A brief description of all types of cutlery

Cutlery is a whole set of various tools, the purpose of which is to make the procedure for eating beautiful and comfortable. There are two groups of devices: main and auxiliary. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Types of basic cutlery

@Steve Buissinne

What are the main cutlery

The content of the article

  • What are the main cutlery
  • Types of cutlery

Personalized tools for daily use that are familiar to many of us. They are subdivided into several more groups:

  1. Canteens or standard. Essential for hot meals. They are used during each meal. They are sometimes used to transfer food to portioned plates. Standard tools include a knife, fork and spoon. Vary in size. The fork and spoon are usually slightly shorter than the knife.
  2. Eateries. Needed for pancakes, cold cuts, sausages and other snacks. The standard knife length is 20 cm.
  3. Fish (knife and fork again). Used for hot fish-based dishes. Such a knife looks like a spatula, it is dull (it will be very difficult to cut yourself). The fork has four teeth. They are shorter than the standard table version. There is a circular indentation in the middle of the fork, thanks to which the bones can be easily removed.
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  4. Dessert. These are small in size instruments, the design of which is sometimes very original. So, the knife is narrow, but with a sharp tip. Its length is approximately 20 cm. The spoon is slightly shorter than the knife, with only 3 prongs on the fork. Which item from the proposed to use depends on the type of dessert. For example, a knife and fork are used for pie, cheese, cake. A spoon is needed for ice cream, mousse, jelly, porridge, fruits, smoothies. Also, a spoon is needed for dessert soup, which is served in broth bowls.
  5. Fruit. Small in size. Designed for sliced ​​fruits. This fork has only 2 teeth.
  6. Coffee spoon. It is used for drinking hot drinks (tea, cocoa, coffee). Also ideal for serving soft-boiled eggs, fruit cocktails.
  7. Sticks. In Asian countries, these devices are among the main ones, as they are used when serving a variety of oriental dishes. An important feature: if the meal is not in Asia, then the knife, fork and spoon familiar to Europeans are not removed from the table. They are left for those participants in the meal who do not know how to use chopsticks.

By the way! Basic appliances are needed at every meal, but it is not necessary to put them all on the table at once. It is recommended to build on those dishes that are planned to be served with meals.

Utility cutlery


Types of cutlery

Needed for general use and designed to "move" food into portioned plates. There are many auxiliary devices. Some of them look very unusual and are used when serving exotic dishes.

Important! It takes some skill to use these tools. However, it always comes with experience.

Among the most common are:

  1. Lump butter knife. It has a curved, wide blade. With this tool, you can not only cut off a small piece of butter, but also transfer it to the edge of the plate.
  2. Fork knife for slicing and serving lump cheese. A tool with prongs, shaped like a sickle.
  3. Lemon slicer. A fork is often found with him to shift the lemon slice.
  4. Herring fork. There are only two sharp teeth on the device, which are used to pick up portioned fish pieces.
  5. Sprat device. It is also a fork that will work with any canned fish. This is an unusual instrument with a wide spatula base and five prongs, the tips of which are connected by a bridge.
  6. Fork for mussels, oysters. It is a three-pronged tool, one of which is used to extract the pulp.
  7. Fork for shrimp, snails.
  8. Lobster igloo. A device with two small teeth, which is convenient for removing the pulp from the shell.
  9. Cooking fork for hot fish dishes. It has three wide prongs that can be used to "pick up" fish.
  10. Salad spoon. They are used only to lay out food from a common dish. However, outwardly, a salad spoon is very similar to a table spoon (these devices differ in size).
  11. Ladle. There are devices of different sizes. The ladle is used when serving liquid dishes (soups, goulashes, etc.).
  12. Salt spoon. A miniature instrument that "lives" in a salt shaker.
  13. Pastry tongs (large and small). If with the help of the former, flour products are shifted, then the latter serve to "transport" pieces of refined sugar, marshmallow, chocolate.
  14. Cracking tongs and ice cracking tongs. Devices that are different in purpose, but similar in appearance. So, for cracking nuts, a tool with two strong handles and recesses is used, and an ice machine it is a U-shaped tool.
  15. Caviar shovel. With its help, the delicacy is transferred to individual plates. It looks like a small flat scoop.
  16. Rectangular scapula. A flat device for "transporting" dishes from meat, vegetables.
  17. Curly shoulder blades. One group includes tools for different purposes. So, there are scoops with slots for casseroles, pieces of meat, fish, large rectangular ones for confectionery, small ones for pies.

Each cutlery is useful in its own way, since for competent serving it is important not only to "put spoons on plates", but to do it in accordance with the rules. Then any meal can be turned into a reception worthy of a royal palace.

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