How to choose an electric lawn mower for a summer residence, what to look for

Summer is coming, which means that the endlessly growing grass will complicate the life of every summer resident. Experienced gardeners in the spring plan to work on their personal plot, choosing the necessary tool.

The content of the article

  • Choosing an electric lawn mower for a summer cottage
    • Main selection criteria
  • Top 5 best electric lawn mowers

Choosing an electric lawn mower for a summer cottage

The device for cutting grass was invented almost two centuries ago. Since then, he has become the best assistant for summer residents, who regularly have to take care of plots and lawns. It is a mobile and handy device that cuts grass quickly.

It is very convenient to set up and work with it. The result is noticeable from the first minutes of application.

Main selection criteria

There are two types of electric lawn mowers on sale: wheeled and portable (trimmers). Both options are suitable for lawn mowing. They are selected according to the size of the treated area.

  1. Developer. The most famous are Bosch, ZUBR, Makita, Gardena, Hammer. This selection criterion is important, but not considered essential. Many manufacturers deliberately inflate the price of their products, thanks to the advertised brand.
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  2. A variation of the cutting system. They are divided into rotary and drum. The former are distinguished by a sharp knife mounted on a vertical shaft. He is able to cope with thick grass, but is not responsible for the evenness of the lawn. The second variety is designed specifically for lawns. The knives are set like scissors, they lift the blades of grass and cut them neatly and evenly. Not suitable for thick and tall grass.
  3. Class. Here, household and professional are distinguished. The first ones are intended for processing a small area in their own dacha. Professional are used in large areas. There is something in between that differs in price and quality.
  4. Discharge of grass. It is important to decide whether the grass will be collected in a special container or thrown to the side. Mulching function is also available, which is very convenient.
  5. Power. On the electrical appliance market, there are models with indicators from 300 to 3000 watts. Choose an average value, as too powerful ones quickly overheat and fail.
  6. Wheels. If the area to be treated is uneven, use a wide wheel mower.
  7. Weight. Electric models on two wheels weigh 13 kg. Products on four wheels weigh up to 40 kg, but they are distinguished by high power.

Choose a lawn mower with a metal deck, they are more durable. Complete the wire that comes with the device with a bright colored extension cord so that it can be clearly seen in the grass.

For trimmers, not only weight and power are important, but also the ease of holding, battery capacity, cut rules, as well as the number of revolutions.

Top 5 best electric lawn mowers

There are a lot of models on sale. Consider the currently demanded:

  • Greenworks GLM1035. Made in America, model with collector, 1 kW power. There is a mulching function, mows at a height of 2 to 8 mm.
  • Bosch ARM 33W / EEU. German quality with a power of 1.3 kW. Standard cutting height, width 34 cm. Equipped with a collection for herbal waste.
  • Black & Decker EMAX42I-QS. Working power - 1.8 kW, large grass catcher, bevel width - 42 cm. A fairly light model with a cut height of 2–7 cm. Rotary system.
  • DDE LME3816. Power of work - 1650 W, mows to a width of 38 cm, has a large grass catcher. Height adjustable. Reliable and high quality model.
  • Champion EM3813. Russian-made product, power - 1.3 kW. The rotor cutting system and low weight ensure maneuverability. The only drawback is the plastic case.

There are many options for electric lawn mowers on the shelves, which are difficult to choose from. Summarize the working conditions in a certain area and select the model corresponding to the parameters.

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