Consumption of glue for aerated concrete blocks per 1m3: calculation of consumption + tips for choosing glue for aerated concrete

Houses built of aerated concrete are characterized by reliability and durability. The strength and other operational parameters of the building largely depend not only on the quality of the blocks, but also on what glue and in what quantity was used for masonry. The choice of mixtures for connecting aerated concrete products is huge today, but a good product is not cheap.

Agree, it is better to know in advance how much glue will be spent on the construction of an aerated concrete building. Then you will not have any problems due to the fact that the purchased mixture is more or less than you need. Determine the consumption of glue for aerated concrete blocks per 1m3 really easy. You need to know some features and nuances.

In this article we will tell you why it is so important to be able to calculate the optimal amount of glue, we will give a formula by which you can easily understand how many bags of mixture you need. We will also list and consider the factors on which the amount of adhesive consumption depends. We will give advice on the selection and preparation of glue for laying gas blocks.

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The content of the article:

  • Why do you need to know the glue consumption?
  • Settlement procedure
  • Features of calculating the consumption of glue
    • What determines the consumption of glue?
    • Approximate consumption of glue in different cases
  • Secrets of economical consumption
  • Tips for choosing adhesive mixtures
  • Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Why do you need to know the glue consumption?

In the construction of aerated concrete houses, they are more economical than brick structures. This is due not only to the cheapness of the blocks, but also to the fact that special glue is used as a binding element.

It costs 1.5-2 times more expensive than cement-concrete mortar, which is used for laying bricks. But at the same time, its consumption is six times lower. The result is good savings. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to determine how much adhesive will go to the masonry. This leads to a number of problems.

The builder levels the gas block with a hammer

Adhesive for masonry blocks of aerated concrete does not give strong shrinkage, and also excludes the appearance of places with increased heat conductivity, provides a stronger and more durable connection

The advantages of having the knowledge and skills to accurately calculate the required amount of glue for building a house from gas blocks are obvious.

Firstly, it is an opportunity to save money. If you correctly determine the amount of consumption, then there should be no extra bags of glue after the completion of construction work. Accordingly, there will be no overpayment.

Secondly, situations are excluded when the glue has run out and you need to buy it. The store where the mixture was previously purchased may not have the correct brand. Then it will be necessary either to choose glue from another company, which is not welcomed by experts, or to look for the necessary product elsewhere, or to wait for the delivery of the required brand. In the latter case, construction will have to be suspended for some time. If you calculate the glue correctly in advance, then such hassle can be avoided.

Thirdly, you will be able to check the estimates made by experts. Some construction firms are unscrupulous and deliberately inflate costs.

Fourthly, knowing the features of the calculation, it will be possible to dilute the amount of dry adhesive that is needed at the moment to lay a certain number of aerated concrete blocks.

Bucket with ready-made glue for gas blocks

Glue for gas blocks is prepared by combining dry matter with water. The mixture is not stored for a long time: it should be used within 2.5-3 hours

If during the construction of a building much more or less glue from the planned volume has gone out of aerated concrete, then this indicates that either the calculation of the mixture was carried out incorrectly, or significant errors were made during the construction of the structure, for example, the wrong technology was used installation.

Settlement procedure

Aerated concrete blocks are characterized by precise geometry. As a result, they can be laid on a thin layer of a binder mixture. When determining the consumption of glue, you must adhere to a special algorithm.

Calculation procedure:

  1. Calculate how many aerated concrete blocks are needed for the construction of a building.
  2. Assess the evenness of the surface of the products, prepare them for laying.
  3. Decide on the thickness of the seam.
  4. Read the instructions for the glue. Pay attention to dilution, consumption. This information can be found on the back of the bag.
  5. Calculate the required amount of dry adhesive.

Standard consumption of glue for aerated concrete per 1 m3 varies from 15 to 30 kg dry matter. With a layer thickness of 1 mm, about 25 kg of mixture per cubic meter is required. This is one bag of composition.

Similar proportions are typical for blocks with a flat surface, without visible deformations. It is recommended to take one bag of glue as a reserve. For example, if 20 cubic meters of aerated concrete blocks were purchased, then 21 bags of adhesive will be required for their masonry.

Aerated concrete masonry with joints of the correct thickness

Seams between aerated concrete blocks are made from 1 mm. The optimal layer of glue is 2-3 mm. For comparison, the thickness of the cement-concrete mortar for reliable fixation of the brick according to the standards should be at least 10 mm

It is not always possible to purchase a batch of ideal blocks. Therefore, in practice, the consumption of glue can be 1.5 bags per 1 m3. All these figures are approximate and depend on various factors.

