A cesspool is the cheapest, but inconvenient, waste storage option. The need to constantly pump out the contents, as well as the danger of contamination of the surrounding soil, prompts the owners of the site to look for another solution. It can be a Sani septic tank - a popular option for summer cottages and country estates.
We will tell you about what this manufacturer of septic units offers to the consumer. Let's analyze how its products differ from competing offers on the market. In the article presented by us, design features are described, recommendations for operation and installation are given.
The content of the article:
- SANI treatment plants
- The optimal choice for a summer residence
Deep biological processing plants
- General design features
- Features of different models
- A few words about installation
Non-core sewerage equipment
- Installation for cleaning optimization
- Stormwater drainage products
- Effective grease trap SANI-G
- Advantages, disadvantages, tips
- Conclusions and useful video on the topic
SANI treatment plants
This enterprise was established as a structure of NPP Ekola, specializing in the design and manufacture of sewage treatment systems for their safe disposal. The range offered by the company includes installations for the treatment of effluents from various household, commercial and industrial facilities.
The manufacturer offers:
- septic tanks for a different number of users;
- efficient biological treatment plants;
- additional modules for solving specific tasks.
The design of the products presented for sale has been carefully calculated and tested over many years of practical use. Here you can order the design of an autonomous sewage system with a treatment plant, its installation and maintenance. All models of septic tanks and VOCs are certified.
These are durable and relatively inexpensive devices capable of high-quality preparation of wastewater for disposal into the ground or for dumping onto the relief. The simple design guarantees a minimum of breakdowns and practically trouble-free operation, the installation can be completed in a short time.
The products of this brand are very diverse. There is a suitable one device for a small summer cottage, and for a roomy cottage. A number of proposals will be of interest to the owners of various enterprises: cafes, mini-hotels, recreation centers, gas stations, etc.
When choosing a suitable option, it is necessary to take into account the advantages and disadvantages, installation and operation features, as well as feedback from owners who managed to get real operating experience.
The optimal choice for a summer residence
SANI-S septic tanks are simple devices that are suitable for servicing small buildings: summer cottages, cottages, country houses. They are designed to serve less than 15 people.
The buyer is offered a choice of five models of different sizes:
- S-1 with a volume of 1.35 cubic meters. m for 1-3 people;
- S-2 with a volume of 2.25 cubic meters. m for 4-5 people;
- S-3 with a volume of 3.6 cubic meters. m for 6-8 people;
- S-4 with a volume of 4.8 cubic meters. m for 9-11 people;
- S-5 with a volume of 6.75 cubic meters. m for 12-15; people.
The three-section sewage treatment plant is equipped with a built-in drainage compartment. Its operation does not require power supply, which is an attractive quality for owners of summer cottages and houses of seasonal residence. Made of durable plastic, it is lightweight for easy transport.

The SANI-S septic tank is simple and reliable. It does not take up much space, the presence of built-in drainage greatly simplifies installation work
The first chamber is intended for settling the collected household waste. Simultaneously with the precipitation of a solid insoluble sediment to the bottom, a light organic suspension is processed by anaerobic bacteria.
In the second compartment, settling continues. Then the treated wastewater enters the drainage compartment, after which it moves through the filtration field into the ground.

The trench for the sewer pipe leading to and from the wastewater treatment plant must have a slight slope and run below the freezing level of the soil
To install the device, it is necessary to dig a pit, pour a layer of sand and gravel, which will become an additional filter when draining nearby atmospheric precipitation into the ground. Trench under sewer pipe should have a slope of about 20 mm per meter.
Deep biological processing plants
The manufacturer offers three types of wastewater treatment plants, which differ mainly in size and performance: SANI-5, SANI-8 and SANI-15. These devices have a similar configuration.
They look like a cylinder with a neck, lid and tapered bottom. On the sides there are two branch pipes: for connecting sewer pipes. Through one of them, the wastewater enters the treatment plant, the second one moves after processing to the filtration field, an infiltrator, absorbing well or a gutter.
General design features
This type of sewage treatment plant belongs to the non-volatile type of sewage equipment. The design provides for a compressor that blows air into the device. In waste processing, you can use not only anaerobic, but also aerobic bacteria.
As a result of using aerobes in the processing process, the purification efficiency reaches 98%. This water is suitable for various technical needs.

