Today in the horticultural literature more and more often you can find tips on how to grow cucumbers together with corn plantations in the open field. Experienced gardeners claim that the yield of cucumbers from this will only increase , it will be possible to collect cucumbers before the first frost. Yes, and maize such a neighborhood will have a positive impact.
Table of contents
- Can I plant corn with cucumbers?
- How to plant them on the same bed?
- Planting Scheme
- Five Rules for Harvesting
Can I Plant Corn with Cucumbers?
Both plants on the common bed begin to develop together, as if competing with each other in growth rate. After the first antennae appear, the lash of cucumbers is recommended to be constantly sent to the corn stalks.
The main advantage of growing cucumbers in this way is the extension of the yield to at least mid-September. Clinging to vertically located plants, cucumber stems are less susceptible to fungal diseases.
Corn for cucumbers will serve as kulisnoy culture, creating reliable protection from wind, strong sun and other natural factors. The new planting scheme significantly reduces air exchange near the ground, cucumbers begin to spend less energy required for evaporation. This improves photosynthesis, energy is spent on the formation of fruits.

The corn root system penetrates into the soil up to one and a half meters, the cucumber roots are much closer to the surface, thirty centimeters. It can be concluded that plants are well compatible according to their roots.
How to plant them on the same bed?
Each plant is considered a thermophilic, so planting them is allowed together around mid-May. After arranging the wells, each contains three cucumber and corn kernels.
As soon as the first shoots appear, humus is poured into the holes, and the bed is mulched with grass, the layer of which should be about ten centimeters. Such a simple measure will not only suppress the growth of weeds, but also reduce the number of irrigations.

. Planting pattern
When co-cultivated, it is recommended that rows of at least a meter be arranged between rows, so that the plants are not crowded. But most often the planting patterns are determined by the climatic conditions of the areas in which cultivation occurs.
Where there are no strong winds, it is allowed to use a combination of single plants, leaving a distance of about thirty centimeters between them so that the roots do not intertwine. Not bad, if the development of corn will occur somewhat faster than the cucumber plant , so that the latter has a rather powerful stem for the hook.

Experienced gardeners assert that it does not make sense to grow corn seedlings. It is best to plant the seeds immediately in the soil. But cucumbers, as before, are germinated in peat pots.
If the bed is in open space, the corn should be planted in four rows. Such a precaution will reduce the load from the wind, keep plants from breaking. In this case, the combination of "one to one" can be diversified by planting three cucumber plants near each corn sprout. Such a group should occupy a whole square meter of land. Only in this case, we can hope that the yield will be about thirty kilograms of vegetable.
Some try to create long trellis from plants, planting corn in rows with a distance of fifty centimeters. The cucumbers are sown in the middle, the general planting line is maintained. The scourge is sent to the corn stalks, the main part of the foliage is located between the stems, almost without creating a shadow for them. Zelentsy will be perfectly visible and perfectly available at harvest. A convenient variant of this method is to plant rows according to the pattern 30 by 30 by 30.

. Another way is “2 to 1”.In this case, on a small bed in the center, corn is planted, along the edges - one cucumber row. Vegetable lashes in this case simply walk between supporting plants.
Five rules for obtaining the crop
They look like this:
- evening watering is prohibited. High levels of humidity and lower temperatures can cause spider mites or powdery mildew;
- until the cucumbers form the third leaf, it is necessary to water them with warm water so as not to harm the immune system of the plants and not suspend their growth. In the future, the plant is watered in moderation under the root, only in the morning ;
- top dressing is an important feature. After the third leaf, a mullein is added at the rate of “one to ten” or chicken manure( 1 to 20).The second stage is in the flowering period. Here apply ammophos or nitrophos in the amount of fifty grams per bucket of water. At the same time, foliar feeding is carried out, for which manganese, boron, zinc and copper are used. The amount of the drug( 1 gram) is added to ten liters of water;
- plant need to form .Cucumber does not branch intensively, forms a small number of side branches. For this reason, at the stage of the fourth leaf, you must pinch the tops. This will enable each leaf to create new shoots, increasing yields;
- soil loosening is carried out in the aisle, the depth should be about ten centimeters. After laying the third leaf, the depth of the procedure is halved so as not to damage the roots.
In order to achieve maximum efficiency in this way, it is necessary to organize proper care. Planting seeds is carried out in well-fertilized land, irrigation and loosening are carried out in a timely manner, weed vegetation is removed permanently.