Examples of design of flower beds from bottles

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I have a stock of plastic and glass bottles in my dacha. For a long time I dreamed of making original flower beds from them, but I can not define them with their appearance. Help to make a decision - please give examples of design of flower beds from bottles.

Recently, flower beds have become increasingly popular, for the creation of which plastic or glass bottles are used. This material attracts attention by its simplicity in processing and the lack of financial investments. After all, the stocks of plastic containers (large or small) are for everyone, and glass bottles are always there. It remains to show a little imagination - and the original flowerbed is ready. In addition, in such a flower bed the soil will remain moist longer and easy to take care of - the planted flowers will not leave the flower bed, and the weeds will not penetrate from the outside. Some examples of design of flower beds from bottles are considered in the article.

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Flower bed of one pot

A flower bed, created from a single plastic bottle of various sizes, will suit those who have little space on the site, besides, such a flower bed can be rearranged or decorated with already ready flower beds. The shape depends on the size of the plastic container. From bottles of 2 liters to get a nice little animals, and a five-liter bottle - a fairy pig.

For this, a plastic bottle on one side needs to cut out a hole in which the flowers will later be planted. On the reverse side (the bottom of the flower bed) make drainage holes. From the neck to make a muzzle, and from the cut out piece of plastic - necessary details like a tail, ears, legs, etc. It remains only to paint the beast in your favorite color.

Here are such flower beds in the form of animals and even technology can be made:

Flower bed from bottles dug vertically

The shape of such a flower bed depends only on the desire, you can put it in the form of some geometric shape (circle, oval, square), or to shape the animal or bird. For the construction of the flower bed, plastic bottles of any volume are suitable: for a small flower bed - half-liter containers, respectively, for a larger flower bed, it is better to take two-liter. Instead of plastic containers, glass bottles of the same color can be used.

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The technology of design is as follows:

  1. In the area allocated under the bed, make a marking and on it to dig a not very deep groove, the width of which is equal to the thickness of the bottle, and the depth - about half its height.
  2. Tare to fill with earth or sand (that is available) - it is necessary that the bottles are more stable and do not fall out.
  3. Put the bottles in a groove tightly to each other, avoiding the formation of cracks.
  4. Dig a ditch with bottles and trample it well.
  5. If desired, the serving part of the bottles should be painted.

Below are the options for creating flower beds in this way.

A glass bottle of glass bottles laid on the base

The main difference of this flowerbed is that due to its dimensions it is most likely to be stationary. As the basis, an old barrel or tires stacked with a pile is suitable. If at the bottom of the flower bed there is a bottom, it is necessary to make drainage holes in it.

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To build a flower bed, you need:

  • establish a foundation for the flowerbed;
  • to prepare cement mortar (:);
  • starting from the bottom, apply a mortar on the flower bed base;
  • lay out the first row of bottles, pushing them into the cement;
  • the next layer of bottles lay on top of the first in a checkerboard pattern, and so on - to the desired height of the flowerbed.

When the solution has solidified, pour rubble or pebbles for drainage into the flower bed (to the bottom), and above - nutrient soil for plants.

Examples of the design of flower beds with the use of bottles are still very much, the main thing is to show a little imagination, and elegant flower beds will please their appearance all year round.

Ideas for decorating flower beds from bottles, video

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