What are smart gas meters: device, principle of operation and rules for installing new gas meters in apartments

Digital technologies open up new opportunities for obtaining accurate information on the consumption of electricity, water, gas, and other energy resources consumed by the population. And now, the market offers consumers smart gas meters that are able to measure consumption with high accuracy.

Moreover, in addition to accurate measurements, the new class of devices provides a full-fledged transfer of metering information without involving people - gas consumers. But how does such a counter work and can you install it yourself?

It is these questions that we will raise in our article - we will consider the device and the principle of operation of the new meters, we will talk about the rules for installation and preparation for operation. We will supplement the presented material with thematic photos and videos.

The content of the article:

  • What is a Smart Flow Meter?
  • Device design and principle of operation
    • Option # 1 - "Metrix" flow meters
    • Option # 2 - microthermal smart meter
    • Option # 3 - gas meter for a smart card
  • instagram viewer
  • Energy feed of the smart meter
  • Rules for installing new meters
  • Preparation for operation and start-up
  • Conclusions and useful video on the topic

What is a Smart Flow Meter?

Let's try to figure out together what a new smart gas meter is and how it works. So, the term "smart", in relation to a new measuring device, should be considered simply as the functionality of modern electronics based on a microprocessor.

Microprocessor (in fact, computer) control of various types of equipment is a phenomenon that has already become commonplace. Now, the turn has come directly to gas metering devices, which until recently, for the most part, still remain mechanical. But if you combine smart control with the accounting function, you get a smart meter.

Mechanical design of the gas meter

An example of a gas measuring device of a mechanical principle of operation. Devices of this type do not fully meet the needs of the modern national economy.

If we implement the idea of ​​installing fully smart meters for gas, we will get a serious breakthrough in the field of metering gas consumption by the population. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with gas consumption rates.

In the case of the installation of smart metering devices, the following is provided:

  • high measurement accuracy;
  • high degree of device reliability;
  • reliable protection against unauthorized access;
  • versatility of installation;
  • automatic transmission of information.

The new smart meter can indeed be considered “smart” given the ability to perform volume measurements gas, independent of pressure, carry out self-diagnostics, remotely determine and fix external impact.

Intelligent gas meter independently determines the characteristics household gas, coming to our apartments, maintains an archive of information on measurements and technical events.

Device design and principle of operation

There are a number of developments of smart gas meters made by specialists from foreign countries, as well as by domestic specialists.

However, judging by the information for the first quarter of 2019, domestic developers have not yet ready to bring to the commercial market devices that fully meet all the requirements of a smart device.

There are several devices of domestic companies that roughly resemble smart gas metering designs:

  • "Grand" - SPI G4 - G10;
  • "Vector" - T G4;
  • SGBET "Sigma" G1.6 –G10;
  • "Omega" ETC GSM G1.6 - G4;
  • GBU G1.6 - G6;
  • BK-G ETe G4, G6;

In fact, all these devices are the prototype of old mechanical systems, simply supplemented by an electronic module. Accordingly, they do not provide the full functionality of a smart device.

Nevertheless, there are developments in 2019, which we will discuss in detail below.

Domestic gas meter " Grand"

Gas meter "Grand" - an attempt to implement a smart device. As a result, the device turned out to be working, but it did not meet all the requirements of truly intelligent electronics.

Imported measuring modules, for example, the products of the company "Metrix" ("Apator"), in principle, meet the stated requirements for intellectual support.

However, according to domestic experts, gas meters from Apator and other foreign firms do not correspond to gas volume measurements for standard conditions (T = +20 ° C, P = 101.3 kPa).

Option # 1 - "Metrix" flow meters

Some of the new Apator products from the Metrix product line may already be an example of an imported smart gas meter.

In particular, two developments deserve attention: the intelligent module "UniSmart" and the hybrid system "GybridSmart".

Gas meter according to the UniSmart design

External view of the "UniSmart" class auxiliary module designed to equip a conventional membrane-type mechanical gas meter

The first development of "UniSmart" is presented as an auxiliary module, which supplements the existing metering device, for example, the "UG" series. The module supports the protocol (WMB) of the EN13757-4 standard, which guarantees the ability to connect to equipment from other manufacturers.

