What is an air purifier, its functions and purpose

The air in the city is far from ideal in the sense of cleanliness - car exhausts, air emissions from various industries, and if there is not much green space, the situation is compounded even more. The need for clean air in a person comes first, it is enough to calculate how much time a person can not breathe. To clean the air in the room, a special device is used - an air purifier. Such devices are divided into two classes - water and dry. How they work and how they look, as well as what additional useful functions they have, are described later in the article.

What is he doing

The content of the article

  • What is he doing
    • What does it look like
    • Possible additional features of the air purifier

dryBoth water and dry cleaners include a number of filters, passing through which, the air is cleaned of harmful impurities. The number of filters, as a rule, includes anti-allergens that delay most of the substances that cause an allergic reaction in humans. The carbon filter serves to eliminate unpleasant odors and neutralize toxic substances contained in the air coming from the street. The air purifier also includes an ionizing device, which allows saturating already filtered air with ozone. Thanks to the ionizer there is an additional disinfection, and also the effect of freshness, well felt in a thunderstorm, is obtained. In addition, ozone contributes to the death of the dust mite, which causes a person to have allergic reactions to the products of his life.

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The effect of humidification allows you to maintain the natural humidity of the environment, comfortable for humans. Too dry air is harmful to the eyes and lungs, causing excessive dryness and irritation of the mucous membranes.

In some models of dry cleaners, the so-called HEPA filter is installed, which allows to retain very small particles, less than 0.1 microns. Its meaning is that it is small particles that cause allergies to dust. Therefore, the presence of this filter in the device is highly desirable.

What does it look like

How does it workA water purifier is a plastic container filled with water, inside of which plastic disks blown by a fan are lowered into the water. Dust sticks to them, after which it is washed off due to rotation. All types of sinks are identical in design, differing only in their external design, dimensions and the presence of additional functions, such as ionization, fine filters and fragrances.

The dry cleaner is structurally somewhat similar to a vacuum cleaner. Under pressure, air enters from the environment and passes through a filter system. Typically, two or three filters are set:

  • preliminary cleaning, which is a sponge mesh;
  • fine cleaning, in which there is a material with micropores, after which on some models there is a HEPA filter.

According to the design and construction, the dry air cleaner can be wall, floor or table, shape depends on the design solution - rectangular, cylindrical, cubic - and can greatly vary.

Possible additional features of the air purifier

functions how it worksIn addition to the already described ionization functions, as well as HEPA filtering, there may be models supporting the following functions:

  1. Disinfectants - act due to photocatalytic reactions, as well as due to UV radiation, destroying viruses and bacteria. Also, photocatalysts in combination with ionizers are able to efficiently disperse tobacco smoke.
  2. Flavoring - act by spraying in a filtered mixture of liquids with a pleasant smell, it is preferable to use if necessary to kill the unpleasant ones entering the room smells.

The presence of additional functions, although making the use of the device more comfortable, can greatly affect the cost of the product.

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