The body of the sani-5 type sewage treatment plant is made of reinforced plastic. The lower tank and the upper part with the lid are connected with anchor bolts, which must be tightened evenly and consistently
First, the waste is processed in an aeration tank. In the second compartment bacterial cleaning continues, as well as sedimentation and stratification of contaminants. The result is almost pure process water, as well as neutral sludge, which can become fertilizer. The displacement of the purified liquid into the ground is carried out by gravity.
At an elevated level of groundwater, forced pumping of liquid is organized using sewage pump. In addition, the device can be supplemented with an overshoot neck, which makes it possible to increase the depth of the excavation for VOC installation. The kit also includes a set of tools required to connect compressor.
The cost of VOCs is relatively low, depends on the characteristics of a particular model and starts at 80,800 rubles. The manufacturer assures that the service life of the device reaches 80 years, and the costs of purchase, transportation and installation are paid off already in the first year of operation.

Waste water aeration significantly improves the quality of waste processing and water purification. The compressor in the local treatment plant SANI-5,8 and 15 must work constantly
Features of different models
When choosing a suitable sewage treatment plant, you should pay attention to the characteristics of individual models:
- SANI-5 is intended for a family of five people who use two sinks, one shower and one toilet bowl, one-time waste disposal - 500 liters;
- SANI-8 is intended for a family of eight people who use one bathtub, one automatic washing machine, two sinks, one shower and one toilet bowl, one-time waste disposal - 800 liters;
- SANI-15 is intended for a group of ten residents who use one bath, one automatic washing machine, three sinks, one shower and two toilet bowls, one-time waste disposal - 1500 liters.
A device with a suitable performance can be used to service a cafe, mini-hotel or other similar enterprise where there is no access to a centralized sewage system.

To increase the installation depth of SANI LOS, use an extension neck or two such modules when it is necessary to install the station especially deeply
In addition to the standard equipment, the manufacturer offers a pump and one or two extension necks.
Add-on options are labeled as follows:
- Long - one overshoot;
- Super Long - two overshoot necks;
- PR - pump for forced pumping.
Each VOC SANI model comes in six varieties: Standard, Long, Super Long, Standard + OL, Long + OL, Super Long + OL.
A few words about installation
To install VOCs, you will need to allocate an area of four square meters (two by two meters). Above, you can make a parking lot to make the best use of this area. The body is made of reinforced plastic for high mechanical stress.

The plastic case is not too heavy, but the use of special equipment for digging a pit and moving equipment will significantly speed up the work
For installation, in addition to the foundation pit, it is necessary to arrange a trench for a sewer pipe and an absorbing well. Avoid placing VOCs too close to a home, fence, clean water supply, or other stationary objects. At the end of the work, only a hatch with a diameter of 800 mm will remain outside.

After the treatment plant is installed in the pit, its position is corrected using a level. While backfilling with soil, the position of the device should be monitored.
The VOC body should be placed in a pit, leveled and gradually sprinkled with soil, while filling with water to compensate for the pressure. When the backfill reaches the appropriate level, pipes are connected to the inlet and outlet nozzles.
At the same time, the compressor is mounted, the hose is connected to the air duct, power is provided, and then the filling is continued.