To accurately calculate the glue consumption, you should use the following formula: ((L + H) / (L × H)) × d × 1.4

P is the consumption of glue in kilograms per cubic meter;

L, H - the length and height of the aerated concrete block, respectively (in meters);

d - seam thickness;

1.4 - the value of the consumption of dry adhesive mixture, provided that the layer thickness is 1 mm.

Today there are many specialized resources where you can determine the glue consumption using an online calculator. This tool takes into account various factors that can affect the volume of the block binder.

But for maximum accuracy, all calculations are best done manually. In this case, it is imperative to take into account the dimensions of door and window openings, gables of the building. It is important to be as careful as possible when filling out the form. When making calculations, you need to carefully operate with units of measurement, otherwise there is a risk of serious mistakes in the calculations.

Features of calculating the consumption of glue

The amount of glue required for bonding aerated concrete blocks is calculated in kilograms per square or cubic meter.

Adhesive bags for aerated concrete blocks

When buying bags of glue for laying aerated concrete blocks, it is important to pay attention to the shelf life of the goods. If the composition is expired, then its bonding properties will be worse.

To achieve the desired result and get a high-quality, reliable seam, you need to observe all proportions when diluting dry matter, follow the recommendations of specialists. You should not try to save money by adding more water to the adhesive mixture than indicated in the instructions. This reduces adhesion.

It is also not recommended to make the seam thinner than necessary to minimize consumption - this will deteriorate the quality of block bonding.

When determining the amount of glue consumption, some peculiarities must be taken into account. The consumption declared by the manufacturer may be lower or higher than the actual one. This is due to the influence on the result of a number of additional factors.

What determines the consumption of glue?

With large volumes of work, it is rather difficult to determine how much glue is required for laying aerated concrete blocks. It happens that one cubic meter does not take 25 kg of glue, as planned, but 30-40 kg or 14-15 kg.

To obtain data on consumption as close as possible to real, it is worth taking into account the influence of a number of factors.

Used aerated concrete blocks on the floor

It is not worth using used blocks. Their price is much lower than new products. But they have significant defects. It will take a lot of glue to make even masonry and build a solid house.

The amount of glue required for laying aerated concrete blocks depends on the quality of the product. The cheaper the mixture, the worse its composition. There may be too much sand and other unnecessary fillers in it.

This negatively affects the bonding properties. Accordingly, the consumption of such glue will be high. If the bulk is represented by a binder, then the mixture will be used more economically.

The geometry of the blocks also has a great influence. The smoother the surface of aerated concrete products, the thinner the layer of glue for masonry can be made. This will maximize savings. The presence of defects, on the contrary, requires the use of a larger amount of adhesive to eliminate them.

The masonry technique and the skill level of the builder play a role. Inexperienced workers often make mistakes and spend too much composition to correct them. This does not improve the quality of the result, but the consumption of glue increases.

The consumption of the mixture largely depends on how thick the seam will be made by the master. The higher this indicator, the more glue will be spent on building a house.

Another factor is the presence of a reinforcing layer. Often, when creating aerated concrete walls for two-story and higher houses, builders carry out reinforcement. Then a thicker layer of glue has to be applied to the blocks. This increases the consumption of material.

Builders are building a private house from gas blocks

It is not worth building an aerated concrete house in the rain. Water will get on the blocks and into the container with glue. This will reduce the build quality.

Also, the consumption of the composition largely depends on the temperature regime, weather conditions. The hotter it is outside or in the room where the wall is being erected, the more glue will be consumed. This is due to the increased volatility of the mixture.

Approximate consumption of glue in different cases

It is important to take into account all the nuances when calculating the amount of adhesive consumption for laying aerated concrete blocks. This will allow you to determine as accurately as possible how many kilograms of dry mix will need to be purchased for building a house.

The table below shows the consumption of glue depending on the thickness of the joint and the grade of the composition.

Adhesive mixture brand Joint thickness, mm Consumption of glue mixture in kg per 1 m3
AEROC 1 20
Ceresit CT 21 2 52
Ytong 2 60
UDK 1 25
Kreisel 125 2 50
Baumit PorenbetonKleber 2 60

The approximate consumption of glue, depending on the thickness and density of aerated concrete blocks, is shown in the following table.

