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In order to eat a sweet and ripe malinka in summer, it is necessary to understand the rules of planting and caring for berries. Planting raspberries requires careful compliance with all the rules, and caring for raspberries must be literate and systematic.
Variety and types for planting raspberries
Before you start planting raspberries, each gardener must decide on the variety and type of berries that will grow in the garden.
To date, there are three types of raspberries:
- Traditional raspberry. This species is considered the most enduring and able to adapt in any conditions. Also, raspberry of this kind guarantees stable yield with proper care.
- Repaired. The species tolerates winter very well and has high yields. The most important rule for caring for raspberries of this species is pruning it to the root after the fruiting process ends. Such care guarantees the best yield indicators in the autumn.
- Large-fruited raspberry. This species differs from ordinary and patch raspberry not only by increased yield, but also by significant differences in taste and external characteristics. To taste, these berries are sweeter, and much larger in size.
Varieties of raspberries are also striking in their variety and almost all guarantee excellent yield and ability to survive even in the most difficult climatic conditions.
- Apricot. This variety belongs to the repair type and is distinguished by its compactness. Not spreading bush fruit berries up to 7 grams of delicate yellow color. The variety is well tolerated by frost.
- Malakhovka. This is a traditional raspberry with an average yield. The taste of berries is very good, sweet and delicate berries have a pronounced raspberry flavor. For the winter, the plant should be lowered. Also, bushes should be protected from gray rot.
- Abundant. The name of the variety speaks for itself, referring to the large-fruited species, the berries are very sweet and rich in flavor, and up to 10 grams. The variety is very resistant to all common diseases, and also tolerates wintering well.
- Hussar. By the amount of harvested crop this grade reaches three kilograms. It is characterized by increased resistance to drought, frost and disease.
- Gold giant. This variety has a taste of forest raspberry and a delicate taste. With good care for raspberries from one bush, you can collect up to eight kilograms. A new variety of raspberry, having a golden yellow color, with shelter and bending well tolerates frost.
The most favorable place and time for planting raspberries
At any time, whenever planting is planted, the best place should be determined. In order to understand where it is best to plant raspberries, it should be remembered that these bushes reproduce fairly quickly and give offspring, therefore, it is necessary to plant bushes along the path or fence, so that the raspberry bushes that have spawned do not interfere with the rest plants.
The best dates for planting raspberries are determined only based on their own capabilities and availability of materials and space. Regardless of the fact that there are shrubs or root cuttings available, they can be planted in autumn in September or early October, in the spring - the end of April, this is the earliest period after it comes down snow.
In summer it is best to plant raspberries in late May or early June. In this case, the seedlings must be well watered, so that the dry weather does not dry them.
Planting raspberries: seasonality and ways
After the variety and type of berries are selected, you can proceed to planting raspberries and to further care for it. It is best to plant berry bushes in neutral or slightly acidic soils. Planting raspberries should be carried out in a sunny place, but in a simultaneous isolation from the winds. In winter, there should be a good snow cover in this place.
Plant berry bushes in spring, autumn and summer. Planting raspberries in spring is carried out in the soil, prepared a month before planting. The best way to plant raspberries during this period is the trench method.
To do this, it is necessary to dig a long and at the same time deep trench. At its bottom, layers are first composted, followed by superphosphate fertilizer and biohumus. In order for the shoots to firmly anchor in the ground, they need to be planted near the pegs prepared in advance with a cord stretched over them. Plant shrubs in pairs, so reduces the possibility of freezing and degeneration of shoots.
After the bushes are securely fixed and form one long row, they must be covered with earth, so that the upper kidney remains above the ground. It should be remembered that when planting raspberries in spring, the moat must be filled with water. Such precautions will allow the bushes to take root before the first frost. When they begin, shoots should be covered with dry foliage, branches, sawdust or needles. So you can keep the bushes and get a good harvest in the summer.
In order to determine how to properly plant raspberries in the spring, you should find a good place, which is reliably protected from the winds and well illuminated by the sun. It is at this place that you should dig a trench from north to south. Pits are dug in the same direction. This arrangement will allow evenly to fall on bushes to sunlight during the day.
Planting raspberries in autumn practically does not differ from planting in the spring. You can plant raspberries in two ways in a pit and in a trench. The choice of method depends on personal preferences and possibilities.
In order to plant berry bushes in the pit, it should have a depth of about 35-40 centimeters and a width of 50 cm. For the trench landing, the parameters should be the same, only the trench is dug out in length.
Autumn planting of raspberries in the open ground
There is also another way to plant raspberries, for which the best time is autumn. This is the way to plant raspberries in the open ground. It is carried out in late September at the beginning of October. On the sites allocated for planting raspberries, you should hold snow retention.
The scheme of planting raspberries in the open ground can be two ways - tape and bush. The best way is tape.
The distance between the rows should be about -2 meters, and between plants half a meter. Cords are pulled on the chosen place and grooves with a depth of 20 cm are poured. Not fertilized soil should be prepared and make necessary fertilizers in it, mixing them with soil.
Planting raspberries into grooves should be done carefully, so as not to damage the kidneys. The roots of the bushes before planting should be dipped into a clay chatterbox. After planting the raspberries in the open ground, the plant should be watered, at a rate of 1 bucket per plant, and also mulch the bushes with humus, earth or compost. These rules for planting raspberries in the open ground must be observed in order to harvest a good harvest.
The main focus of care for raspberries
Every horticulturist knows that knowledge about the planting of raspberries and the quality of these processes is not enough. To ensure that the yield of raspberries was at the highest level, and the plant itself did not freeze and become ill, it is necessary to provide proper care for raspberries. Despite the fact that raspberries are not very moody plants, care for it should be done carefully and with all the rules.
It should be remembered that care for raspberries begins with watering, because this plant is very fond of water. But it should not be poured, so that the root system is not rotten from excessive water intake. In the spring and summer, raspberries need an increased amount of water, and in the autumn, it is better to cut off watering because of the large amount of rains.
Another rule is pruning. Cut raspberries need to shorten the fruiting shoots and excess root shoots. After planting shoots in spring cut into 20 cm. In the second year, shoots are cut every year or after harvesting. The first picture shows how to properly cut off shoots, and the second - no.
In order not to dig up the soil, it is better to mulch the row between the rows in advance, namely to lay straw or peat, or even to the ground. In order to protect berry bushes from frosts some varieties are bent for the winter. To do this, you need to tilt the bushes to each other and tie them together.
In the period when the bushes begin to bear fruit, the main rule for caring for raspberries is their garter so that the branches do not break under the weight of the fruit. The most common method of garter is fan. For this, between the bushes it is necessary to drive the pegs and tie the branches to them at different heights. Tapestry garter is suitable for the trench method of planting raspberries.
Another rule of care for raspberries is its fertilizer. In autumn, bushes are fertilized with mineral, organic fertilizers and wood ash.