Useful jam from dandelions

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As you know, most types of jam are not only very tasty, but also extremely useful. In winter, when the vitamin diet is meager, jam helps the body avoid avitaminosis and contributes to the treatment of various diseases. One of the most useful and unusual blanks is jam from dandelions.

Preparation of ingredients

In order to prepare the original dessert you will need:

  • 300 g of dandelions;
  • a kilogram of sugar;
  • 1 large lemon;
  • liter of water.
Read also:How to quickly and simply permanently get rid of dandelions on a garden plot

Freshly picked dandelions should be removed legs. Flush the flowers thoroughly in several waters. Lemon with boiling water and finely chopped with zest.

To get out of the plant bitterness, pour the washed flowers with clean water and leave overnight.

Step-by-step instructions for the preparation of jam

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The next day, squeeze out excess liquid and transfer the dandelions into a cooking pot. Now you can proceed directly to the preparation of jam:

  1. Pour in a pot of flowers water.
  2. Add the sliced ​​lemon.
  3. Cook over medium heat for 30 minutes.
  4. Half an hour after the beginning of cooking turn off the cooking zone, cover the pan with a lid and leave to infuse for at least 6 hours.
  5. When the blank is infused, drain it.
  6. The resulting infusion again put on the fire and add sugar.
  7. Boil the syrup in current, hours, stirring occasionally.

The consistency and color of the jam depends on the time of cooking the syrup: the longer it is hardened, the thicker and darker the jam. However, it should be noted that after cooling the syrup thickens yet.

Spread hot jam on jars and roll. The total should be about a liter of useful dessert. By the way, the cooled jam looks like fresh honey.

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Useful properties of jam from dandelions

The plant, which is usually considered a weed, can be of invaluable benefit to humans. Jam from yellow flowers is recommended for use in liver diseases and cholecystitis, it improves digestive processes and treats gastritis (especially with high acidity). It is also recommended to take an unusual dessert to prevent bronchitis and to stop asthma attacks.

Collect flowers are necessary at the beginning of opening buds - then the ratio of useful substances in them is the most.

Video on how to make jam from dandelions

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