Best ornamental trees and shrubs for the garden


Gardens and villas of the new wave - stylish cottages, with a comfortable area for the rest of the townspeople, surrounded by beautiful landscapes.Traditional dacha, the main function of which is harvesting, also necessarily includes a recreation area, lovingly decorated with masters. It is for spectacular decoration of the homestead territory, beautiful lawn, playground for children, you need decorative plants and trees, which you should talk about in detail.


Table of contents

  • The role of decorative shrubs and trees in a modern garden
  • Popular ornamental trees in the garden and at the cottage
    • A recognized leader is coniferous trees
      • Tui
    • Decorative Maples
  • Exotics for lovers
    • Magnolia
    • Sakura
  • Decorative forms of fruit trees
  • Decorative shrubs in landscape design
    • Juniper trees: species and variety of shrubs
      • Variegata
      • Cossack
      • Rock Skye Rocket
      • Glauca
      • Mint Juliet
    • Barbaris - we add bright accents
    • Japanese quince chanomeles
    • Red viburnum
    • Garden Hydrangea
  • An interesting novelty: colonial fruit trees
    instagram viewer
    • What are the Colon-shaped Trees?
    • Features of planting and caring for fruit fruit trees

The role of decorative shrubs and trees in a modern garden

Decorative shrubs and trees will decorate your summer residence

In addition to a natural aesthetic function -give people the pleasure of the beauty of nature, ornamental trees and shrubs are used by gardeners and designers to solve purely practical problems. The visual extension is too narrow, or a very small area. Decoration of economic buildings, strengthening of sloping areas and talus. Zoning of a site, creation of dividing screens between a kitchen garden and a personal plot. Protection of the individual space of a small dacha from prying eyes, without erecting a fence.


Popular ornamental trees in the garden and at the cottage

The current trend in gardening is a beautiful, fruit-bearing garden that does not require huge physical expenses for the care and maintenance of decorativeness. In the priority of beauty and unpretentiousness of trees; The practical use of plantings is taking second place.This explains the popularity of new forms of fruit and forest trees represented by modern breeding:

  • compactstamping treeswith a spherical crown;
  • dwarf formsfruit and forest trees;
  • weepingforms;
  • Colon-shaped hybridshabitual trees.

An interesting novelty is the use of forest trees for the design of a summer residence. For example, grab seedlings are sold by nurseries at bargain prices. Grab is great for creating a hedge, decorative backdrops and walls.

Alive green hedge

To create spectacular compositions, edging lawns, use trees of different heights:

  • tall (up to 6 m);
  • medium-large (up to 3 m);
  • undersized and dwarf trees (up, m).

From tall trees a backdrop is formed(wall, or focal point), which is supplemented by trees and bushes below. From the undersized, the foreground composition is formed. Trees can be decorated with gravel, placed on an open lawn, soloed, or combined into relief, multi-tiered groups.

The highest ones are planted in the background, then the middle ones. Low-growth trees and shrubs are located in front.

A recognized leader is coniferous trees

Adult plants require little maintenance. Conifers are decorative all year round, including the winter period.In the beginning of spring many species bloom with bright lilac candles resembling Christmas-tree toys. Then comes the time of active growth, the young shoots are much brighter than last year's branches. During this period all coniferous trees look especially elegant.

A hedge of yew

Spruce grows well on marshy soils, this is especially true for the Moscow region. Pine is drought-resistant, well tolerate pruning, which allows you to vary the height and decorative shape.For low hedges, the walls can be recommended for yew. Tees perfectly retains the shape, no significant pruning will be required.


An unpretentious thuju can be safely chosen as the main decorative element of the garden, which will unite the plantings with a single plan.Tui of different varieties will perfectly fit into the composition with short shrubs, variegated and blooming trees.

In the nursery, you can choose varieties of pyramidal, ellipsoidal, or spherical shape. Very interesting is the garden wall made of tui, planted with a smooth line. This allows you to unusually beat even the standard suburban area.

. . Pyramidal thuja.. Ball-shaped thuya.. Ball-shaped thuya.

For the middle band, varieties and hybrids of thuja are recommended. An unpretentious variety Brabant is suitable for the formation of the wall, the wings.Single thuja will grow wide, close planting of thuja(through, m)will form a too low wall. Optimum distance between seedlings of Brabant variety is 1 m. Interesting variety is Wagner's thuya, which has a rounded shape, is lower in height. Tuya loves the shower, sprinkling, sprinkling.

Decorative Maples

The most popular mapleCanadian, Platanoid, Holly maple with burgundy foliage. They perfectly solo on an open lawn, they are good in compositions and against the background of hedges.

. . Maple Canadian.. Maple Leafy or Platanovidny burgundy color.. Maple is platanoid.

