Meat and eggs of domestic quails not only have excellent taste, but are considered dietary and useful. However, in order for the bird to regularly give eggs, and its meat was delicious, it is necessary to provide quails with optimal conditions of detention. Spacious warm cells for a comfortable stay of birds are simply necessary.
In this article, we will learn how to make a quail cage by ourselves at home under drawings, talk about the size of cells for quail by 10, 20 and 50 heads.
Table of contents
- Homemade designs for 10 quails
- How to build cells for 20 heads at home
- Step-by-step instruction on making a cell battery for 50 quails with your own hands
- How to make quail cells from a grid?
- From plastic boxes
- From plywood: drawings and dimensions
Homemade designs for 10 quails
How to build a cage for quail by own hands for 10 goals? When manufacturing, it is necessary to calculate the dimensions that will be optimal for such a number of birds. Usually,cell sizes for quail for 10 heads are 30 × 75 cm and 25 × 60 cm for birds, grown to produce eggs and meat.
Quail cells must meet the following criteria:
- the dimensions of the cells depend on the size of the birds, so that they do not fall to the floor;
- The design should not be damp and moldy, because otherwise birds can get sick;
- the number of quails must match the size.
Below is a diagram of the cell for quails, which can be done independently with their own hands.
You can save space by placing cells on top of each other. It turns out a kind of cellular battery for quail. To do this, they must match each other in size and shape. Mount the houses for birds can be ordinary wire. Two or three tiers are enough. The first design is installed at a height of not less than 10-30 cm above the floor.
For the frameYou can use a tree or reinforcement, and make the walls of the grid. It is important to choose a grid of this diameter so that the birds can not escape. Quail is a rather small bird, therefore it is possible to use a mesh of small diameter.
How to build cells for 20 heads at home
Cells should not impede the movement of the bird, so you can make the size of the cell for quail to 20 goals more standard. For an adult male, the most comfortable will be an area of about 100 square centimeters. Respectively,In a 1-m² cage, a herd of 75 animals can safely be placed.Everywhere should be provided for:
- drinking bowl;
- feeding trough;
- egg collection;
- a pallet for litter.
The ideal material for the egg collection, feeders and drinking bowls is a durable plastic.Any plastic container can easily be adapted for bird tanks. A pallet for collecting litter can be made from sheet iron. The lifetime of these materials is higher.
The cage can be made from any material that is at your fingertips: for example, from wood. The cell is similar to a wooden box with dimensions of 30x30x25 cm. However, despite the seeming simplicity of manufacture, such a cell needs additional lighting, ventilation and maintaining the optimum temperature.
Ventilation can be provided by means of recesses through which air will enter through.Temperature and lighting can be maintained by lamps that are designed to meet the needs of birds. Light and heat can also flow through the cavities in the walls of the cell.
.Step-by-step instruction on making a cell battery for 50 quails with your own hands
The minimum area of a cage for quails by own hands on 50 pieces. should be 75 × 150 cm for the birds of the parent herd and 60 × 120 cm for the breeding of meat and egg breeds.
To make the best use of mixed materials, which are always at hand. To keep a large number of birds can make the cells in several tiers. This approach is justified by the small size of quails, which can be kept in large numbers in a small area.
The cheapest use is mixed materials.Under the frame, you can adapt a piece of woodappropriate size. For the sidewalls, ceiling and floor, the usual grid is perfect, which is easy to find in the arsenal of any summer resident.
We will take the minimum size (30x30 cm), which can be increased depending on the number of birds heads. For the maintenance of 50 heads it is always possible to install a multi-tiered cage, in which all quails can easily be placed.
Also you will be interested to know about:
- Breeding quails at home.
- How to build a coop on your own at home.
- How to make an incubator for eggs with their own hands.
And now let's look at the step-by-step instruction for the quail cage with your own hands.
To do this, you will need:
.- 8 wooden beams long in 30 cm and thick in, cm;
- grid with small cells (2x2 meters);
- nails and self-tapping screws;
- canopies and metal corners.
First we make a skeleton from wooden beams, on which we then attach the sidewalls from the mesh. We make a ceiling and a floor, we fasten to a box. For the convenience of assembly we use metal corners.
How to make quail cells from a grid?
A grid for quail cells is one of the most accessible materials that can be used to create cells.
First, a framework is prepared,corresponding to the number of birds heads. The cell sizes can be completely different. To the frame is attached the bottom, sidewalls and ceiling. The frame must be strong, so we take a base of metal or wood. If you chose the wooden frame, then it is recommended to take wooden blocks 25x50 mm.
For the metal frame, the corners 25x25 mm are suitable.The mesh connectors on the sidewalls should be matched to accommodate the heads of birds during feeding. Birds should not fall through the holes in the floor and in the sidewalls, so for the floor we select a grid of smaller diameter than for the sides.
What do we do?
- Prepare corners for the frame.We need 4 corners of the following sizes: 300 mm and 500 mm, as well as 3 angles of 700 mm. We join the corners, then fasten the bars with screws. The corners of the metal bolted or welded to the frame.
- The dimensions of the sides are calculated according to the size of the walls.The walls of the mesh are fixed with a furniture stapler, taking into account that the staples have sat flat and could not damage the birds during the operation of the cage. On the metal frame, the grid can be fixed with wire.
- We make the floor at an inclination of about 7-9 degrees. When assembling the floor, take into account the length of the egg collection (about 10 cm), the end of which is bent several centimeters. Eggs will be fixed in one position. Between the egg collection and the wall, we leave a gap of 3 centimeters, where the eggs will roll.
- The door is fastened so that you can put your hand into it. The door is also made of mesh and fixed with canopies.
- We make a pallet for the assembly of litter. It is better to take a piece of sheet iron, which is easy to take care of and which will last a long time.
From plastic boxes
Make cells for quails from plastic boxes is simple: we do not need to calculate the dimensions, we do not need to search for a frame.It is enough just to carry out the revision and we will have a ready cage.The diameters of plastic boxes are well suited for keeping quails.
We will need:
- two boxes of small height;
- one box about 17 cm high.
What to do?
- Cut the corners on the tops of the boxes.
- High box is put on a small one, which will become a pallet for assembling litter.Above, install the second low drawer. Let's see that the diameters of the boxes coincide. We fix the structure with wire.
- Cut through the lid in the top drawer.
- If necessary, expand the boxes of the boxes. In the openings must pass the bird's head when feeding.
From plywood: drawings and dimensions
Cells from plywood can be made both on the basis of the frame, and install the shelves with the walls between each other, using bars. The sizes directly depend on how many birds are planned to be kept. Before manufacturing it is necessary to make a drawing of a cage for quails or quails and only then to start manufacturing.
What do we do?
- Cut out side walls 350x200 mm, butt and ceiling(the dimensions of the ceiling and the end wall are 700x350 mm). In the sidewalls we cut small holes for ventilation and lighting.
- All blanks are treated with antiseptic or varnish.
- We fix the details to each other corners and screws.
- Cut out the floor(the dimensions correspond to the dimensions of the ceiling) and attach it to the base of the cell with a stapler or nails. We take into account the angle of inclination of 7-10 degrees.
- Install the door on the front of the box.
As you can see, it is not so difficult to make homemade cells for keeping quails according to blueprints. The main thing is patience and you will succeed.