DIY piezo ignition gas burner repair: step-by-step instruction

If you have ever used a portable piezo igniter burner, then you have probably faced the problem of such a device breakdown. You must admit that it will be somewhat inappropriate to throw out a practically new burner due to a malfunction that you can fix on your own.

In order not to spend "extra" money on repairs, for which the master will require the cost of the device, you should figure out how to repair a gas burner with piezo ignition with your own hands, and not spend a penny from the family budget.

A gas burner can stop working for completely different reasons, ranging from the ingress of water or dirt into the mechanism, and ending with a breakdown of the piezo ignition itself. Further in the article, you will familiarize yourself with the main causes of burner malfunction, and learn how to independently disassemble the mechanism and repair it without the help of an experienced craftsman.

The content of the article:

  • Application of a gas burner with piezo ignition
    • Diagnostics of a gas burner with piezo ignition
    • Instructions for replacing the piezoelectric element
  • instagram viewer
  • Other malfunctions of the gas burner
    • Nozzle clogged - how to fix it?
    • How to replace the nozzle ring?
  • How to avoid burner breakage?
  • Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Application of a gas burner with piezo ignition

The classic piezo-ignited burner is especially popular among tourists who willingly use such a simple device as an alternative to a fire.

With its help, you can quickly boil water or cook food, while, unlike a fire, the device allows you to regulate the strength of the flame, and at the same time, control the gas consumption. In addition, modern portable burners are equipped with a windscreen function, a dish holder and other "devices".

Gas burners with piezo ignition

The piezo ignition function allows you to light the burner in a matter of seconds with just one push of a button, without using matches

Such a piezo-ignited burner is also actively used in summer cottages where there is no need carry gas into the house. The device will greatly simplify the task of cooking for you, for which even a small gas canister will be enough for you. In addition, gas burners are often used for brazing and heating metal parts.

The popularity of piezo-ignited burners is quite justified, since the user does not have to worry about the presence of matches, but exactly until the moment the device breaks down. It is precisely in the presence of a piezo ignition - an additionally inserted element that gives a spark, that often lies the problem of frequent breakdowns of a gas burner.

Diagnostics of a gas burner with piezo ignition

Often the reason for the malfunction of such a device lies in the breakdown of the piezoelectric element, after replacing which the burner works again without any problems.

However, in some cases, the operation of the device can be restored by ordinary cleaning the nozzle or atomizer, which from time to time can become clogged, as a result of which the gas in the burner simply does not set on fire.

Piezo element piezo lighter

If the gas burner stops working due to a faulty piezoelectric element, then it can be replaced with an identical part removed from the most ordinary lighter

The cost of repairing a gas burner with piezo ignition can be equated to the cost of a new device, so there is no more profitable option how to fix it yourself. To identify the cause of the breakdown, you will need to carry out diagnostics gas burner, during which you can understand why she stopped working.

When disassembling the burner, special attention should be paid to whether a spark appears when the button is pressed. The presence of a spark indicates the serviceability of the piezoelectric element, which means that the reason for the breakdown of the device lies in the contamination of individual parts of the burner.

If, in the presence of a spark, the burner still does not ignite, then most likely the problem lies in the ingress of dirt into the atomizer - a small hole through which gas enters.

Often, a gas burner can pass gas to the cartridge, which indicates that one of the rubber gaskets inside the device is worn out. Also, the device may not work due to contamination of the mesh on the back of the sprayer. In this case, it is recommended to rinse this element with alcohol or gasoline.

If the piezoelectric element is in good working order, the spark will be supplied, but due to the oxidation of the wire through which it is supplied, the gas may not ignite. If the insulation of the wire has melted, then you will need to clean it with a file or sandpaper, and, in general, the problem will be solved.

Gas Burner Sprayer

In order not to re-spin the burner, it is better to immediately clean all the listed parts, even if at first glance they do not look dirty.

It is important to understand that the absence of a spark means only one thing - the piezoelectric element is out of order, which means that it requires urgent replacement. You can do this yourself, relying on simple instructions, and you don't even have to look for a new piece for a long time.

Instructions for replacing the piezoelectric element

Despite the external differences of many burners, everything inside is arranged according to the same principle, while all parts have standard dimensions, which makes it easy to choose a replacement for a broken element. Since the piezoelectric element is the most vulnerable part of the device, it is not at all surprising that in most cases it is its breakdown that causes the entire burner to stop working.

The piezoelectric element can fail, both as a result of a strong shock, and water or any other liquid getting inside the burner. To replace the piezo, you will need to prepare all the necessary bits for a screwdriver, a new a lighter, from which a new piezoelectric element will be removed, as well as a heat shrinkage for connecting two wires.

Using the burner outdoors

If you take a gas burner with a piezo igniter on a hike, then for reassurance, it is better to take matches or a lighter with you, since the slightest fall of the device will lead to a breakdown of the piezoelectric element.

First of all, you should make sure that the piezo is faulty, which will "notify" you about the absence of a spark when you press the button. Next, we disassemble the burner body using a screwdriver and the corresponding bits, which are in any set of nozzles. Along the way, we check all the parts of the burner for contamination, and, if necessary, clean them.

Having reached the piezoelectric element, using the wire cutters, cut the wire connecting the piezo to the burner, and thus remove the broken piezo.

