Which seeds of cucumbers are the best for open ground: the secrets of successful gardening

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To get a high yield, fertilized soil and constant care is not enough. It is also necessary to select quality seeds. What kind of cucumbers plant in the open ground? What should a groom know about preparation and disembarkation and how to choose the seeds of cucumbers for open ground?

Of the hybrids that are excellent for open ground, it is worth noting such varieties:

  • "Eliseevsky
  • "The Archangel
  • "Novgorod
  • "Leader
  • "Well done
  • "Paratunka
  • "Pososhok
  • "Razgulay
  • "The Lover
  • Twixie;
  • "Mikhalych
  • "Gypsy
  • "Trade wind
  • "SF Svyatoslav."

A good yield gives a variety of cucumbers "Advance" (pollinated by bees), but it is not suitable for pickling. Especially for this you can land a hybrid "Svyatoslav".

How to choose the seeds of cucumbers for open ground?

In order not to lose with the variety, it is worth paying attention, it is intended for cultivation in greenhouse conditions, on concealed soils or in open soil. After all, for example, sown hothouse types of cucumbers will not be productive on open soil.

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How to choose the seeds of cucumbers for open ground? - It is necessary to determine the goal - to grow gherkins, cucumbers for pickling and pickling or salads.

Salad cucumbers will be perfectly stored in the refrigerator, they may darken a little, but they will simply become limp when salted. Salted varieties - strong, remain crispy and green in brine. Gherkins are a good choice for both salad and canning.

Breeders derived universal varieties that have all of the listed properties:

  • Santana F1;
  • Regina F1;
  • Country house;
  • Zhuravlyonok F1;
  • The Blessed;
  • Farmer.

If you want to eat canned cucumbers, you should stop choosing:

  • Nezhinsky variety;
  • Murom (early ripening varieties);
  • Spring;
  • Magnificent;
  • Salting;
  • Khabar F1;
  • Atlantis F1.
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Among the gherkins it is worth giving preference:

  • «Nunhems».
  • Sparte F1.
  • Hector F1.
  • Delpine F1.

What are the seeds of cucumbers for open soil (self-pollinated) and what is the advantage of such varieties?

  • Fruits are tied without pollination by bees.
  • They give high yields.
  • Characterized by quality greens.
  • Cucumbers do not have bitterness.
  • Fruit constantly.
  • Characterized by high resistance to weather changes, as well as to diseases.

Such self-polluting seeds of cucumbers are popular, as:

  • F1 Zador - grow gherkins of dark green hue with whitish pubescence, have a cylindrical shape, length - up to 10 cm. The variety is early and suitable for canning, since it has a thin peel. There are no seeds, which prevents the formation of voids during salting. You can grow by sowing in open ground or planting seedlings.
  • F1 Picas - these seeds yield high yields. It is a medium-ripe variety (55 days). If planted in open ground, first cover with a film. Fetal length - up to 20 cm, weight - 200 grams.
    Characterized by resistance to rot and powdery mildew.
    For salting not suitable, but for salad - a great option.
  • Rafael F1 is a high-yielding medium-ripening variety (50 days) with an escape length of up to 3 m. Seeds are sown in May, and seedlings are planted in June. One node can contain 2 ovaries. Cucumber reaches a length of 20 cm. For salting are not suitable.
  • White angel F1 - mid-ripening variety, characterized by a high level of self-pollination. The sinus of each leaf can contain 2 ovaries. Fruit - up to 8 cm, has infrequent tubercles. Suitable for salad and pickling. From one bush it is possible to collect up to 4 kg of cucumbers. Excellent fruiting at a temperature of 18 - 24 degrees.

How to prepare the seeds of cucumbers for planting in the open ground?

Before preparing cucumber seeds for sowing in the open ground, it is worthwhile to figure out how to choose them.

  • To achieve abundant cords of cucumbers, you need to plant seeds that are no less than two or three years old. Seeds can ascend even after 10 years, only here the yield will be minimal, just like in the planting of annual seeds.
  • If you have only that planting material, which is not more than a year old, the proper preparation of seeds for planting in open soil is a prerequisite to ensure a high yield. An obligatory storage condition is to provide access to heat (for example, near the battery). 30 degrees will be enough. On the eve of the summer season, the seeds are heated at a temperature of 50 degrees for 3 hours.
  • Seeds 2 - 3 years old should be stored in tissue or paper bags in a warm place with a minimum of humidity.
  • For planting, the seeds need to be prepared. To do this, soak them for 2 hours in water, carry out a calibration (mix 40 g salt per 1 liter of water), where they hold about 20 minutes. Next, we take out the full seeds, and the weak ones are thrown away.
    Then the heating is carried out: in the tissue bag, the seeds are lowered for a couple of hours in a thermos, the water in which should reach 50 degrees.
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How to prepare seeds of cucumbers for planting in the open ground to prevent the development of diseases and fungi?

  • It is worth decontaminating potassium permanganate for half an hour, after which the seeds are washed. The treatment can be dry and wet. If you chose the second method, then after the procedure it is necessary to dry the planting material.
  • The next stage - the seeds are enriched with useful substances. To do this, they are lowered into a solution of wood ash (2 tablespoons of ash per 1 liter of water at room temperature) for 3 hours. Then rinse again.
  • To accelerate the germination of seeds and protect from the appearance of rot, they soak in a solution for 1 hour. l. copper sulfate and nitrofoski for 12 hours. To improve the immunity of the fruit, the seeds are soaked in a solution of aloe vera juice and water (:). Another option for hardening is to place the germinated seeds in the cold for a couple of days.
  • Wrapped in a damp cloth or bag, the treated seeds will be allowed to root after 2 days. Do not wait until the big spine grows, otherwise it can break off during the landing.
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How to plant seeds?

First, the seeds are checked for germination. To do this, they are lowered into cool water for 12 hours, which is periodically changed. Then the seeds are taken out on a damp cloth. It is necessary to provide conditions for germination - light, temperature indices and humidity should be optimal.

When the seeds begin to germinate, it becomes clear which are suitable for sowing, and which are not.

Before planting cucumber seeds in the open ground, prepare a bed. If it is planned to plant seeds without further transplantation, then ordinary planting is used. Then you should do the following:

  • Deepen the garden with a hoe (5 cm).
  • The seeds are sown in the grooves, leaving approximately the same distance between them (which will depend on the selected variety).
  • Soil is primed and watered.

Cucumbers do not like the cold, so it's worth planting the seeds in the warmed soil on the sunny side of the site where there are no winds. To protect the soil from drying (and therefore to ensure favorable conditions for germination of seeds), it is worth covering the ground with a film.

If you plant the seedlings, then the harvest will be obtained a couple of weeks earlier. For breeding seedlings, substrates that contain peat are used.

Top dressing is carried out under the root of the sprout. Use unconcentrated water-soluble mineral fertilizers once every 7 days. You can water with room temperature water.

This review of the best cucumber seeds for open ground will help you to get high yields even from a small planted area, as you will not be mistaken with the choice of variety.

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