Tylosin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic used in veterinary medicine, with a mild toxic effect on animals and birds( chickens, geese, turkeys, pigeons, etc.).To obtain the drug were used strains of actinomycetes, first discovered in the soil layer of Thailand.
In Russia, tylosin is also known as tylan. For the first time, its pharmacological properties were studied by A. B. Baydevlyatov, who experienced the effect of the drug on two-month-old chickens.
Available in the form of a light yellow powder, perfectly soluble in water, milk, fish oil. Do not dissolve tylosin in ethyl alcohol. Implemented in packages of 5 and 100 grams.
- Contents In what diseases is used in veterinary medicine
- Dosages for chickens and other birds
- How to apply for
- chicks for chicken
- For goslings
- For turkeys
- Instructions for use of tylosin for adult birds
- Side effects
- Contraindications
- Pharmacological properties
- Conclusion
Whenwhat diseases is used in veterinary
use of tylosin can successfully cope with the following varieties of avian diseases:
- mycoplasmosis
- chronic respiratory infections of chickens and turkeys
- spirochetosis
- infectious synovitis
- sinusitis in turkeys
- necrotic enteritis
- infectious coryza of chickens
Dosages for chickens and other birds

birds Dosageand the time of use of the drug depends on the type of disease, as well as the age and type of bird. Perhaps subcutaneous and oral administration. In case of subcutaneous use of tylosin , the dose is calculated individually for each bird.
On average, a chicken weighing up to 2 kilograms should receive about 60 mg.per day. For oral administration of tylosin, 1 gram should be diluted in 2 liters of water.
In order for the drug to work immediately and not to lose its pharmacological properties, it is necessary to dissolve it in 100-200 grams of water, mix thoroughly and only after that dispense, following the instructions.
Care should be taken to ensure that the vials are not exposed to direct sunlight. It is necessary to get rid of not drunk in time, every day making a new solution.
How to use for chicks
Tylosin is absolutely safe for all animals and birds, including for young.
For chickens
The preparation can be used from 2 months of age. It is best to inject it subcutaneously, but in the presence of a large number of birds, it is possible to add medicine to the water.

When using this medicine for subcutaneous administration, it is necessary to preheat it. The duration of treatment depends on the degree of damage. Properly selected dosage allows you to observe the first improvements by the end of the first day of administration.
In the absence of side effects, a full chickens recover by the third day of ingestion.
For goslings
Tylosin is prescribed for goslings in the same dosage as for chickens. Perhaps the use of tylosin in the ratio of 1-1.5 monthly goslings.
In this case, the drug should be added to the drinking water, carefully watching that the goslings drink only the medication.
For turkeys
Turkey poults are most often affected by sinusitis, which is difficult to treat with other medicines besides tylosin. The drug is well absorbed and quickly excreted from the body of the turkey.
It is recommended to use it in relation to a 1-2-month-old young. The duration of treatment is approximately 2-3 weeks. By the end of the treatment, the sinuses take a starting position, wheezing, coughing and sneezing disappear.
Tylosin Instructions for Use for Adult Birds

Adult Tylosin is prescribed when mycoplasmosis or sinusitis is detected in them. It is most effective to inject the drug subcutaneously. When using the drug orally, it is necessary to calculate the dose in such a way that at least 5 grams per 10 liters of water.
Side Effects of
No explicit side effects are observed. In some cases, individual intolerance is possible, manifested in the form of edema, lethargy, increased body temperature of the bird, loss of appetite and refusal to drink. The listed negative effects of taking the drug disappear some time after removing it from the diet of the bird.
When conducting a subcutaneous injection on fish oil, a small rash may appear at the needle insertion site. To avoid this, it is necessary to use exclusively water or milk basis for the preparation of the drug.
With the introduction of tylosin into the sinuses, a temporary deterioration in the health of the bird is possible, manifested in the form of general lethargy and lack of interest in what is happening.
When using tylosin as the main drug, it is prohibited to simultaneously use tiamulin, clindamycin, chloramphenicol, penicillin, cephalosporin and lincomycin. These drugs have a neutralizing effect on the ability of tylosin to antibacterial effects.
Tylosin is derived through the mammary glands or through the urethra .Part of the drug can get into the egg, because it is not recommended to use it in relation to laying hens.
In case consumption is necessary, you should abandon the use of eggs until the bird is completely cured. The resulting eggs can be used as feed to other pets.
Eating meat containing tylosin residues is prohibited. The only exception is when tylosin was consumed by birds along with food.
Pharmacological properties of

Tylosin is able to inhibit the biochemical processes in the body of the bird and inhibit protein biosynthesis, which leads to the suspension of the spread of infection.
When administered orally, the drug is absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract as soon as possible and accumulates in the blood serum for 6-7 hours.
The first signs of a positive impact on a sick bird can be observed 1-2 hours after its use. Tylosin is easily excreted with feces and eggs within 24 hours.
When working with tylosin, you should remember the precautions, use protective gloves, cotton gauze dressings and regularly rinse your mouth with clean water. If it comes into contact with eyes, ears, or nose, rinse the affected area with plenty of water.
Despite the fact that the drug belongs to the third class of danger, it should still be kept away from children and pets, while storing in accordance with the recommendations on the package.