Recipes of melon jam with the addition of orange, apples, watermelon

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For those wishing to make a melon jam for the winter, the recipes of this dessert will help to cook it quickly and deliciously. The season of melon harvest begins in July and lasts until September in frequent cases. So, in these months you should choose the time to prepare a wonderful sweet dessert. Melon can be turned into a compote, jam, jam. It is remarkably processed by hot temperature and stored for a long time in canned form. Jam from melon for the winter on a simple recipe will tell you how to easily recycle it and roll it into jars. Melon can be closed in a single way, and also be combined with other ingredients. Juicy pulp is perfectly combined with lemon, apples, banana, peaches.

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Useful and tasty jam from pine cones - in our next article!

Usefulness of melon

Melon is useful for suffering anemia, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. Also it is recommended to use it for debugging of digestion, normalization of processes in the liver, kidneys. False berry has a calming effect on the nerves, strengthens the immune system, increases hemoglobin. So useful fruit should be kept for the winter in the form of jam, even you can add a few, no less useful, honey. Thus, we get a vitamin mixture - jam from melon with honey.

Folic acid in melon favorably affects pregnant women and menopause. It also improves memory and struggles with depression. ß-carotene has a positive effect on the skin, hair and nails. Vitamins B9 and C will help to withstand winter colds. Healing microelements prevent fatigue, insomnia, irritability.

Selection of melon for jam and recipes

To choose a melon for jam for the winter for quick recipes, you need, first and foremost, to pay attention to its aroma. It should be pronounced, tart, sweet, fruity. These are the signs of ripe and untreated melon chemicals. If you feel a thin note of ammonia, such a fruit for canning and jam is not good. An unripe melon does not smell of anything or grass, it is also not suitable for sweet dessert. The second stage in choosing a melon, will be a test for maturity. To do this, you need to slap your palm lightly over the surface, the ripe fruit will give a deaf sound. And, at last, pressing a finger on a peel, it should spring, it is an attribute of a good melon.

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Jam from a melon of fast preparation

Sometimes, when you want to eat a bowl of jam, right now and right here, and it, alas, no. Jam from melon "five-minute cooked for a small amount of time, will satisfy your desire.

Stages of preparation:

  1. One ripe, small melon should be washed and divided into two parts. Remove seeds and peel.
  2. Cut into cubes and fall asleep, kg of sugar.
  3. Put on the fire and boil for 10 minutes. To get rid of the sugary taste at this point, it is better to add lemon juice - a couple of teaspoons.
  4. Mix. Jam is ready for use.

Jam on this recipe is not suitable for canning and storage for a long time.

Jam from melon in the multivariate

This method of cooking takes about 5 hours and differs from cooking in a saucepan only in that it does not require labor-intensive human costs. Jam from a melon in a multivariate turns out to be saturated and thoroughly cooked.

Stages of preparation:

  1. 1 kg of melons should be freed from seeds and peel. Cut into cubes and place in a multi-cup.
  2. Cover the pieces, kg of sugar and wait for about 3 hours, until the melon juice is released.
  3. Grind 1 large lemon together with the peel and add it to the mixture.
  4. Set the timer for 40 minutes with the "Baking" mode. Do not close the lid. After provarki, cool it on your own. Repeat the same procedure again.
  5. After the complete cooling again turn on the item "Baking only the timer will now reach the hour.
  6. Spread the fragrant mass in jars and cork.

Jam from melon with orange or lemon

Jam from melon, recipes with orange will describe how to cook sweetness with the addition of citrus, not just orange. Melon sweetness is perfectly diluted with the acid of lemon, orange, grapefruit, bergamot and other representatives of the citrus family. Thanks to this innovation, the ready dish gets a bunch of vitamins and minerals. All known vitamin C will, by the way, be in this set of nutrients. With this recipe, you can also experiment and prepare a melon with melon and lemon.

Stages of preparation:

  1. , kg melon clean, remove the core and cut into cubes. Top off, kg of sugar and let it brew for about 2 hours.
  2. Make syrup kg of sugar per 500 g of water. Boil and pour pieces of melon. Let it brew for 24 hours.
  3. Drain the melon syrup and boil, pour the pieces again and wait 10 hours.
  4. 2 peel the oranges and cut into small pieces. Place the resulting cut into a melon mass and boil all the ingredients together for an hour, until the mixture becomes thick.
  5. Unfold the melon-orange jam on the cans and cork.

