Fragrant compote-assorted for the winter from cerapadus, irgi and gooseberries

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The advantage of assorted assortment is that all berries and fruits can be used for its preparation. A specific list of ingredients such recipes do not have, everything depends only on the desire and ability. If the currant has ripened, but cherries still remain in the garden - why not take advantage of the moment to make a delicious harvest for the winter?

However, the cherry-currant compote is, so to speak, the classic of the genre. Many housewives spend whole culinary experiments, by trial and error, inventing original flavor combinations. One of these masterpieces is compote made of cerafadus, irgi and gooseberry.

Cerapadus - a hybrid, resulting from the crossing of cherries and bird cherry. Small berries of dark red, almost black in color resemble bird cherry and also grow with brushes.

The secret of the combination of ingredients

Compote-assortment is one of the most delicious drinks. Each berry gives it its taste and aroma, and all together they make up a unique taste composition with a rich color and smell:

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  1. Gooseberry. In itself, a vivid taste, he does not have, but wonderfully complement the rest, more sweet berries with light sourness.
  2. Cerapadus.Small berries are very sweet, with a slight bitterness, which gives compote-assorted individual zest. In addition, cerapadus will give the compote a dark saturated shade.
  3. Irga.Very sweet berries, reminiscent to the taste of blueberries, will play their part in the color spectrum of the drink. A well-ripe irga has a slight taste of cinnamon, which will add another flavor element to the compote.

Tserapadus in compote can be replaced with currant or ordinary cherry.

How to roll compote?

It is recommended to roll the beverage in large volumes (3 liters), as it will not be concentrated. This compote can be consumed immediately after opening the can, and it is not necessary to further dilute it.

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Banks should be thoroughly washed and dried. In a clean container one by one to lay approximately 1 glass:

  • peeled from the tails of gooseberries;
  • cerapadus (also without petioles, but with bones);
  • ирги along with petioles.
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Further processing of compote is as follows:

  1. Pour into jars with hot boiled water under the neck, cover and leave for 10 minutes. During this time the berries will have time to be steamed. For 5 bottles of 3 liters, you need about 12 liters of boiling water.
  2. Using a special lid with a drain hole, pour the infused liquid into a saucepan. Pour into the water, art. sugar and bring to a boil to dissolve.
  3. At the end add to syrup, h. l. citric acid.
  4. Pour hot berries syrup.
  5. To roll.
  6. Wrap up with a warm blanket and leave until completely cooled.

In the process of preservation, compote will have a pale pink color. Do not be afraid, this is normal. A more intense dark color of the drink acquires over time, when berries are infused.

Preserving the compote-assorted - video

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