can be very simple. This often indicates a lack of potassium in the soil. To eliminate such a problem, it will be necessary to feed the plant with a fertilizer containing this trace element.

Root rot

The presence of this disease is indicated by the sudden blackening of the stems. Typically, gardeners notice this when suddenly in the middle of the summer a bush of peonies or individual stems begin to wilt. If you dig at the time the root of the plant, you can see that it has become brown, soft and has an unpleasant putrefactive smell.

Most often this disease occurs because of the high humidity, increased acidity of the soil.

Treatment: the roots of peonies are excavated, cleaned and treated with an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate. In places of cuts fall asleep with a dry mixture of ash and Fundazol. The bush is planted elsewhere, sprinkling a pit with compost or humus with an admixture of ashes, in non-acidic soil. Other shrubs that have remained in their original place are treated with fungicidal means so that the infection does not damage them.


These pests weaken the plant, can carry the virus, since they are its carrier. To eliminate such insects, the bush is sprinkled with ashes or treated with a solution of laundry soap. If they divorced in a very large amount, spray pions with chlorophos, iron sulfate or carbophos.

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Gall nematode

The insect larvae penetrate deep into the root, where as a result galls (balls) appear about three millimeters in size. Inside these formations are small worms. Penetrating into the ground, they affect other plants.

Taking away the vitality of the bush, they cause the leaves to deform, become too light, the buds are very small, and the flower slowly grows or does not develop at all. As a result, the plant may even die.

It is very difficult to destroy these pion pests, and the fight against them is reduced, basically, to the removal and burning of the bush. The soil should be sprinkled with formalin solution.


The most undesirable, but unfortunately, the most common parasites on pions bushes. In the flowering period, these insects are nectar-flavored. They can bring aphids, so that preventing the development of the population of ants on the bushes, can prevent the appearance of aphids.

Often ants settle under bushes. This means that the plant is in pain, putrefactive processes are taking place. Under healthy pions, these insects do not settle.

For the destruction of ants, the soil and plants are sprayed with chlorophos or carbophos. Also, any repellent remedy is suitable.

To prevent the development of diseases and pests of pions, it is necessary to take care of prevention. And for this, first of all, it is necessary to take more responsibility to the soil. It should be loosened, deoxidized, and if necessary - drained. It is also necessary to properly saturate the earth with microelements. Plant plants need to be at a distance from each other. Since spring, you can feed flowers with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. It is always better to take preventive measures than to later treat plants. This will save not only money, but also nerves and time.

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