Popular varieties of hoyi for true fans of exotic indoor plants

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This amazing flower is characterized by fragrant buds, reminiscent of exquisite porcelain crafts, which decorate the home interior. In addition, varieties of hoyi are amazing, because each of them has its own uniqueness. According to some information, scientists in nature there are more than three hundred of its names.

The exotic plant belongs to the family "Lasty". In the natural environment occurs on the territory of India, China, Myanmar (the former Burma). It gracefully wraps the trunks of majestic trees. It is spread by a soft blanket on the rocky slopes and edges of moist forests. Truly a delightful plant!

Its name is due to the famous gardener, who was engaged in research and selection of exotics - T. Hoyu. In Europe, the plant, in general, is cultivated as a room flower of extraordinary beauty. The wax liana is rightly called a majestic guest from the distant tropics, which subdued the hearts of flower lovers. Consider varieties of hoyi, photos and plant names to choose a suitable option.

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For the first time about the wax ivy was recorded in 1810 by the British biologist R. Brown. He gave the name to this exotic plant, which is actual to this day.

In the fragrant environment of flowers

Of course, everyone likes to be surrounded by a virgin nature. Unfortunately, city dwellers do not always succeed. Therefore, they try to create an oasis of beauty in their living quarters. It's a great idea to consider varieties of hoyi to appreciate the splendor of this indoor flower.


To create an interior in a dwelling, you can use various indoor plants. Ideal - an exotic flower hoya Kerry. For the first time the plant was discovered in 1911 in the northern regions of Thailand by American professor A. Kerry. His name also called this cute ivy.

The main feature of the flower is the huge, up to 15 cm long and wide fleshy leaves in the shape of the heart. For such an unusual charm he was called "Valentine". In addition to exotic leaf blades, the plant throws out buds in the umbellate inflorescence, which come in the following shades:

  • citric;
  • yellowish;
  • pink;
  • White with a barely discernible shade of yellowness.

In each group there are about 20 buds, exuding a pleasant aroma. When the flowers are nectar, the petals are painted in dark colors. It can be a red-brown or a rich pink color. Its elegant dangling shoots, decorated with porcelain buds and succulent foliage, will make the dwelling a charming oasis of comfort.

Observations of botanists show that the coloring of buds is not the last influence of lighting. The more it is, the more saturated the petals of the flower.

To date, biologists are aware of such varieties of hoyi of this variety:

  1. Hoya kerrii Spotted Leaves. The peculiarity of the plant is the green leaves in speckles.
  2. Hoya kerrii Variegata. In the center of the leaf plate, a strip of yellow is visible.
  3. Hoya kerrii Albomarginata. The edge is framed by an elegant snow-white border.
  4. Hoya kerrii Spot center. The leaves are elongated, which are decorated with motley motifs in the center.
  5. Hoya kerrii Spot margin. The green leaf plate is decorated with spectacular whitish divorces.
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For each subspecies, dense leaves of fleshy nature are characteristic. Coloring buds can be:

  • white;
  • pink;
  • red;
  • yellow.

Adult specimens give off nectar droplets that exude a persistent caramel flavor.


The flower belongs to plants of an ample nature. He was brought to Europe from India, although it is found in other tropical countries. Shown in the photo hoya Beautiful, successfully grows in indoor conditions, where the level of humidity often changes. It is a compact shrub with curly shoots, covered with a set of thickened ovoid leaves.

In summer, inflorescences appear on the plant in the form of a glamorous umbrella covered with a lot of snow-white buds. The center of each of them is decorated with a wax crown, consisting of five purple-red lobules.

This kind of hoyi exudes a subtle aroma, so it is placed in any part of the dwelling.

Many gardeners like to grow subspecies of this wax creeper:

  1. Hoya Bella Variegatnaya. The plant has an original color of the leaves. The edges of the plate are dark green, and the center is of apple tinge.
  2. "Albomarginata". Feature subspecies - light green leaves, framed by a white border. Lush flowering is observed for a long time. White buds are decorated with a lilac middle that looks especially attractive.
  3. "Hoya lanceolata ssp. Bella. " The variety was brought out in 1982 as an exquisite ampel decoration. In the natural environment occurs on the territory of the islands of the Pacific Ocean. In Europe, brought hoyi from Thailand, where they conquered the hearts of fans of exotics.

The flower throws out buds on the tips of twisted shoots. Therefore it is desirable to plant it in special pots for climbing plants.


An elaborate version of an ampel flower for interior decoration - hoya Lakunoza. Its dark green foliage grows to 5 cm in length, despite the fact that the edges of the plate are slightly twisted. Young flowing stems are painted in a reddish-brown color. It is on them that the peduncles appear.

Inflorescences in the form of umbrellas consist of many buds (the average number is 20 pieces). They are located on a fleecy base with a violet impregnation.The oval crown is most often white in color, although it also occurs with a cream shade.

Hoya Lakunoza exudes two different flavors. In the daytime it smells of carnation, at night - spicy incense.

Biologists classify several subspecies of this ivy:

  • "Tove
  • "Eskimo Silver
  • "Royal Flush
  • "Snow Caps
  • Langkawi.

Wax liana of this kind blossoms about a week, filling the room with a heady exotic aroma.