Like most plants with brightly colored leaves, decorative colored maples prefer a sunny place.In the shade, the natural color will be faded. Maple prefers fertile soil, with neutral acidity. Young seedlings should be sheltered for the winter. An adult frost-resistant plant of this will not require.


Exotics for lovers


Can be formed as a bush, but can grow a full-fledged tree with a picturesque crown.Blossoming magnolia - the spectacle is exotic, most varieties have a delicate, vanilla-citrus aroma. Magnolia is covered with large flowers (the length of the buds is up to 12-15 cm). The color scale and the shape of the unfolding flower differs very differently for different varieties of magnolia.

Magnolia in bloom

The capriciousness of magnolia is greatly exaggerated, it is enough to observe several rules for successful cultivation. When planting a magnolia, special attention should be given to the root system and the choice of the landing site.To buy a magnolia is necessary with a radical coma (in a plastic container), preferably in a nursery, or a garden center. When planting, try not to injure the roots of the seedling. Magnolia is very fond of the bright sun, does not tolerate drafts and winds. Optimum landing place - under the southern wall of the house, any outbuildings. Does not like calcareous soils, so such land must be acidified with peat. Care for an adult plant is not needed, only minimal sanitary trim. For cultivation in middle-garden gardens, deciduous forms of magnolia, and the corresponding hybrids are recommended.

Young seedlings, even resistant to frost varieties, should be sheltered for the winter (mulch the roots and close the crown with agrofiber).


Japanese relative of the usual cherry, is famous throughout the world for its magical flowering. The conditions of cultivation of sakura and magnolia are identical.A sunny place without drafts; neutral, or weakly acidic soil. Like the usual cherry, sakura will need seasonal spraying from pests, copious watering, substantial pruning.

Sakura in bloom

Sakura does not have to be bought, it reproduces perfectly by cuttings. This is much cheaper than buying a seedling. In August the stalk is planted on a traditional cherry (or cherry), by budding (eye, kidney).


Decorative forms of fruit trees

Habitual apple tree has a lot of decorative subspecies, which bloom more abundant than simple apple trees.Flowering with scarlet flowers, Ola's apple tree is simply flooded with flowers so that no branches are visible.

. . The color of the apple of Ola.. Ola's apples.

Decorative varieties are grown in the usual agricultural techniques, familiar to gardeners to care for apple trees of traditional varieties.Fruits - small (heavenly) apples till the deep autumn decorate the garden. Yellow, red, purple - look great on the branches. They attract birds to the garden, this is a modern variant of a natural solution to pest problems. From the paradise apples you get the original jam. Especially interesting are the weeping forms, with a mottled and colored leaf.


Decorative shrubs in landscape design

Shrubs in the garden technically perform the natural function of undergrowth.From an aesthetic point of view - the bushes harmoniously complement the garden trees and flower beds, fulfilling the role of the middle link. This is a vast class of diverse plants, we will focus on the most popular species.

Juniper trees: species and variety of shrubs

Underlined decorativeness, a wide variety of shapes and varieties, the name of the most common is given below. Isolating phytoncides, junipers essentially purify the air.In sunny weather, near such a plant there is a curative aroma. The common plus of junipers is frost resistance. Fans of the bath will come in handy young twigs of juniper, which are added to the bath brooms for the aroma.


Juniperus Variegata

The recognized varieties include Juniper Variegata. Flat, with scaly azure needles, and contrasting sandy brushes on the end. The shrub is shade-tolerant, but on a sunny place the decorative brushes of the Variegata will be brighter. Adult plant in sufficient area will have the appearance of a lush flower bed.



Juniperus Cossack

An unpretentious smoky plant, prefers light soils, looks great in compositions with variegated hosts, ordinary and tree-like peony.Likes loosening and sprinkling of branches. When transplanting the pit should be 2 times more than the root coma. Juniper people do not resist pruning, although they do not need pruning.

Between the bushes of the Cossack juniper should be at least 1 meters. In adulthood, it is a spreading, lush bush.

Rock Skye Rocket

Juniper Rock Rock Skyrocket

High blue juniper - Rock Skye Rocket. In diameter up to 1 meter, in height up to 7 meters. It looks like a slender tree, reminiscent of cypress.


Juniperus Glauca

Low Glaucus juniper(up to 30 cm), can grow to a width of up to 3 meters. The powerful root system of this plant allows, if necessary, to strengthen the slopes. This is a suitable plant for the first plan of garden composition.

Mint Juliet

Juniperus Mint Juliet

The fastest growing medium juniper - Mint Juliet, reaches, min width, up to, min height. Blue Carpet - an active aggressor, occupies a vast space. On pruning reacts with increased growth. This should be taken into account when planting, and you can use it for your own purposes.

Barbaris - we add bright accents

Interesting shape of the bush, tender branches, bright foliage, inherent in different varieties, allows barberry to lead among colored bushes. Active in the spring.Crown of purple, red, purple, salad color in the summer, incredibly transformed in autumn. This is a real carnival of colors, from lemon to wine-colored foliage, scarlet bunches of fruits. Barberry berries are an excellent seasoning for pilaf, meat dishes.

