Today, a lot of pear varieties are known, but only a few of them exist for more than a hundred years, and, despite this very respectable age, are very popular and active are cultivated. One of these varieties is pear Williams.
We will talk about the description of this variety in this article.
Table of contents
- History and origin of the Williams pear
- Summer growing region
- Description and characteristics
- Advantages and disadvantages of the red pear
- Rules for selecting seedlings
- Landing
- Care
- Watering
- Feeding
- Trimming
- Diseases and pests
- Methods of struggle
- Reviews of gardeners
History and origin of the Williams pear
The pear variety Williams was obtained in South England (Bexshire county) around 1796 by Wheeler. It was created on the basis of the pear type, but exactly what plants were used as parents is unknown, therefore the origin of the Williams pear is considered uncertain.
Interestingly, it was named in honor of Robert Williams, who first showed him in the organization for cultivation of various fruit and garden crops (London) in 1816 and spent a lot of effort on his popularization. The next country where this sort of pear began to be intensively cultivated is France (1828). And a little later he appeared in other European countries.
In the orchards of southern Russia, Williams appeared around 1860 from a private Crimean nursery, belonging to the gardener NP. Makukhin. This variety is called in different ways: Barlet, Duchesse summer, Williams summer, red and Williams Bon-Chretien.
Summer growing region
In 1947, the hybrid passed state variety testing, and was found suitable for growing (regionalized) for the region North Caucasus (North Ossetia, Karachaevo-Cherkessia, Krasnodar Territory, Kabardino-Balkaria, Adygea, Stavropol Territory, Chechnya and Ingushetia).
It is actively cultivated also in the Rostov regionand in many former republics of the Soviet Union (Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and so on).
.Description and characteristics
The red pear is the reference among the pears that ripen in late summer. It can be grown in large gardens of agricultural enterprises, in the garden and at the dacha. Pear is included in the group of the best dessert varieties of world level, which mature late in the summer (August).
The crown of a tree has the shape of a wide or round pyramid and is often asymmetrical. Young specimens grow quite fast, but when the trees reach the age of 10-12 years, the growth rate is significantly reduced. Also, one of the reasons for the slowing of growth in the Williams variety are large yields and early onset of fruiting. The rate of annual growth can vary from medium to weak.
Straight or slightly deflected thick branches are covered with a light yellowish bark with a small number of lenticles. The main skeletal branches and trunk are painted in a gray shade.
Pretty large leavesin shape resembling an egg have a smooth and shiny surface. On the raised edges of the leaf blade are located small denticles. Light green streaks protrude slightly above the surface.
White-cream flowers are collected in inflorescences of 6-7 pieces. They start to blossom before the leaves appear. Abundant flowering lasts a long time.
Fruits in the inflorescences are mostly tied for 2 or 3 pieces and firmly hold on the branches.The weight of one pear is 170 grams, but on young specimens it can reach 180 grams.
Large or medium-sized fruits with a slightly bumpy surface are covered with a delicate fragrant skin, painted in a light green color (during removable maturity). When fully ripe, it becomes a beautiful yellowish shade with gray specks.Sometimes on a side facing the sun, a delicate pinkish spot appears.Fruits are attached to the shoots with the help of slightly curved thick pedicels. Dark brownish small seeds have an ovoid shape and a pointed tip.
Juicy and delicate pulp with an attractive dessert taste, muscat aroma and a slight sourness, is painted in a yellow-white color.
The Williams variety can be used fresh, for making compotes, jams, marinades, and also for drying (universal).
The time of demountable maturity comes in the second half of August. Fruits, taken at this time, last about two weeks. In the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator, pears of this class can be stored for about one and a half months.
Williams summer, grafted on the pear, begins to bear fruit at the age of 5-6 years,if he is vaccinated on a quince, then the first harvest can be collected already for 3-4 years. But it is worth remembering that such trees do not live long.
Yield directly depends on the conditions of growth. For example, the average yield of a tree aged 12 to 18 years in the Krasnodar Territory is 100-200 centners per hectare, and in the Crimea - from 80 to 150 kg per tree.
This variety refers to the self-fruit and for obtaining abundant harvests it is necessary to plant a variety of pollinators. The best pollinators for pear Williams are Alexandrovka, Lyubimitsa Klappa, Bere Bosk, Olivier de Serre.
Advantages and disadvantages of the red pear
This hybrid attracts attention:
- early fruiting;
- constant large yield;
- large beautiful fruits;
- undemanding to soil conditions.
The disadvantages are:
- poor winter hardiness;
- self-fertilization and low level of drought resistance;
- is strongly affected by scab, saddle and aphids.
Also you may be interested in the following varieties of pears:
- Description of the pear variety Lada
- The most complete characteristic of the pear variety of Veles
- Planting and caring for a pear In memory of Yakovlev
- Rules for planting a pear Forest beauty
Rules for selecting seedlings
For planting is best to choose 1-2 summer seedlings with a height of, up to, meter. In trees of this age, the distance from the root collar to the side shoots is more than 50 cm, and the number of branches varies from 3 to 5 pieces.
The root length of seedlings of this age is 20-30 cm.Also on the young pear there should be no mechanical damage, root shoots and leaves (green or dried). A central escape must also be well formed.
For the cultivation of the pear Williams select a solar area with nutrient permeable soil.
The best time for planting is autumn (when the vegetation will end), but you can do it in the spring (before the bud budding).
.The pit is planted for digging 60 by 60 by 80 cm. To fill the roots, it is desirable to prepare an earth mix consisting of humus (one part), garden soil (one part), superphosphate (350 g), potassium sulfate (350 g).
