Compressor for septic tank: the appointment, how to choose, install and repair

Choosing between a homemade battery drainage and costly local cleaning station, the owner of a private home can ask the question: it needs a compressor to a septic tank?

This device is used in many industrial models of VOCs, but in simple sewer devices do not use them too often. In this article we have tried to present the most understandable information about device features and operation of the compressor to a septic tank.

The content of the article:

  • Features of functioning homemade septic tanks
  • Why do I need a compressor?
  • How to install the device
  • How to choose the right model?
  • Common faults and repair
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Features of functioning homemade septic tanks

The processing effluents produced by local treatment systems, the two types of bacteria involved: aerobic and anaerobic.

The first kind can live and act only in an environment that is saturated with oxygen, the second is excellent there and performs vital functions in the anoxic space.

The three-septic

Treated effluent from a septic tank, the sump, in which the anaerobes are involved, is withdrawn to the filtration field for purification. The presence of the compressor in the biological treatment plants eliminates the need for such additional filtering since aerobes purified waste water to 95%

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To protect the soil from contamination of raw sewage masses, septic tank compartment make airtight. Their walls are not only prevent the penetration of bacteria and dirt in the ground, but also block access of oxygen into the system.

The only anaerobes and aerobes such may exist conditions necessary to ensure the supply of vital gas.

Septic settling for a small family needs is divided into two or three sections. The first section is made settling wastewater, their fermentation under anaerobic and mechanical filtration of the settled mass.

The following process is repeated compartments, but the total multistage separation rarely reaches 65 - 70%. Therefore, the sewer system to septic tank complement aftertreatment devices ground - Infiltrator, absorption wells, filtration fields.

To increase the degree of processing and to allow free discharge of water from the septic tank to the relief, needed anaerobic microorganisms and their ability to digest organic matter, purifying the waste mass at 95-97%. And aerobic organisms require a regular supply of O2. Read more about bacteria for septic read Further.

Compressor for trekamernogo septic tank

At the treatment of septic systems, which are involved in the aerobic, very high degree of purification, especially against the background of septic tanks, working on the principle of sedimentation and anaerobic digestion

Why do I need a compressor?

This device requires to shape and move in the desired direction of flow of compressed air. Compressors are used in a variety of areas, but particularly in septic tanks it is necessary for oxygenation wastewater oxidation and fermentation of the past with the help of anaerobic bacteria.

As already mentioned, an autonomous sewer - tight unit. Naturally the oxygen contained in the air here is almost does not fit.

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Appearance compressor septic

Compressors are used to inject oxygen into the closed septic tanks, necessary for the life of aerobic

The scope of the use of appliances

Sewer use compressors not only in septic tanks, but also in the aeration of artificial lakes, swimming pools, natural ponds and treated

Sewage deep cleaning station

Compulsory compressor stations equipped with advanced processing waste, producing a maximum level of disinfection and water clarification

Modifications sewer compressors

By type compressor everything for septic tanks are divided into membrane, screw and piston. The stations for private households applied membrane model

The modular principle of selection based on power

A wide range of devices on offer allows you to accurately fit the model of power, or gather a group of devices required performance

Multistage cleaning with two compressors

The deep cleaning stations, generating a multi-stage processing of the waste mass through the passage chamber, two or more times, two or more compressors operate

Installing compressors within the home

In sewage treatment plants operated throughout the year, compressors and control systems do not have the septic tank in the housing, and put the house in heated rooms

Installation of the compressor in a homemade septic tank

Monolithic septic tank or a series of wells, constructed of concrete rings with their own hands, can be equipped with a compressor on the principle of pumping stations. The degree of purification in this case increase considerably

Appearance compressor septic

Appearance compressor septic

The scope of the use of appliances

The scope of the use of appliances

Sewage deep cleaning station

Sewage deep cleaning station

Modifications sewer compressors

Modifications sewer compressors

The modular principle of selection based on power

The modular principle of selection based on power

Multistage cleaning with two compressors

Multistage cleaning with two compressors

Installing compressors within the home

Installing compressors within the home

Installation of the compressor in a homemade septic tank

Installation of the compressor in a homemade septic tank

The presence of the compressor in the septic tank eliminates the problem of a lack of O2. Oxygen supply allows you to include aerobic microorganisms in the process of wastewater treatment. The degree of purification, clarification and disinfection of waste water thus increases significantly.