The module is connected directly to the gas meter and functionally acts like a reed switch (pulse transmitter). One revolution of the mechanical counter drum corresponds to one sensor pulse - this is how the function of reading data by the “UniSmart” module is carried out.

For the transfer of the read data to the server, the operation of the radio channel is organized - the electronics built into the module. All the necessary parameters of the module are preprogrammed and stored in the "firmware" of the device (memory chip). Firmware data can be changed if necessary, including remotely.

Hybrid gas meter design

A more advanced device from the "Smart" series of metering devices, representing an almost complete assembly, including a measuring device equipped with digital intelligent functions

The second development is "GybridSmart". The device, in fact, represents an analogue of the first device "UniSmart", with the only difference that this version uses a one-piece construction "two in one". That is, the gas meter and the functional intelligent module form a single assembly.

Option # 2 - microthermal smart meter

New development of the Russian company "Technor" (g. Arzamas) is a microthermal device designed to perform direct measurements of the passing volume of natural gas.

Features of the smart flow meter device

The device fully complies with the standard conditions for measuring units of volume (T = + 20 ° C, P = 101.3 kPa). The parameters are transmitted to the remote server by the cellular communication system (GRPS).

Intelligent Gas Meter

The structure of a smart gas meter - a product manufactured by Technomer: 1 - electronics board; 2 - sensor with microthermal properties for measuring gas volume; 3 - device body (aluminum); 4 - plastic cover

The picture above shows the structure of a microthermal meter from a series of smart devices.

As you can see in the image, the main components of the device are:

  • robust, reliable housing;
  • built-in microthermal sensor;
  • electronics module;
  • control LCD display;
  • protective casing (cover) of the electronic module and display.

The electronic board contains a microcontroller, a corresponding wiring of electronic components and a connected digital display (control display). The electronics of the board provides both the measurement procedure and the procedure for generating / transmitting data (built-in telemetry module).

How does a microthermal meter work?

The microthermal sensor acts as a converting device for the volumetric gas flow rate in the design of the meter. Specifically, in the development of the Technomer company, a sensor of the SGM6xxx series (a product of Swiss manufacturers) is used.

It measures the passing medium using the calorimetric principle. Made with MEMS technology, which ensures high performance.

Microthermal sensor circuit

Block diagram of a microthermal sensor for measuring gas flow: 1 - working channel; 2 - heating element; 3 - silicon wafer (substrate); 4 - equalizing channel; 5 - temperature sensors; 6 - gas flow

The sensor works as follows: on the natural gas flow path (working channel) on a silicon a modular sensing element is installed on the substrate, consisting of a heater and a pair of temperature sensors. The passing gas stream is heated directly in the part where the temperature sensors are installed.

As a result, the limited gas flow has a slightly different temperature, resulting in a temperature difference. Theoretically, this is a rather complex physical process, but the main thing is that it works, and very efficiently, in terms of measurement accuracy.

Option # 3 - gas meter for a smart card

Using the product of Actaris as an example, let us consider another quite modern device, which is a diaphragm gas meter, supplemented by payment control.

A feature of this design is the presence of a shut-off valve in the design of the device, which automatically shuts off the gas supply, for example, at the time of an emergency.

However, the same structural element has been successfully used for blocking in case of non-payment by the consumer for gas sampling.

Gas meter for smart card

A version of the domestic gas meter, supplemented with a smart card reader. The built-in reading module acts as a gas supply blocker, both in cases of emergency, unauthorized access, and in case of delay in payment

Such a flow meter has a card reader as part of its design. This refers to the subscriber's plastic smart card, which comes as an addition to the user-installed meter.

Despite the fact that there is actually a mechanical gas consumption control system, thanks to the installation of a smart card reader, the device was turned into a semi-automatic system.

The user only needs to insert a smart credit card into the appropriate slot. The device automatically reads the required information and charges funds to pay for the consumption of household gas. If the funds run out and the user did not take care of replenishing the account in a timely manner, then the smart meter immediately shuts off the gas supply to a specific subscriber.

Energy feed of the smart meter

Smart flow meters, like simple electronic ones, are completely autonomous - they do not require additional power supply. The autonomy of the devices is provided by a pair of power elements - batteries.