Barbaris Ottawa Superba

Barbaris looks great in single and group plantings. The front garden, the alpine slide, the fringing of glades - all these compositions will successfully complement the barberry of the variety you like and the colors.Barbaris of different height(from 30 cm to, m)It is interesting to beat in the mixed biker mixer. Barbaris Tunberga is good in combination with coniferous plants. The short cushion barberry Green Carpet is used for stony compositions in the Japanese style.

Barberry is well developed in an open, sunny place, not fastidious to soils.Does not tolerate stagnation of soil input, when planting barberry, a quality drainage cushion should be provided.

Japanese quince chanomeles

Japanese quince chanomeles

A low shrub (up to 80 cm) inlooks very exotic, abundantly blooms orange-red flowers. In summer and autumn it is decorated with fruits resembling paradise apples. Used for flower beds and rosaries.

Japanese quince grows well on light sandy loam soils, loves lighted places. From the fruits of the hostess they cook perfect jam.

Red viburnum

The habitual bush, does not cease to please with the beauty and useful berries.Kalina is very good in color, in autumn it is colored crimson - yellow, red bunches of berries glow in the sun.

Bunch of red viburnum in autumn

Kalina loves shady places, the bush can grow quite extensively. This property of the viburnum can be successfully used to decorate farm buildings, deaf walls of sheds.Loves good watering, land for planting is mixed with humus(1 x 1). The earth under the bush of the viburnum should be covered with a tree bark, this will help the hygrophilous plant develop.

It grows wild in central and southern Europe, in North Africa, in the European part of Russia, mainly in its middle part and in Asia Minor. Rarely found in the west and north of Russia.Kalina can be found in Central and Western Siberia, as well as in the eastern and northern regions of Kazakhstan. Kalina ordinary does not grow in Central Asia and the Far East.

Garden Hydrangea

Familiar for room forms, hydrangea Large-leaved garden - a find for fans of bright, actively flowering plants. Large inflorescences (12 - 15 cm) bloom in July, remain on the branches until autumn.Adult bush wisteria is not high(up to 1 m), can reach two meters in diameter, this should be taken into account when planting. Large inflorescences are white, greenish, crimson, pink and even blue.

Garden Hydrangea

Hortense loves enough illuminated places, but direct sunlight to it is harmful. It will take wet, weakly acidic soil, abundant watering, fertilizing. When planting in the soil mixture add peat, sand, coniferous forest land.Feeding hydrangea with iron preparations, amateurs seek a hydrangea of ​​bright blue inflorescence. It is advisable to mulch the stalk with needles, use slightly acidified water for irrigation. For the winter, hydrangeas should be hidden.


An interesting novelty: colonial fruit trees

Compact, fruitful trees, covered with fruits of the usual size, fascinated many gardeners.COLORS Fruit for the second year, take up little space, they are easy to take care of. The life span of such a tree is up to 15 years, in contrast to the usual longevity of ordinary fruit and stone fruit trees.

What are the Colon-shaped Trees?

Colon-shaped apple tree - short, dwarfish (relatively standard). Proven, quality varieties - Arbat (red apple of average maturity), Bolero (winter), Gin (summer grade).

. . Colon-shaped apple tree Arbat.. Colon-shaped apple tree Bolero.. Colon-shaped apple tree Gin.

There are seedlings of the newest selection: plum, plum, pear, peach. The main problem is the variability of the variety. The death of the lower branches, changes in the shape of the crown (the formation of the "broom"), the freezing of growth buds, the degeneration of the variety. There is frank fraud of sellers. If you decide to grow a colony, buy adapted seedlings in proven regional nurseries.

At the moment, only the columnar apple tree boasts a large number of varieties of sustainable selection. Other column-shaped novelties can be purchased only at your own peril and risk.

Features of planting and caring for fruit fruit trees

Columns are very comfortable for processing and care, the organization of drip, or point irrigation.Growth of an adult fruit tree - about, m, is grown in habitual agrotechnics, as well as usual fruit and stone fruit trees. Depending on the variety, the seedlings are planted at a distance, m from each other. The distance between rows 2 m. It will take seasonal pruning, treatment from pests, top dressing, loosening of the root circle.

Arrangement of colonial fruit trees on the site

After planting a one-year-old seedling, the plant will show its variety in the first year.For this, the tree is left2-3flower ovaries, the rest of the flowers in the first year is best removed. The seedlings need strengths to adapt to a new location, forming a healthy root system.

Selection does not stand still, demanded varieties are constantly being improved. Whether to experiment with original novelties, or choose the proven decorative grade for years is the constant temptation of the gardener. Based on their taste preferences, you can pick up the original decoration for your favorite garden.

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