The resulting water can not simply be disposed of in the ground, but also used for irrigation or other technical needs, while cooking it, of course, is not suitable. When installed in a makeshift septic tank and a compressor made compartment for storing purified water, before using this liquid is better to check the quality of the laboratory.

When possible to use high purity in the premises, not only water but also the activated sludge accumulated in the septic tank. This material is good fertilizer. By their own hands sewer construction, can not guarantee the same degree of purity as certified model of industrial production.

Why do I need a compressor in the septic tank

When the compressor is used in waste water treatment plants significantly increases the degree of purification and clarifying wastewater, which becomes possible to dispose the ground or on the dump open terrain

the risk of infection is small, but it is better to show prudence. In addition to oxygen, the compressor serves another useful function. the compressed air stream enters the waste water so as to render them active mechanical influence.

The resulting mixed wastewater, which causes breakage of solid inclusions and improves their processing speed.

Thus, the presence of the compressor in the septic tank enhances its efficiency and the degree of purification of sewage. But it should be considered with the need to bring power to the septic tank. As a result, the main advantage is lost improvised septic tanks - energy independence.

But problems due to power failure hardly occur, especially if such situations are rare. If the compressor will be some time off, sewage will work as usual, the overflow device is usually safe. Although the long-term power outages level waste in sewage treatment plants should be controlled.

How to install the device

Septic tank to supplement the compressor design is not complicated, but still have to work hard. If two-chamber septic tankIt is better to add a third branch, designed for wastewater aeration and called aeration tank. It here will be executed effluent air saturation and purification by aerobic microorganisms.

It will have to go through all the steps of creating a septic tank: dig a pit, install it sealed container made of plastic, Concrete or other suitable material, to connect it to the master of the house sewer pipe, connect the overflow to other compartments septic tank, install a cover, etc.

Compressor for septic tank

LOS industrial production to install a septic tank provides a separate protected space, so that the device does not contact the contents of the sewage

Compressor is best installed in the upper part of the tank, rather than outside, the device must be reliably protected from the weather. To do this, inside, in the cover itself, make a special shelf on which, subsequently, put the compressor.

Reliable will even make a sealed compartment to prevent the device from being accidentally wet or otherwise damaged.

Aeration tank to septic tank

In order to use the compressor in a homemade septic tank is necessary to make additional compartment - aeration tank, which will be delivered About2. Thus it is possible to use a ring of concrete or other suitable materials, but should seal the inside wall of lime or clay

The cover is necessary to provide an opening for electric cables compressor. It will also need another opening through which air will flow into the compressor.

Inside the aeration tank to install a plastic pipe. Its lower end must be hermetically sealed, and the walls should be provided with perforations. Usually it is sufficient to do about three hundred holes or a little less.

Make it better with two-millimeter drill bit. Through these openings the compressed air will flow into the interior of waste water, saturating them with oxygen and pulverizing the large solid waste. Holes must share approximately an equal distance, so that the air is evenly distributed. The upper part of the pipe is connected to the compressor via a hose.

Aerator for compressor

Aerator for the compressor are made of conventional plastic tube with hermetically sealed ends and of uniform perforations on the surface

When all the elements are prepared, perform the following steps:

  1. Lower the aerator in aeration tank.
  2. Install the compressor in the place reserved for him.
  3. Aerator connect a hose to the outlet of the compressor.
  4. Connect the device to the power supply.
  5. Enable compressor.
  6. Close the lid of a septic tank.