Especially popular with fans of exotic plants - hoya "Fleshy". In nature, it occurs in the territory of such countries:

  • India;
  • China;
  • Japan;
  • Vietnam;
  • Malaysia.
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Despite this, the flower successfully takes root also in countries with a cold climate, only as an indoor plant. Even under such conditions, it reaches a length of about 6 m. Therefore, it is supported in the form of a ring, so that thin shoots are wound around it.

Biologists note and other varieties of hoyi, photos of which are proof of the popularity of this flower. Here are some of them:


The flower has original sheet plates. First they are painted in red, and eventually acquire a yellow tinge. The green edging remains unchanged throughout the life of the plant.


In the photo hoya "Carnoz Variegata" is depicted in the best possible form. Its "stylish" pink buds with snow-white edging attract special attention to succulent fans.


In such a vine, the middle part of the leaf plate is usually yellow. If you look closely, you can see how it smoothly turns into a green edging.

Crimson Queen

The highlight of the variety is buds. They are painted in a rich pink color. And their edging is pale pink, which gives the flower an unprecedented tenderness.


This species is also called "Hoya Imperialis" or "Majestic". In nature, it grows on the territory of the picturesque island of Malacca in the form of a climbing shrub. Her graceful shoots are slightly pubescent. On the sides are oblong oval leaves with pointed tips. In the length reach - 20 cm. The surface of them is smooth, which gives them a pretentious uniqueness.

In the period of lush flowering, curly umbrellas, consisting of 10 buds, hang from the twigs. For each of them are characterized by the following features:

  • length - 20 cm;
  • outer color - yellow-green;
  • inner - dark red;
  • a pubescent crown - in the form of a five-pointed star.

Hoya the Magnificent exudes a pleasant fruity aroma, so it is desirable to grow it in a well-ventilated room.

Depending on the coloring of the buds, scientists distinguish many subspecies of such wax ivy:

  • "Alba" (white buds with a greenish tint);
  • "Palawan" (yellow petals with a rich reddish tinge);
  • "Borneo Red" (lilac petals of buds);
  • "Raushia" (white flowers with pink or greenish color).

The plant miraculously develops at a high air temperature. Therefore, it is important to ensure that it does not fall below 20 degrees.

Original varieties of hoyi for domestic exotics

As practice shows, waxy liana has become one of the most attractive succulents of our time. This porcelain miracle is appreciated for unpretentious care, exquisite beauty and delicate aroma. A huge number of types of hoyi are amazing, but some of them are truly magnificent. Consider varieties that are unique and unique in order to become forever her faithful fans.

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This cute ivy ivory has original leaves:

  • size - medium;
  • form - oval;
  • tips - pointed;
  • surface - a contrast pattern of veins of blue color.

Buds of Khoyi "Kalimantan" are ruby-colored. With full disclosure, they exude a smell resembling bergamot. This plant miraculously develops in a close container and loves a lot of light.


In the natural environment, the flower grows at a height of about 25 m above the ground. Hoya Locke is carefully protected by the law of Vietnam from destruction, since there are about 50 of such waxy ivy in the wild. Despite this, the flower is grown at home. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that over the course of a year it has been strewn with pearly white buds with a chocolate flavor.


This cute flower loves shady places. It's no wonder that it's a pleasure to grow it indoors. Hoya "Lasianta" has pointed leaf plates, covered with gray impregnation. On the pubescent corolla bright yellow flowers are formed, exuding a tart fruit aroma of exotic fruits.

To hoya bloom all year round, it is desirable to maintain the humidity in the container and looseness of the soil.


In nature, this kind of ivy occurs in the virgin forests of India and China. It grows mainly on trunks and large branches of trees. Therefore, room Hoya Globulosa needs an artificial support made of wooden rods.

The plant has large inflorescences, consisting of many buds of pale yellow color. A distinctive feature of the flower is the pubescent curly stems. Over time, villi fall off, and shoots are lignified.

Grow the flower in a cool room with a high level of humidity.


The ample plant will like the amazing beauty of many flower growers. It has emerald-colored leaves, covered with an elegant wiry mesh. Unlike their congeners, the Hoya Fitchie plate is not covered with villi, therefore it has a glossy surface.

The color of the buds depends on the intensity of the light flux. She may be:

  • bright pink;
  • cream;
  • pale pink.

The Crown of the flower is always pinkish-white. In the inflorescence there are approximately 25 "porcelain" buds. The plant prefers high humidity, therefore it needs frequent watering. The temperature in the room should not be less than 18 degrees.


Epiphytic plant, hanging from the rocks, differs bare shoots with bright green foliage. In abundant light, they acquire a purple or reddish hue. Hoya "Nicholson" is characterized by fleshy foliage oval. The tips of the plate are pointed, which gives it an original appearance.

Umbrella inflorescences include up to 40 buds of such colors:

  • light yellow;
  • pink;
  • cream;
  • green;
  • red.

Petals of undried buds reach a length of only 7 mm. Their edges are slightly wrapped in the opposite direction. The crown is painted white. A truly stately porcelain flower. Grow this beauty is possible, because hoya - unpretentious plant.

Collection hoy in the home garden - video

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