The root system of the pear is examined before planting, the cut and dried are cut off, and then soaked in a solution of heteroauxin(or any other stimulant for the formation of roots) for 3-12 hours.
In the planting pit, the roots are distributed evenly, they are first covered with garden soil, and then with a mixture. This is done so that the roots do not come in contact with the fertilizer mixture. At the same time, we must ensure that the space between them is filled. After planting, the seedling is well watered, compacts the soil a little and lands the sifted earth.
All care for the trees consists of watering, fertilizing, pruning, fighting pests and diseases.
Young pears in the first 2-3 years after planting need regular watering throughout the season. It is desirable to cover the earth around the trunks with a layer of mulching material (peat, buckwheat husks or pine nuts, wood chips) with a height of 5 to 8 cm. It keeps moisture in the ground, does not allow growing a lot of weeds and reduces the amount of watering.In addition, mulching prevents the formation of a dense crust on the surface of the soil.
Adult trees are watered 3 to 7 times per season, depending on climatic conditions and weather. But watering must be done before the flowers bloom, after flowering and in the autumn, when the season ends.
Young trees, before they start to bear fruit, need to be fed every year in the spring. To do this, the land around the trees is mulched with the overripe manure layer of 4 to 6 cm. It is also desirable to add 100-150 grams (per tree) of Kemir or azofosca.
Top dressing for adult pears is best done in autumn, when there is a digging. For this use mullein or other types of organic fertilizers in combination with mineral fertilizers (superphosphate and potassium sulfate). Fertilizers are scattered along the whiplash circle, which corresponds to the diameter of the crown and must be dug to a depth of 25 to 35 cm, so that the nutrients reach the root system.
If the crop is not expected to be very large, then you can spend additional fertilizing before shedding the ovary.
Pruning young pears after planting is preferably done in early spring. On the tree leave from 3 to 5 lateral branches, which should be located at a height of 50 to 70 cm above the ground. The central trunk is cut so that it is higher than the highest lateral shoot by 15-30 cm. The length of the lateral shoots must be reduced to 30 cm.
Pruning of adult trees is carried out twice a year.Sanitary pruning is carried out to regularly remove diseased, broken and shrunken branches. Also, a rejuvenating pruning is carried out, by means of which the intensive growth of the plant is maintained and restored, and the number of fruiting points is regulated.
During the rejuvenating pruning shorten perennial shoots to 3-5-year old and older branches. If the growth of annual shoots has decreased to 15-20 cm, then perform a weak pruning (2-3 years old branches), and if the growth is even smaller, then the pruning is strengthened. A part of the old fruit-bearing branches inside the crown is also cut out for thinning.
Diseases and pests
Among the diseases that may affect this sort of pear, it is worth mentioning the following diseases:cytosporosis, fruit rot, scab, rust and root cancers.
Cytospores appear on the cortex of the trunk and skeletal branches in the form of a slightly depressed spot, painted in a brownish-reddish hue. On the edge of the stain, cracks appear over time, and the tissues of the bark soften.
At the beginning of the disease, the diseased areas are cleaned and treated with copper sulfate, and then with garden fumes.
Rust appears the upper surface of the leaves as orange spots are rounded. In July, on the lower part of the diseased leaves, outgrowths are formed in the form of swellings, where rust spores are formed.
To combat this disease, sprays are carried out with the following preparations: Bordeaux liquid (4% solution), colloidal sulfur (2% solution).Treatments are carried out before flowering, after its termination and after two weeks.
The scab first appears on the leaves in the form of green-black spots, which quickly expand. Then the leaves dry prematurely and fall off. In addition, the scab infects fruits and young shoots. The fruits form dense skin spots, and the flesh under them strongly crack. The bark of diseased shoots is covered with cracks, they warp and dry up.
Prevention of this disease is the regular cleaning and destruction of diseased fruits and fallen leaves.
When the scab arises, the trees are sprayed three times (before and after flowering, and also after two weeks). To do this, use Bordeaux liquid and colloidal sulfur.
Methods of struggle
Among the pests that attack the pear, it is worth noting aphids, pear leaf block (honeycomb), pear gall mite, pear bug, Californian scab, green apple tart.
Larvae of green apple aphids feed on juices of young leaves from the kidneys, and later on young shoots.Damaged leaves curl, dry and fall off. Young shoots stop growing and dry up.
The pear larvae suffer great harm from the pear, which feed on the cell sap of leaves, buds, buds and young shoots. As a result, the leaf block causes a massive loss of leaves, ovaries and flowers, as well as underdevelopment of fruit and curvature of shoots.
When this pest appears, several sprays are carried out (during kidney swelling, in summer and in autumn). For this use means such as Iskra, Inta-Vir, Aktara and Commander.
Reviews of gardeners
Oksana, Zaporozhye:At us the 6th year grow two trees of this grade. Short, spreading trees. The crops are simply amazing. All the branches are simply stuck with fruit, for each branch they do props, otherwise they would not stand. Such an abundance of fruits is a delight not only for us, but for neighbors and all who come to visit. Very tasty pear, juicy, sweet. Very pleased.
Makar, Crimea:Williams summer in the Crimea is called Dunka, very sweet and classy, and fragrant. And unlike Klumpa's Favorite, does not spoil quickly, in the middle. That Klappa really becomes "kashisty" when overripe, and brown in the middle. So you need to consume greenish, do not wait for yellowing.
No one will refuse from the fruits of the Williams variety, and therefore, in spite of some disadvantages of this variety, it should be grown on their dachas and household plots.