It remains only to regularly inspect the device periodically, about twice a year, clean the air filter. Perform this action is not difficult. Filter location is indicated on the device pattern in the manufacturer's instructions.

It is necessary to unscrew the cover, it is usually kept mounting bolts. Followed by gently pull the filter, wash it and dry it. After that, put the cartridge into place and close the lid.

Compressor for septic tank

In the winter preservation septic compressor should be disconnected from the aerator and electrical power and stored in a heated room

If the inspection of a septic tank found that working more than usual compressor noise or detected presence of any extraneous noise, it is a cause for concern. If you leave everything as is, the compressor will break soon.

Sometimes it helps to standard cleaning the air filter. But if the noise is not reduced, it is necessary to invite a specialist to diagnose the problem or obtain warranty service.

If the septic tank is located at the cottage or country house, where drainage is not used all year round, it is necessary to produce conservation of the septic tankWith compulsory disconnection and extraction of the compressor.

How to choose the right model?

Requirements to the compressor designed for use in septic tanks, not so great. The air quality of the output can be almost anything, as long as it contains the necessary oxygen for the bacteria. Therefore expensive models fitted with filters and complex automation, you can not even be considered.

screw compressor

Screw compressors can be used to improve the performance of a septic tank, it is reliable and powerful models, but they differ quite a high price

Given the conditions in which it is necessary to operate the compressor, high demands are placed on such characteristics as:

  • reliability;
  • ability to endure the negative external influence;
  • corrosion resistance;
  • simple operation;
  • reasonable price;
  • maintainability;
  • low noise level etc.

Furthermore, it is necessary to take into account the performance of the compressor, especially its structure and principle of operation, as well as the discharge pressure or the compression ratio.

The fact that the flow of air from the compressor to the aerator, experiencing resistance from the water column, which is located inside.

Table models of compressors

Models membrane compressors vary in performance, capacity for septic tanks, noise level, and low weight. Device performance is selected, focusing on the volume of the septic tank

If the compression ratio is low, the air simply can not overcome the resistance of water, i.e. drains will not be aerated at all, or the process will not be enough intense.

The deeper the septic tank, the higher will have to overcome the resistance of the compressor. Calculate a resistance, for every meter of depth capacity necessary output pressure of one atmosphere.

Depth septic rarely exceeds two meters, so can safely select a compressor with a compression ratio of about two atmospheres. compressor capacity - a measure that reflects how much air the unit can move per unit time.

The higher the score, the more powerful motor is used in the device and the more power it consumes.

Although usually the power consumption of such devices is relatively small. On maintenance of a septic tank has no ruined. low productivity compressor is not suitable for a septic tank. If the rate of air flow is small, not enough water will be oxygenated.

As a result, the environment inside the septic tank will be unsuitable for aerobic bacteria, microorganisms will not be able to recycle waste and eventually die. Do not take over-compressor with high performance. Such devices are more expensive and may hinder the functioning of the process water treatment facilities.

If air is pumped too fast in a sealed aeration tank, inside there overpressure. Such a medium can also be detrimental to aerobic bacteria. If you still have to use a high-performance compressor, it should be used for short periods, including permanent and disabling.

This creates an increased risk of failure of the device, and is inconvenient. High-performance compressor can be used only as a temporary embodiment, hereinafter it must be replaced by a more suitable unit. To determine the capacity of the compressor, it is necessary to take into account the volume of the aeration tank chamber.

You can navigate to the following indicators:

  • For the aeration tank at 2-3 cubic needed compressor with a capacity of 60 l / min or less;
  • For the aeration tank at 4-5 cubic needed compressor with capacity of 80 liters / min;
  • For the aeration tank 6 cubic meters or more is needed compressor with a capacity of no less than 120 l / min.

