How to grow mandarin from a bone in the home


Few people think that it is possible to grow a fruit-bearing exotic tree from a mandarin bone. Wonderful citruses will please their though not big, but regular harvest.To have your tangerine tree on the window, it is not necessary to live in the tropics. Below the presented material will allow to grow tangerines at home, without making mistakes.


Table of contents

  • Is it possible to grow a mandarin from a bone at home
  • Will the ornamental tree, grown from the stone, bear fruit?
  • Optimal conditions for growing
  • How to choose a stone for planting?
  • Landing conditions
  • How to care for a young seedlings
  • Inoculation of indoor plants

Is it possible to grow a mandarin from a bone at home

Recently, mandarins have been successfully grown in greenhouses, winter greenhouses and windows.Gardeners lovers have learned the subtleties of growing exotic trees, now it's no secret. Due to doubts whether it will bear fruit, many do not dare to have an exotic pet on their window.

Room Mandarin

To grow it from a bone is an easy task, but to get fruits, you need to follow some recommendations.

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Advantages of breeding mandarins in an apartment:

  • citrus plant by characteristicsunpretentious and tenacious;
  • the tidy tree in the pot is wonderfuldecorate the interior;
  • treewill please the abundant foliageand pleasant aroma;
  • owners of the tree note that ithelps with depressionand the decline of forces.
  • mandarin, like the flowers of the houseIt does not require special care;
  • you can grow itfrom any purchased mandarin;
  • from the bone it will turn outan excellent decorative tree.

To properly grow a bone, you need to buy a few fruits of mandarin. Take the largest seeds from inside.Small and soft do not fit, they should be thrown away.

For indoor growing is better to choose low-growing species.

If you do not take into account the fruiting, for the sake of the evergreen plants on the window you can plant seeds from any purchased mandarin.For the sake of fragrant fruit - it is recommended to plant the following grades of mandarin:

  1. The fast-growing citrus variety Unshiu (Unshiu)it is considered very fruitful and unpretentious. The low-grown tree has a spreading crown with flexible branches. With sufficient care and additional lighting, the mandarin will bear fruit without ceasing.
  2. The room-type mandarin Murcott (Murcott)allows you to get sweet, like honey, fruits. Season of maturation is summer.
  3. The early-ripening tree Shiva-mikan (Shiva-mikan)perfectly takes root in the room conditions. Abundantly blooms and fructifies. Fetal weight can reach 30 grams.
  4. Many are successfully grown on the window of mandarins of the Clementine variety. To ensure that it fructifies and does not grow "wild it will require the inoculation of twigs of cultivated citrus.
. . Fast-growing Mandarin Unshiu.. Room Mandarin Murcotte.. Mandarin Clementine.. Mandarin Shiva-Mikan.

In principle, you can try to plant any Mandarin, the question is, will it bear fruit? The answer to this question and many other aspects of growing are discussed below.


Will the ornamental tree, grown from the stone, bear fruit?

Experts are unanimous in the opinion that without sowing the tree will bear no fruit. Do not let this frighten you, it's easy to get a cultivated goby, just one twig will be enough.The mandarins grown in this way, on3-4 yearpleasing orange fruits.

If you do not get the grafted mandarin will be small, green and tasteless.

On a well-rooted crown, the graft will quickly settle down. Such a plant will be much cheaper than buying a citrus in a flower shop. Many amateur gardeners are divided by branches for the cultivation of different varieties of cultivated mandarin.

Sometimes mandarin is sold with a sprig that can be planted or rooted

There are cases when mandarins go on sale with twigs.For the sake of experiment, you can try to plant or root it. To be frightened of complexities it is not necessary, problems with a plant will not arise. The effort will be rewarded with a fragrant harvest.


Optimal conditions for growing

An unpretentious plant requires some conditions for placement and cultivation. Following these requirements, you can achieve fruiting throughout the year. If the tree is properly tended, it will constantly blossom and bear fruit. Often on the windows you can find mandarins with fruits of different maturity.Conditions to be met:

  • stabletemperature regimenot less14 degrees;
  • the best place in the houseunshaded windowson the south side;
  • the plantneed sufficient air humidity, it can be achieved by spraying;
  • in the drought periodensure regular watering(near it is recommended to put a container with water);
  • in autumn and winter, the frequency of irrigation is reduced, soil loosening is added;
  • spend in spring feedinguniversal fertilizers.
In the first year of the mandarin fruiting, a part of the flowers are plucked

In an adult plant, the crown is formed, the extra twigs are removed.With abundant flowering in the first year of fruiting, a part of the inflorescences is better to pinch. This is done in order not to burden the young tree. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the mandarin, so that there are no diseases on the leaves and drying out.