It is important to correctly observe the stages and proportions of this recipe, because the lemon can give bitterness as a result, if you miss, at least one step.

Jam with melon and apples

For those who want to dilute the sweet sugary melon, you can add apples of white varieties. Thus, we will receive jam from a melon with apples. Apples not only fill with their special acid jam, but also saturate it with additional useful microelements and vitamins, which the melon does not have. Of the ingredients provided in the recipe will be a liter of jam.

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Stages of preparation:

  1. , kg of melon washed, cleaned and turned into small cubes.
  2. Take a small lemon and rub it on a fine grater until 1 teaspoon of zest comes out. This is exactly what you need in the melon jam for the winter, according to the recipe.
  3. Cut the melon chunks into a blender to mash.
  4. 500 grams of apples free of peel and cores, cut into pieces.
  5. In the mashed potatoes, pour 500 grams of sugar and cook until the mixture begins to resemble honey.
  6. Pour apple sliced ​​and grated zest into melon "honey boil and cook for another 5 minutes.
  7. Spread the cooked sweetness over the cans and turn it over for the winter.

If a foam is formed during melon melting, it must be cleaned, because in the future such jam can not be stored for a long time.

Jam from watermelon and melon

Two similar fruits - melon and watermelon, you can combine and get a jam of watermelon and melon. In this jam, the red flesh of the watermelon is not used, but its crusts.

Stages of preparation:

  1. From a pound of melon and watermelon get a crust - cut the white shell, located between the upper hard and pulp. Cut them in small pieces.
  2. Place the cube cubes in slightly salted water for 10 minutes (1 hour. a spoonful of salt per 1 liter of water). Get it and give it over with boiling water.
  3. Boil the syrup kg of sugar per liter of water. Put a night in it crust.
  4. The next day, boil the ingredients within 3 hours and spread them over the jars.
  5. Jam from crust melon and watermelon is ready. It can be densely corked for the winter or stored in a refrigerator under a cap nylon.
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Jam from melon and bananas

Banana - a running fruit in cooking. It is pleasant and useful in fresh form, as well as in recycled. Its gentle, sweet taste will complement any jam and will not spoil it at all. So, you can make jam from melon and bananas.

Stages of preparation:

  1. , kg melon, peeled, cut into pieces and covered, kg of sugar. Wait 12 hours.
  2. Squeeze the juice out of 1 lemon and mix it into the melon mass the next day. Protest for 30 minutes the result obtained.
  3. Cut 3 lemons into slices and send to a melon. There also place a banana cut in rings. Boil until smooth. Allow to cool. Once again boil until thick.
  4. Spill the hot mixture over the jars, place paper circles on top, soaked in vodka and roll.

Jam from zucchini with melon

For people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases and acutely responsive to different sweet and sour dishes, it is recommended to add zucchini to the diet. Jam from zucchini with melon can also be added to the regime.

Stages of preparation:

  1. Squash (2 pcs.) And melon (1 pc.) Peeled, cut in half, remove bones. Cut into cubes.
  2. Fall asleep 1 kg of sugar and leave overnight to get juice.
  3. The next day put on a stove, bring to a boil and add the ground lemon. Boil another 15 minutes.
  4. Jam is immediately ready for use.

Jam from melon and peaches

Peaches and melons are almost identical in density, so their flesh perfectly fits together, and the process of welding will not be difficult. The resulting jam from melon and peaches will acquire a sweet and sour taste and complement any tea drinking.

Stages of preparation.

  1. From 1 kg of peaches, remove the bones and cut the resulting halves into slices.
  2. Clear a pound of melon, remove the seeds and grind in a blender.
  3. Place the prepared fruit in an enamel saucepan, fill 1 kg of sugar, mix. Bring to a boil and turn off. Wait for the cooling. Boil again. So repeat three times.
  4. Pour into cans and cork tightly with tin lids. Jam is ready.

This recipe can be diluted with a cinnamon stick during cooking. Only it should be removed before rolling.

Given a variety of recipes above, answered the question: "How to boil a melon from a melon for the winter?" In them Not only were cooking steps described, but combinations with other fruits and vegetables. Each ready-made jam is unusual and different in flavor. And what kind of melon jam to cook - choose you!

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