If the compressor is properly selected, it will need to include a long time. Before buying, make sure that the selected model is designed precisely for such operation. Depending on the operating principle of distinction, piston, centrifugal, diaphragm and screw compressors.

Piston device is moved via the moving air within the piston housing. It is a simple device that is not too demanding on the conditions of operation. But piston units quickly overheat, have low efficiency and too noisy. Not the best choice for a septic tank.

Centrifugal compressors exhibit excellent characteristics and it would be suitable for self-contained sewage systems, if not large. Compact devices of this type are rare and expensive, so this option is almost never considered. Screw compressors are suitable for this purpose better.

Working element here - two helical rotor, which effectively moves the air streams inside a special chamber. They are characterized by a high degree of air compression and excellent efficiency. They are reliable and profitable, can work round the clock. But with all the advantages of screw compressors are characterized by high cost.

The air moves the diaphragm devices membrane or diaphragm, which controls the solenoid. This is another great option for a septic tank. The device is cheaper than screw counterparts. The compression ratio is low at them, but he needs a septic tank fully provide.

These compressors are easy to use, well tolerated by the impact of external factors have suitable performance have compact dimensions. For homemade septic tanks often take it diaphragm compressors.

The most popular on the market are considered compressors Japanese Hiblow production. They are widely used in the configuration of local stations purification of industrial production and are suitable for homemade aeration.

These devices are characterized by high reliability, productivity can reach 200 liters / min, but there are less powerful models that are suitable for conventional septic tanks.

Thomas German traditional compressors are reliable and durable. These advantages include increased level of waterproofing and reduced power consumption. Among the less expensive options can be mentioned AirMas products made in Korea. On quality they are not inferior to expensive counterparts, manufacturers of VOCs readily complement them their devices.

Common faults and repair

Cause damage to the compressor may be a number of reasons:

  • Frequent and sudden changes in the mains voltage.
  • Overflow or flooding of septic tank.
  • Normal wear individual elements.

Often the devices come in unsuitability due to mechanical damage: sloppy removed from the septic tank to the preservation of the system for the winter, falls, etc.

Salvage compressor septic

Cause damage to the compressor can be run over the lid of a septic tank heavy machinery. In this situation, the device body can be damaged as well as other elements of VOCs

Eliminate the negative effects of voltage sources is relatively easy. It's enough to install the stabilizer.

Owners diaphragm compressors roughly every five years have to replace the membrane, which breaks down under the influence of natural wear and tear.

Such repairs can be carried out completely independently by following these steps:

  1. Disconnect the compressor from the power supply and from the aerator.
  2. Unscrew the fastening screws and remove the cover of the housing.
  3. Remove the sound dampening cover.
  4. Remove items blocking access to the membrane.
  5. Unscrew the retaining cap membrane fasteners.
  6. Remove the cover.
  7. Unscrew the central nut.
  8. Remove the membrane unit and disassemble it.
  9. Replace worn membrane with new elements.
  10. Assemble the membrane unit and set it in its place.
  11. Collect the compressor in reverse.

Detailed recommendations for repair and nuanced description can be found in the instructions and technical data sheet. For many models, sell special repair kits containing a set of new membranes. From the tool for replacement of the membrane is usually sufficient normal or Phillips screwdriver.

Repair of the compressor

To replace the diaphragm in the compressor, it is necessary to disassemble the device body, remove the old membrane and replace them with new ones, and then perform reassembly

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Review of one of Niblow compressor models can be found here:

This video presents the experience of comparing different models of compressors:

As a self-replacing membrane compressor Niblow:

Compressor - a great way to upgrade a conventional two- or three-chamber septic tank. Correctly chosen model will significantly improve the performance of battery drain and improve the quality of wastewater treatment. But keep in mind that additional work on the creation of the aeration tank can take a lot of time and effort.

After reading the material have questions about how to choose or repair the compressor for a septic tank? Please write them in the comments to this article, and we will promptly respond to them.

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