Self-repair of petrol cutters: common causes of breakdowns

The tool, which is called a petrol cutter or trimmer, is a modern device that allows cope with work on site faster and without wasting physical energy, which greatly simplifies mowing process. In addition, it is safer than a simple braid.

However, do not forget about this point: the more complex the instrument, the higher the risk of its breakage. The benzokos consists of separate mechanisms and units, each of which has its own resource.


One of the simplest ways to extend the life of a tool is to timely inspect and identify technical faults. Most manufacturers write about this in the instructions for the tool. It also contains information on fuels and lubricants that are recommended for use when working with a petrol cutter.

In the absence of inspection of individual units at least once a season, their service life can be sharply reduced. Then the owners have to resort to the services of craftsmen. However, most damage can be corrected by yourself.

The content of the article

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  • Why the petrol cutter won't start: common reasons
  • Repair of petrol cutters: what you can do with your own hands
    • Spark plug inspection and repair
    • Faulty filters
    • Correction of problems with the breather and the exhaust port
    • Carburetor repair
    • Starter and gearbox breakage

Why the petrol cutter won't start: common reasons

The most common problems that you can fix yourself are:

  • malfunction of the power unit, as a result of which it will not start;
  • vibration of the rod, which complicates the normal operation of the tool;
  • overheating of the gearbox, leading to an emergency shutdown;
  • a decrease in speed, as a result of which the scythe will cease to perform its functions;
  • contamination of the starter grille, causing an increase in the temperature of the power section and shutdown of the engine;
  • clogging of the carburetor, leading to an early failure of the device;
  • clogging of the air filter, due to which the engine will constantly stall.

The above breakdowns can be eliminated by yourself during the inspection of the tool.

Repair of petrol cutters: what you can do with your own hands

When the power unit does not start, it stalls immediately after starting; sounds, vibration or overheating is felt, you need to understand which part of the instrument is inoperative condition. You can make the diagnosis yourself. There is nothing complicated about it. The inspection process is divided into stages during which it is checked:

  • lubrication of working elements and the presence of gasoline in the tank;
  • serviceability of the spark plug;
  • condition of the unit's fuel and air filters;
  • exhaust manifold and breather;
  • the quality of gasoline and lubricants.

Further, depending on the results of the diagnostics performed, you can either start the repair yourself, or call the wizard.

Spark plug inspection and repair

If the fuel in the tank is not in doubt, and the tool is refuses to start, possible, the cause of the breakdown is a candle.


The procedure will be as follows:

  • we unscrew and wipe the candle, then we need to dry it;
  • we drain the excess fuel from the chamber through the hole formed after unscrewing the plug;
  • dry the camera (about 40 minutes);
  • we clean the twisted element from carbon deposits (you can use a file for this);
  • we expose a gap of 1 millimeter;
  • we twist the candle into place and try to start the engine.

If after that the spark plug gives out a spark, but the engine does not want to start, you need to slightly lubricate the candle thread with gasoline. If this does not help, then the cause of the breakdown is in something else.

In the absence of a spark, there is a high probability of failure of the ignition unit. With such a breakdown, repairs will not work, so you have to change the whole unit.

Faulty filters

The petrol cutter can also stall due to a clogged air filter. To identify this cause of failure, you need to pull the cartridge itself out of the filter housing and start the tool. If the scythe works normally, then the filter must be replaced or thoroughly cleaned.


In addition to the air filter, the fuel filter may be clogged. The verification process is similar: we take out the cartridge and briefly run the tool.

Important! The operation of the power unit without a filter element is fraught with expensive engine repairs. Such a check can be carried out only in exceptional cases and for minimal periods.

Correction of problems with the breather and the exhaust port

The breather is designed to equalize the pressure in the gas tank. The most common failure of this element is clogging, as a result of which the tool begins to stall. Repairing it is a trivial cleaning. For these purposes, you can use a regular needle.

The muffler is also at risk of clogging, which is often clogged by dirt. In this case, the exhaust manifold must be cleaned, in which the anti-spark grid can also be removed.

Carburetor repair

When checking the carburetor, you need to pay attention to its tightness. Diagnostics of this node is carried out in three stages:

  • to exclude a possible blockage in the fuel hose, it must be blown out;
  • if the unit leaks, the gasket between the engine and the carburetor must be replaced;
  • this is followed by assembly and testing of the tightness of the system.

You can also disassemble the unit and clean all its elements with gasoline and compressed air.


Starter and gearbox breakage

The purpose of the reducer is to transfer torque from the shaft to the working part of the tool. The mechanism must be kept completely clean and lubricated in a timely manner. You can diagnose the correct operation of this unit by checking the tension of the cord, which is in the hitch with the teeth of the gear mechanism of the starter coil. These teeth tend to collapse during an abrupt start.

A failed starter is not repairable and must be replaced. In most cases, timely inspection and lubrication of rubbing parts can save you from such situations. It is enough to hold such events once a season.

Also, special attention should be paid to cutting elements. After completing the work, they must be cleaned of dirt and grass. Regular inspection of the tool before use will keep it working for a long time.

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