The backfilling of the body installed in the pit must be carried out with simultaneous and gradual filling with water in about three to four stages. If this requirement is neglected, the device not filled with liquid may move or crack.
The plastic case weighs little, all work can be done with one or two assistants, there are no restrictions on the time of year. Installation is carried out within one working day, all operations will take about 12-13 hours.
Non-core sewerage equipment
If the usual VOC-5, 8 or 15 is not enough to ensure high-quality waste processing, an additional treatment station can be used.
Installation for cleaning optimization
The SANI-BF sewage station is installed below the local station and in front of filtration field. The purified water enters here through the inlet pipe and passes through the sorbent, which is packed in a bag.
Thus, the wastewater is cleaned of not previously processed organic impurities. Then additional disinfection is performed using a UV sterilizer, where the liquid is forcibly pumped. UV treatment destroys harmful microorganisms. This water can be used to safely water your plants.
The station's capacity is two and a half cubic meters per day. If the distance between the add-on module and the VOC exceeds 15 m, an intermediate manhole is required. The optimal gap is up to two meters.
A reinforced concrete slab is laid at the bottom of the pit under the additional station. The body is secured with anchor bolts. The area of the filtration field must be at least 36 sq. m.
Stormwater drainage products
Where there are problems with watering the territory, the SANI-L storm sewer station will come in handy. This is a set for the device of a system that allows you to collect surface and melt water. Timely collection and drainage of precipitation will exclude flooding of foundations, basements, parking lots, entrances and other similar objects.

A relatively inexpensive modern device SANI-L is designed for collecting surface water, as well as cleaning it from sand and organic impurities. This unit is easy to install and operate
To service the SANI-L, you will need to periodically flush and clean the main elements from accumulated dirt. The manufacturer offers three models, the productivity of which varies between 2-8 l / s, and the collection area can range from 0.2 to 1 hectare.
Effective grease trap SANI-G
The SANI-G grease trap is useful for catering enterprises. The device is designed to collect fatty inclusions before transporting wastewater to the sewer system. This reliably protects the pipes and reduces the likelihood of difficult blockages.
The grease trap can be placed in the basement or utility room. The device is chosen based on the performance, which is 1-10 l / s. The fiberglass-reinforced casing is highly resistant to stress and contact with hot dirt, such as from a restaurant sink.
Advantages, disadvantages, tips
Among the positive characteristics, the owners of VOCs and septic tanks sledges note:
- simple design;
- almost complete absence of breakdowns;
- inexpensive service;
- the ability to carry out the installation yourself;
- reasonable price.
Disadvantages include the dependence of VOCs on the availability of electricity, as well as the unreliability of the compressor. After several years of operation, the device will have to be replaced.
Lack of aeration will negatively affect the quality of processing. Some people say that the sound from the compressor is too loud. But if the VOC is far enough away from home, the noise will not affect the quality of life.

A durable polymer hatch reliably cuts off unpleasant odors typical for sewage. After installation, it must remain on the surface flush with the ground.
Reviews for SANI products vary. Many praise the work of treatment plants and septic tanks, others are disappointed. Expectations that are too high, improper installation, or mistakes in choosing the right equipment are often the cause of frustration.
In order for the treatment plant to work properly, it is recommended to follow these simple rules:
- do not exceed the volume of salvo discharge recommended by the manufacturer for a specific model;
- preserve the system if it will not be used for a week or longer;
- make sure that the temperature of the effluent is high enough for the effective work of microorganisms;
- do not allow waste disposal in VOC or septic tanks that are harmful to bacteria, for example, containing chlorine, formaldehyde, concentrates of acids, alkalis, solvents, and other aggressive chemicals.
In order for the wastewater treatment to be of high quality, you need to constantly monitor the situation. For example, if there is no hot water in the house, the drains will cool down and the recycling process will slow down. About once a year, you need to pump out the contents of the septic tank, flush VOCs.
When choosing a model, it is better to give preference to a container with a certain volume reserve. The family can get bigger, the device will have to cope with the increased workload. In such a situation, the additional volume will save you from replacing the device with a more productive version.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
Video # 1. How the SANI sewage system works:
Video # 2. SANI-5 device installation:
Video # 3. An overview of the installation of the Sani-8 and the caisson in one area:
Septic tanks and VOC SANI are a worthy alternative to more expensive foreign counterparts. They provide high-quality processing of human waste, are easy to maintain and install. The advice of professionals will help you choose the right model and establish its correct operation.
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