In particular, the main energy element is the Li-SOC12 battery (lithium thionyl chloride), while the spare is the Li-MnO battery.2 (lithium manganese oxide).

Smart meter main power supply

The main energy source of a smart gas meter is a lithium thionyl chloride (Li-SOC12) battery cell. Delivers ten years of smart meter performance

The main battery provides 3.6 volts and is a removable and fully replaceable component. The second (backup) battery is hard-wired into the electronic board, and therefore does not provide for interchangeability.

This power supply with a voltage of 3 volts is connected to the system when the main battery is replaced, which ensures the safety of the technological parameters of the device.

According to the manufacturer's specification, the main power supply is sufficient to operate the meter for up to 10 years. Therefore, battery replacement, as a rule, coincides with the instrument calibration procedure, which is usually carried out every 5-6 years. The performance of the backup battery, in the absence of the main battery, is guaranteed for 1 year.

Rules for installing new meters

Given the ambiguous operating conditions of devices, gas meters, including "smart" designs, are subject to appropriate placement rates in relation to other gas appliances and rules (requirements) for installation.

Installation rules for smart gas meters

The procedure for installing a device for monitoring the consumed volumes of household gas is traditionally accompanied by the implementation of the relevant rules and regulations. For smart modern meters, these rules are easy to enforce.

In particular, for a device manufactured by Technomer, the requirements are as described below:

  1. The device should be mounted inside closed utility rooms, in extreme cases - on the street under a specially equipped canopy. The meter must be reliably protected from direct sunlight and precipitation.
  2. It is allowed to mount the device on pipelines laid both vertically and horizontally, it does not matter at what angle the installation is performed.
  3. If installation is done on a horizontal or vertical pipe section, the direction of gas flow through the meter may be disregarded. That is, the device can be placed in any direction. However, the manufacturer recommends adhering to the direction according to the pointer on the meter body.
  4. It is unacceptable to install the meter at the lowest points of the gas pipe, since in this installation option there is a risk of condensate accumulation.
  5. If the control samples show the presence of water in the composition of the domestic gas, the control meter must be installed in a vertical pipeline, choosing the direction of flow from the top way down.

Providing for the installation at a specific location of a new gas meter in apartments, it is necessary to protect the meter from possible shocks, vibrations, and other mechanical influences.

Also, in the case flow meter transfer we must not forget about the approved transfer rules.

Smart meter CMT Smart and rules for installing a seal

Smart gas flow meter from the series of devices "CMT Smart G4" and points of post-installation "registration": 1 - the point of attachment of the seal of the organization conducting the verification; 2 - point of attachment of the control seal of the organization supplying gas to the consumer; 3 - sealing point of the inlet connection of the device

The installation requirements do not stipulate a specific value of the nominal pipe diameter, nor do they stipulate the rules for maintaining the alignment of the flow meter pipes and pipes. Also, there are no specific requirements for the degree of pipe roundness, the presence of ledges at the points of interface between the meter and the gas pipe.

Preparation for operation and start-up

According to the established rules, post-installation preparation of a smart meter for start-up involves performing a procedure for checking the mounted unit for tightness.

For this, standard means are used - at home, soap suds, professionally - gas leak sensors.

After checking, the device is put into operation. Recommended Starting Procedure - Smooth Opening shut-off gas valve on the line where the meter is installed.

It is necessary to ensure that the working area of ​​the smart meter is filled without a sharp increase in pressure, so as not to damage the sensitive components of the system with a pneumatic shock.

We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the norms and sealing rules gas meters.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The novelty is always somewhat intimidating to potential users or consumers. However, there is no escaping technological progress. In addition, technologies significantly advance the service component.

By installing a smart gas meter in his own apartment, a potential consumer relieves himself of the task of constantly monitoring data and transmitting information to the place of request. It is easy to install and use, and is extremely easy to maintain.

What do you think about replacement of old meters new smart flow meters? If you use such a smart metering device, share your experience with other visitors to our site, tell us about the advantages and disadvantages discovered during operation. Express your opinion, participate in discussions and discussions - the contact form is located below.

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