Block thickness in cm Density of aerated concrete blocks in kg / m3 Glue consumption in kg per cubic meter
10 300-400 19,3-19,4
15 300-400 19,9-21,0
20 300-400 16,4-16,8
25 300-400 15,9-16,2
30 300-400 15,5-15,8
37,5 300-400 15,1-15,4
40 300-400 14,9-15,1

These consumption indicators are relevant for those cases when the thickness of the glue layer does not exceed 1-2 mm, and the blocks do not have significant defects in terms of geometry.

Secrets of economical consumption

If you adhere to some expert advice, then the consumption of the adhesive when laying aerated concrete will be more economical.

Builders put gas blocks on glue

Experienced master builders know how to work with aerated concrete and glue. Therefore, they build a house faster and more economically in terms of material consumption. When constructing a building from gas blocks on your own, you need to be careful and think carefully about everything, do not rush

The use of special tools speeds up the construction process and allows you to minimize the use of glue, and, accordingly, reduce the cost of work. It is recommended to use a bucket, a rubber hammer, a square, a grater with a sandpaper, a saw for masonry.

The glue should be applied with a spatula or a special spatula. Then the composition will lay down more evenly and it will be possible to minimize its consumption. Before laying, the blocks must be cleaned of dirt. It is important to dry them well so that they are not wet.

Tips for choosing adhesive mixtures

The range of adhesives for aerated concrete masonry on the market is quite extensive. All formulations are divided into gray and white. The former are considered universal. They can be used at any time of the year. They contain additives that increase frost resistance. Such glue has certain temperature limits for use.

White compounds are suitable for work in the warm season. They contain Portland cement. This substance gives the mixture a light shade. White glue should be used for laying blocks indoors. The seam is aesthetic and does not require additional processing.

The master applies glue to the gas block

Usually, a gray type of glue is used for the construction of aerated concrete houses. This is due to the fact that such a composition is universal and is more often found on sale.

Adhesives for gas blocks of such companies are very popular: Ceresit, Kreisel, UDK, Ytong, Real. Products of new firms regularly appear on sale. Therefore, not all builders can comment on the quality of a particular brand of glue. A little-known mixture for laying gas blocks can be no worse in quality than branded products.

Due to the fact that the range of adhesives for aerated concrete blocks is wide, many have problems with the choice. The question of which glue is best suited for building a house is quite relevant. There are different ways to figure out which mixture to use.

Experts advise paying attention to the composition. It should contain a lot of binders and a minimum concentration of additional inclusions, which are used to reduce the cost of production. The choice is worth making by testing and comparison.

Builders recommend purchasing 2-3 types of glue in an amount of up to 1 kg and checking their quality in practice. Prepare the solution according to the manufacturer's instructions. Next, glue two blocks with each mixture. Leave to harden for a day. A day later, try to break the structure in the seam area.

Different brands of glue for laying gas blocks

You should buy glue for laying gas blocks from reliable companies. It is better to choose well-known and proven brands. This guarantees a high quality mix.

The result will show how good the glue was used. If the place of the break coincides with the seam, then it is better not to use this mixture. If only the aerated concrete block was damaged, then this indicates the high quality of the glue. A similar composition can be safely used for any type of work.

If the fault partially touched the seam, this means that the adhesive mixture will not provide sufficient structural strength, therefore it is better not to use it, especially when erecting multi-storey buildings.

Another way to determine the quality and choice of glue is to check its weight after curing. It is necessary to buy several types of adhesives for the sample and pour them in equal quantities into containers of the same size.

Wait a day and evaluate the result. To do this, you need to weigh each of the containers. Preference should be given to the glue, the weight of which has decreased the most after hardening. This suggests that a lot of moisture has gone and the composition has become more durable.

The builder applies glue with a special tool

If you bought glue of an unknown brand, then it is better not to start building a house using it before checking the quality. It will be more difficult to correct the situation later.

Testing glue using the above methods is troublesome, time-consuming, energy-consuming and costly. But such a check will help to accurately assess the quality of the composition. After all, the promises of manufacturers do not always correspond to reality.

It makes sense to carry out testing when planning a large-scale construction. This will help not only to check the quality of the glue, but also to more accurately calculate its consumption.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

How to save glue when laying gas blocks:

Testing different types of adhesives for strength:

It is not difficult to determine the consumption of glue for laying blocks of aerated concrete. You need to use the formula and take into account all the factors that can affect this indicator.

If you have doubts about an independent accurate calculation of the amount of adhesive consumption, then it is better to consult with an experienced specialist. He will tell you how much the mixture will go and how best to carry out the masonry for maximum savings.

If you have experience in determining the consumption of glue for the construction of aerated concrete structures, you can advise a high-quality composition, then share this useful information. Leave your comments using the special form below.

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