Gasoline lawn mower will not start: reasons

Often, when working with a gasoline lawn mower, even regular users who know how to repair this or that device complain about problems with the equipment. And this is not surprising: petrol the engine has many elements, and using it, as they say, is a whole science.

Important! When trying to repair the engine yourself without the help of the services intended for this, warranty expires.

The content of the article

  • Visual inspection
  • Engine problems

Visual inspection

Before working with any faulty device, a visual inspection should be carried out - one that does not require a complete disassembly of the device. Agree: it is much easier, for example, to check the battery of a phone whose screen has suddenly stopped work by connecting it to the power supply, instead of completely disassembling the display, checking the loop and etc. So:

  1. First of all, we check if there is the right amount of gasoline inside the engine at all. If this is the case, then the rest of the actions do not need to be performed (and so is the same with each item).
  2. instagram viewer
  3. We examine for the possibility of gasoline or oil leaks. This should be done in good lighting or just use a flashlight.
  4. See if the motor has external deformations.


Engine problems

Common causes and solutions.

A common problem is dirty air filter. We take it off. If the motor starts to work better without it (this can be determined by the sound), then the reason has been found. If, when closing the hole by hand, the engine slows down, then this additionally confirms that the matter is in the filter clogging. It is recommended to replace it with a new one. You can also clean it with a vacuum cleaner or rinse it thoroughly with a cloth using dishwashing detergent or the same soap. The main thing is a thorough subsequent drying. Then you need to very carefully grease the filter with oil and leave it for half an hour to absorb.


If the engine is running, but slows down, it may be to blame spark plug. Problems with this element are also indicated by high fuel consumption. You can check it using a special "pistol", which is sold in any car store. To do this, insert a candle into the hole. If after that there is no spark, then the element does not work - you just need to buy a new one and replace it.


Checking breather. This is a part of the engine used to maintain the same pressure in the gas tank. If it becomes clogged, then, most likely, a vacuum will be created, which prevents the supply of fuel further. To check, you need to dismantle it, and then close the hole in which the breather stood with your palm. If there is no pressure, then this is the point. Then clean the breather itself, mount it back. If the motor has not started working, it may be because of the rings. They should be checked with a compressometer. Before checking, we warm up the power unit: if the atmospheres are not enough, we change the rings.

Broken flywheel key may also indicate a problem with the engine. Its deformation is very easy to see when inspecting the part. If it is broken, replace it. To check, the first thing you need to do is disconnect the spark plug wire and secure it away from the spark plug itself. Remove the cover by unscrewing the bolts. Install the flywheel puller, remove it together with the key. If deformation is detected, we replace the spare part.

If the engine starts, but instantly stalls, then this may indicate damaged insulation of the ignition system. So, touching the metal of the case, the current passes further, a short circuit occurs, which extinguishes the spark.

The problem may also lie in the quality of fuel. The first step is to check if there is an excess of oil, then - the gasoline itself. On fuelin no case no need to save! There are three ways to check its quality:

  • By color. To do this, you need to pour fuel into a small transparent jar. If, at the same time, the color of the gasoline is pale yellow, then it is in perfect order - the one that is needed has been chosen. If the shade is different, this may indicate cheap impurities. They quickly spoil the engine, which means that it will have to be taken to the nearest service center.
  • It consists in using potassium permanganate. Also pour into a jar, dilute with potassium permanganate. If the fuel quickly turns pink, it means that there is a lot of water in it, which should not be.
  • Put some gasoline on a piece of paper. Wait a couple of minutes: if it has not completely evaporated, and the paper has changed its color, there are impurities in the fuel.

If the mower produces a lot of smoke, it may also indicate gasoline prepared for two-stroke engines. Next time, you just need to choose it wisely, and before that it is worth changing the spark plug.

If the shaft does not rotate, then the problem in "oil starvation" - lack of oil in the engine. In addition, oil with insufficient viscosity may be used. To repair the crankshaft, a complete dismantling of the pallet must be carried out. Bearings need to be replaced. Additionally, it is recommended to clean the channels if there is dirt in them. It can also negatively affect the lack of oil for lubricating parts.

If the candle is wet, it is possible carburetor problems. When the gaskets are worn out, they should be replaced. You also need to rinse it by partial disassembly. First, remove the air filter and cover. After we remove all the contaminated elements, rinse them completely so that they look like new. After we collect everything back. Parts should be soaked in a cleaning liquid available from a store. It is also permissible to replace it with pure gasoline or kerosene. If necessary, the carburetor can be purged.

The above recommendations in most cases will help to cope with a malfunction in the trimmer. However, it should be noted that it will be most effective to simply send the device to a service center.

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