So called potassium nitrate is a substance of inorganic origin, registered as a food preservative additive. This potash fertilizer is used for any plants in the garden on different soil compositions. Most often potassium nitrate is added in the form of an additional top-feeding composition to plants that are not able to tolerate chlorine.
Table of contents
- Appliance in the garden
- Compatible with other products for the world
- 2017
- potassium nitrate;
- potassium nitrate.
Powder potassium nitrate close-up
The compound is a crystalline powder, which has no shade or smell. It is non-volatile, has hygroscopic properties. The substance is highly soluble in water, harmless to animals. In its natural form, the substance can be found in the form of the mineral nitrocalite, which is mined in large quantities in Chile and the East Indies. In small quantities, the substance may be contained in plants and animals.
The preparation as a fertilizer
Chemical characteristics of the composition determine the scope of its application. . Potassium nitrate contains:
- nitrogen( 13 percent);
- potassium( forty four percent).
Such a ratio makes it possible to successfully use the drug even in the period when the plant has faded and formed the ovary.
Properties and Benefits
The use of potassium nitrate helps plants:
- to accelerate growth;
- increase root suction force;
- improve cell respiratory abilities;
- to activate the plant’s immune system, which will protect it from a large number of diseases, causing an increase in yield;
- increase the size of the fruit, improve their taste;
- will increase the period of preservation of the crop;
- berries and perennial fruit plants will increase their resistance to the winter season and low temperature conditions.
Packaging of potassium nitrate
But it also has its negative aspects. Potassium nitrate, which is in food, is able to independently turn into nitrite, which is dangerous for the body. The substance reduces the level of oxygen in the blood, increases the likelihood of anemia and irregular pulse. There is a possibility of kidney disease, vomiting, severe pain in the abdomen.
Application in the garden
Most often potassium nitrate is used in the rural industry. The fact is that it is considered an excellent fertilizer composition for plants. It is used for certain varieties that react poorly with other fertilizer formulations. This group includes berry and citrus plants, grapes, beets, tobacco. Used as a tonic for plants grown in a greenhouse or room. It will strengthen the root system, stabilize photosynthesis, improve the structure of tissues.
The drug is used in the form of root and foliar supplements. This fertilizer contains almost no chlorine, so it can be easily applied to potatoes, grapes, tobacco and other plants. Excellent response to the drug carrots and beets, currants, flowers.
Experienced gardeners do not recommend the use of saltpeter for radish, cabbage and greens.During the fruiting of cucumbers, they can be maintained with potassium nitrate. This will increase the yield of the plant, the greens will not increase in growth. Virtually the entire top dressing will be spent on the formation and maturation of cucumbers.
Compatibility with other fertilizers
It is not allowed to mix with organic fertilizing agents - peat, manure, sawdust and straw. For potatoes and cabbage, this composition works well with other fertilizers. Under the cabbage, saltpeter is recommended to mix with calcium, and in the case of potatoes, phosphorus is added to it. Carrots and beets respond well to pure nitre, but it is allowed to mix in calcium.
potassium nitrate in granules close-up
Potassium nitrate should be applied to light soils in the springtime, because potassium does not linger badly in such soil, it is quickly washed out. Fertilizer compositions are characterized by high acidity, so they are recommended to be used in combination with calcium or lime. In chernozem areas, characterized by alkaline reactions, potassium does not have a negative effect on crops.
Storage and Precautions
Potassium nitrate is considered toxic to humans. During the work it is necessary to fulfill safety requirements.The main condition - avoid inhalation of the drug, use a respirator. The use of the drug is associated with the risk of contact with the skin or eyes. Processing must be performed in protective equipment - glasses and gloves. High concentrations of the fertilizer can cause chemical burns or irritation.
If potassium nitrate gets on the surface of the skin, the affected area should be washed with water. The same should be done if the eyes are affected - they are washed for ten to thirty minutes, while keeping the eyelids open. Then you need to visit an ophthalmologist.
In the case of burns, an antiseptic dressing is applied. A trip to the doctor is a must.
Care must also be taken during storage. It is very important that the product lies apart from the other fertilizer compositions and household chemicals , in a tightly closed container. On the drug should not get sunlight.
Tomato fertilization with potassium nitrate
Potassium nitrate is considered an oxidizing agent that reacts well with flammable compounds. For this reason, it is often used in pyrotechnics.During the heating period, the drug begins to decompose, releasing oxygen. The likelihood of fires increases.
Some gardeners believe that the yield depends on the amount of fertilizer used. But this is far from the case. When working with potassium nitrate, it is necessary to carry out accurate calculations of dosages, taking into account the type of plant, the period of its growth. Only in this case it is possible to exert a beneficial effect on its growth and fruiting, not “stuffing” the crop with elements harmful to the body.
- 2017