By the same principle, we remove a serviceable piezoelectric element from a new lighter, leaving a supply of wire for further connection with the burner wire. To do this, we use a small heat shrinkage, which will need to be heated with a lighter.

Next, we assemble the gas burner in the same way as we disassembled it, after which we test it. If the correct sequence of actions is followed, the operation of the device will be completely restored, which means that you do not have to buy a new burner.

We also recommend reading our other article, where we described in detail how fill a gas canister with your own hands.

Other malfunctions of the gas burner

Failure of a piezoelectric element is a fairly common problem, but far from the main one. As a result of frequent use of the device, other interruptions in its operation may occur, while the piezo ignition function will be fully operational.

To understand the reason for the malfunction of the gas burner, you will need to completely disassemble it and inspect each part of the structure.

Refill bottle and adapter

To avoid contamination of the burner nozzle, experienced craftsmen recommend filling the cartridge only with clean gas, which is used to refuel lighters

Often, the burner does not ignite due to contamination of the nozzle, which occurs as a result of filling the cylinder with low-quality gas. That is, the gas simply does not enter the burner, which is why it does not ignite. In this case, you can clean the nozzle in several ways, which you will learn about later in the article.

Another reason for the stoppage of the gas burner is the loss of the ring inside the nozzle, as a result of which the spark will fly not on the ring, but in different directions, which means that ignition will not occur. If the ring is lost during operation, then the only correct solution would be to make a replacement, for example, from a simple copper wire.

Nozzle clogged - how to fix it?

The gas burner nozzle can become clogged due to the presence of dirt impurities in the regular gas that we use to fill the cartridge.

To clean the nozzle - a small hole on the burner, it is quite difficult to find a suitable wire or needle, which means that it will not be possible to mechanically clean the nozzle.

Gas burner nozzles

You can only understand that the nozzle is clogged if you remove the part with the hole and look at the light. The absence of a translucent "speck" indicates that the nozzle is dirty

If you can find a wire that is thin enough to clean such a small hole, you can quickly remove the contamination.

Professional craftsmen recommend cleaning the burner nozzle in the following ways:

  1. Blow the trash back. Remove the nozzle and press it firmly with the side with the hole to the gas cylinder valve. If the contamination is not serious, then there is a possibility that the dirt can be blown back under the gas pressure.
  2. Eliminate blockage by heating the nozzle. We attach a strong wire to the removed nozzle, and with the help of a second gas burner, heat it red-hot, after which we lower the element into water. The method is quite radical, since heating the part can lead to its destruction.

In this case, it would be more expedient to resort to mechanical cleaning of the nozzle. The ideal option is to select a wire of a suitable diameter, preferably with a pointed end. This is the easiest and safest way to remove contamination without damaging the structure.

How to replace the nozzle ring?

As a result of long-term operation of the burner, the ring heats up under high temperature, and after a while it simply falls out.

In order not to look for a suitable ring, and even more so not to spend money on a purchase new burner, you can make a homemade replacement for such a ring.

Brass ring on the burner

If there is an original ring that had previously flown off the nozzle, it is necessary to resort to punching it out in order to avoid a repetition of the situation in the future.

Take a wire with a cross section of 2.5 mm, and bend a ring of the required diameter, having previously separated the required piece of material. As for the material, in this case it is recommended to use copper wire, although the native material of the ring is brass.

Making a brass ring will cost you more than buying a new burner, so a homemade copper ring is the best option.

There is only one way to distinguish this breakdown from a clogged nozzle - try to ignite the burner with matches. If the burner ignites, then it is not a matter of contamination of the nozzle, in which gas does not enter the burner at all, and, accordingly, it is impossible to ignite it.

How to avoid burner breakage?

Since the most common reason for stopping the operation of a gas burner with piezo ignition is the breakdown of its most important element - the piezo, it is important to take care of its safety.

Prevent damage to the appliance and water from entering the burner, especially if you are hiking. At best, you will have to light the gas burner with matches if you remember to take them with you.

Maximum gas pressure in the burner

The duration of using the gas burner should not exceed 10-15 minutes, after which it is necessary to give the device a little time to cool down

Even if the piezoelectric element is nevertheless damaged in some way, you should not be upset, because today there are many autonomous piezo igniters on sale. That is, it is the same piezo, only portable.

So, you don't have to spin the gas burner every time to put on a new piezo, and such a portable piezo ignition will definitely come in handy not only in nature, but also in everyday life.

Do not forget that the cause of the malfunction may be an elementary contamination of the nozzle or a loose ring, therefore, in order to identify the cause of the breakdown, it is important to conduct a thorough diagnostics of the device. If the piezo is working properly, you just need to try to ignite the burner in order to understand which part caused the burner to malfunction.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

In more detail about the reasons for the breakdown of a gas burner with piezo ignition, see this video:

An illustrative process of replacing the piezoelectric element of a gas burner is presented in the following video:

Breakage of a piezo gas burner becomes a real problem if you go on a hike, and this device is the only source of fire for heating water and cooking. In this case, you should play it safe and take matches with you, since the failure of the piezoelectric element in such burners is not uncommon.

If you have previously had to repair a gas burner yourself, please tell us in what was the reason for the breakdown of the device and what difficulties did you have to face in the process repair. Immediately after the article, you can leave a comment in which you can share your experience of self-repairing a piezo-ignited burner.

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