Capacity for fermentation of wine on the trading floor of Aliexpress


In autumn, when the harvest of berries and fruit trees ripens in the country, many craftsmen prefer to make homemade wine. The choice of the fermentation tank is one of the important stages in the process of making the drink. An improperly chosen container for the production of house wine can affect its taste and smell. For such purposes, special reservoirs of various sizes have been developed from a material that does not affect the fermentation process. On the site of Chinese goods "Aliexpress" you can find a wine fermentation capacity of 100 liters from stainless steel for a very impressive price - from 23 049 rubles 14 kopecks to 24 676 rubles 14 kopecks.

Read also:Cleaning of house wine with chemical preparations


  • capacity - 100 liters;
  • wall thickness - 1mm;
  • material - 304 stainless steel food;
  • size: 40 * 80cm;
  • construction weight: 16kg

In the online store Cosmogon is offered, a 100-liter stainless steel point only for 1, 00 rubles.

Technical characteristics of the barrel offered by the Russian seller:

instagram viewer
  • volume, l: 100;
  • weight, kg: 7.1;
  • height, mm: 760;
  • diameter, mm: 420;
  • wall thickness, mm
  • thickness of the bottom, mm
  • Material: stainless steel 18/10;
  • manufacturer: Toscana Inox, Italy.

The barrel costs less, and the sellers gave a more detailed description. Appearance, spaciousness and purpose of use, in principle, are identical, for which it is worth overpaying almost double the price - it's not clear.

Read also:Homemade wine from natural apple juice: the specificity of cooking

The site 5drops offers a set for winemaking "Vinar Pro" (50 liters) for only 4 390 rubles.

Of course, it is 2 times smaller than previous samples, but it is compact and suitable for installation in a cottage house. An important advantage is that he has an excellent filtration system.

The plastic barrel is made of high-quality food polyethylene with low pressure, having sun protection properties. A water seal on the lid will help close the wine tightly, and it should not be feared that it can break out during fermentation and spoil the floor.

Read also:We make ourselves a fragrant and healthy wine from sea-buckthorn

The set includes:

  • high quality wine yeast;
  • a Buchner funnel with a diameter of 125 mm;
  • ashless filters;
  • Activated coconut coal for the production of 60 liters of wine.

In a word, this is a ready-made kit, to which you only need raw materials from your garden. More details about similar containers here:

The conclusion is that the containers for wine production at home are not rare and difficult to access. You can easily find them by searching in domestic online stores at affordable prices, from any material and different capacities.

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