Recipes of jam from pears for any taste

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Jam from pears is a recipe, which must be in the arsenal of each mistress. During the ripening season, these fruits are available in large quantities even for urban residents, and in the garden it only remains to collect them. For jam, both soft and hard varieties are suitable. Small pears can not even be cut into pieces, but can preserve them whole.

Jam from sliced ​​pears

The most popular recipe is jam from pears. It will require ripe fruits and sugar in the proportion: (for, kg of pears take 700 g of sugar), as well as the juice of one lemon and 30 g of butter:

  1. Pears to clean, cut out the middle, cut into small slices, cubes or slices.
  2. Cut the lemon in half. From each part of it squeeze the juice manually or with the help of a juicer.
  3. Pears are poured with lemon juice and combine them with sugar in a large saucepan. Mix the mixture with a small amount of water and heat it over low heat for 5-10 minutes.
  4. instagram viewer
  5. Then add the butter to the saucepan to reduce the formation of foam. Pear jam continue to cook, constantly mixing with a wooden spoon or spatula.
  6. When the jam gets the right consistency, it is poured over previously sterilized jars. Then they are closed with lids and pasteurized in boiling water for about 10 minutes.
  7. Banks take out and rub with a towel. Then you have to roll them and leave to cool at room temperature. Containers with jam from pears are stored in a dark room at room temperature.

The amount of sugar determines not only the taste, but also the consistency of the jam. If you add it in large volume and cook longer, the product will be tight, like jam or confiture.

Video recipe for jam from pears slices

Jam from whole pears

If you cook jam from whole pears, they will keep their shape and consistency. It is better to choose small fruits - they will be denser to lie in jars and well soaked in syrup. For this recipe, solid varieties and wild pears that are too tart in raw form are good.

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If pears are sweet, they are combined in the following proportions:. For 1 kg of fruit take 1 kg of sugar, 1 lemon and 300 ml of water. In jam from pears, many add cinnamon - it adds to it an unusual spicy taste:

  1. Pears rinse and remove inflorescences. The core and tails are left, since they do not affect the taste of the jam.
  2. The next stage is the preparation of syrup, in which pears will be cooked. For this, sugar is poured with water and heated on high heat. When the sugar is completely dissolved, the liquid should boil for a few more minutes.
  3. When the syrup is ready, pears and cinnamon are placed in it. You can take cinnamon sticks or powder. The mixture is cooked on low heat for 5 minutes, after which it is removed from the plate and allowed to cool. It is recommended to boil the mixture at least 3 times.
  4. When a pan with jam is sent to the fire for the last time, add lemon juice.
  5. Ready jam is poured over dry, previously sterilized jars. Store it at room temperature, avoiding sunlight.

The recipe for pear jam may differ depending on the size of the fruit. If they are too large or not sweet enough, it is worth adding more sugar. However, in this case, a larger volume of water is required.

Different variations of jam from pears is a way to preserve the taste of summer-autumn fruits for the whole year. In addition to the volume of sugar and pear variety, you can experiment with the ingredients. These fruits are well combined with citrus, cinnamon and other spices, apples and grapes. It is worth trying to prepare jam from pears with orange or its zest, and also any other components to taste. Ready dessert is added to pies, put on toasts or simply eaten with a spoon.

Read also:The right choice of pear variety and seed for your site

Video recipe of jam from pears with a twist

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