A lack of moisture can kill a plant, and an overabundance will cause decay of roots.

How to choose a stone for planting?

A stone is taken from a ripe bright orange color of the fetus. Yellow and green do not fit.To obtain2-3 sprouts, you need to collect at least10 strong seeds. Planting is best done immediately, you do not have to wait for the bones to dry up and wrinkle. Preferably buy mandarins in the season of natural fruiting, in autumn or winter.

In the rest of the year, it is more likely to get poor-quality shoots of hybrids.The quality of the bones can be checked with water. Heavy seeds will sink, hollow will remain floating above. Thanks to the selection of quality seed, the seedlings will be strong and stable. Weak seeds can eventually die.


Landing conditions

The conditions may seem complicated, but these are just the subtleties that need to be observed. In the future, everything will be much easier, the main thing is to do everything right.Prepared bones, before they enter the ground, must undergo certain training.

  1. Seeds must be decontaminatedfrom the effects of fungi, a solution of hydrogen peroxide. The ratio of peroxide and water: 0. Enough to dip the bones into the solution and take it out.
  2. Next, take a saucer or any other container, cover it with a soft cloth.Fill the seeds with seeds. Dampen the cloth well. Every day, make sure that it is wet. It is not necessary to fill up with water very much, from the overabundance of moisture the seeds will rot.
  3. If the germination process seems tedious,you can immediately seed the bones in a moist soil. In case the seeds do not rise, this option will not work.
Depth of seeding mandarin seeds 1-2 cm
  1. A few days later the seeds will go through. At this point, you need to prepare the ground for their landing. It is better to give preference to mild non-acidic soil. The land can be bought ready or cooked by yourself. For 1 part of the sand, take 2 parts of the earth and humus. The land taken in the forest belt will be good.
  2. Pot pick up a small. Put the bones in there. The depth of planting is 1-2 cm. Weak germs can always be removed. Strong - to transplant.
  3. Some practicegrowing of seedlings in disposable cups. This method has the right to life, but it is better to take peat or flower pots. In the glass evaporates moisture.
  4. Watering as required by the soil, it should always be wet.
  5. Loosen the soil, until the plant is well rooted, it is not necessary.
  6. In order that the shoots of mandarins grow rapidly,provide additional lighting. Especially it concerns the winter period, when natural light will not be enough.

By the number of shoots, one can judge how good the bones were.When boarding10 seedsnormal germination3-5 seedlings. Some of the shoots may die in the process of growing up. Natural selection will allow you to get strong sprouts.


How to care for a young seedlings

Care consists of regular watering and sprinkling of leaves. To prevent the leaflets from hurting, do not spray them with tap water. Let her stand for at least one night.It is good to have a special watering can, in which there will be standing water. To the roots do not rot, a little bit of potassium permanganate can be added to the water.

Sprouted mandarin seeds

As prevention from aphids and midges, around the plant should be placed onion husks. EIf pests have wound up, the seedling is washed with water, infused with garlic, cooking soap or salt. Moss can live on the surface of the soil. It will need to be loosened.

Inoculation of indoor plants

To citrus saplings fruit, it is necessary to inoculate the cuttings from the varietal mandarin. Slices make a disinfected sharp tool. At the time of inoculation, the young tree should be as thick as a pencil.There are many ways of grafting, we choose the most convenient option:

  • T-shaped graftwith the help of a shallow incision under the bark;
  • grafting at an acute angle, the cut is attached to a cut on the tree;
  • V-shaped sectionis done in the center of the wild, inside is inserted a twig.
Inoculation of mandarin in cleavage

It is necessary to graft quickly and accurately.Place the graft firmly in bandages and cover with garden syrup. In order to ensure comfortable conditions for the plant, after privatization, you can cover it with a transparent package or a glass jar. Growth stimulants can be used.

The entrenched and grafted tree, being on the south side with sufficient watering and fertilizing, will delight in the abundance of mandarins.With advice on growing, you can safely proceed to planting. As experience shows, it turns out that everyone can grow a mandarin from a bone.

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