8 different types of potassium fertilizers, their properties and application


To obtain high yields, agrarians use various fertilizers. One of the types of mineral supplements is potassium supplementation, replenishing the lack of potassium in plants. In most cases, such a composition can be found in a form dissolved in salt water, less often in combination with other components.


Table of contents

  • Which fertilizers are potash
  • How to determine the lack of mineral in the soil
  • Types of potash
    • Potassium chloride
    • Potassium sulphate
    • Wood Ash
    • Potassium salt
    • Calimagnesia
    • Potash
    • Potassium nitrate
    • The value of cement dust
  • The value of fertilizing in the life of plants
  • Technology of application for plants

Which fertilizers are potash

The role of potassium in plant life is great. What gardener does not use them?! Extraction is conducted from ore, in deposits of natural type. This fertilizer can be used for any soil composition:

  • chernozem;
  • clay terrain;
  • on sandy beds.
Potassium is considered an important component that helps in the development of plantings, as it spreads sugar over the tissues to ensure normal nutrition, the formation of sweet and juicy fruits.
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The element is responsible for the growth of foliage and increases the resistance of the culture to various kinds of diseases and parasites.Fruits that have potassium in abundance are perfectly preserved in winter.The composition introduced into the soil is assimilated by the plants almost in full.

It perfectly combines with many mineral components, creates complex mixtures with them. There are many means, and each has its own name.


How to determine the lack of mineral in the soil

The plants most needed for the supply of potassium are those cultivated on light peat sites. Particularly strong signs of insufficiency of such an element are expressed in the summer season:

Potassium fertilizer
  • on the leaves appear brown spots;
  • foliage changes its shade, becomes yellow or bluish with a bronze outflow;
  • "marginal burns" are observed - the tips and edges of the leaf begin to die;
  • veins immersed in green tissue deep;
  • the stem becomes thin;
  • landing stops intensive growth;
  • wrinkles appear on the leaves, they twist;
  • the process of bud formation is suspended.

Types of potash

If we consider the chemical composition, the potassium group is divided into chloride and sulphate, and they are raw and concentrated in production.

Any kind differs by its positive and negative characteristics, has particularities in application.

Potassium chloride

Potassium chloride is the most popular variant, represented by crystals of pink hue, which absorb water well and can be traced during improperly organized storage, which will significantly worsen their spreadability at the time of application.

In top dressing contains about forty percent of chlorine, so this top dressing for chlorophobic plants is not applied. To make it best in the autumn season, the chlorine chlorine escaped from the soil as quickly as possible.

The main drawback is the ability to accumulate salts in the ground, increasing its acidity.

Granular potassium chloride close-up
Proceeding from the above, fertilizer must be introduced in advance, do not allow an overdose.

Potassium sulphate

Slimy crystals of gray color, perfectly soluble in water. Moisture is not absorbed, they are not caked when stored. The composition includes magnesium and calcium, which only improves the useful properties for plants.

The presence of sulfur does not allow the accumulation of nitrates, prolongs the preservation of plants.This allows such fertilizer to feed vegetable crops.

There is no chlorine in the feeding, for this reason it is allowed to be applied at any time on almost all soil compositions. An exception are lands with high acidity.

Do not use potassium sulfate together with lime additives.
Potassium sulphate

Wood Ash

A universal and generally available product, suitable for all plants and almost all soil formulations. Fertilizer does not contain chlorine, can be used at any time.Ashes are poured in a dry state, diluted with water.

It is not mixed with manure and bird droppings, it is not combined with nitrogen mixtures and superphosphates.
Wood Ash

Potassium salt

It is a mixture consisting of potassium chloride and finely ground sylvinite. The percentage goes up to forty, which makes feeding not so suitable for fertilizing plants that are sensitive to potassium chloride. For this reason, the composition is applied to the soil in the autumn, during the percolation of the beds.In the spring period, it is allowed to use salt if the soil is heavily waterlogged.Water will wash chlorine, and potassium will remain in the soil. In the summer, the compound is not used.

If you compare the fertilizer with potassium chloride, then the salts can be made one and a half times more.
Potassium salt


It does not contain chlorine, it is great for feeding potatoes, tomato plants and other vegetable crops. Due to the magnesium content, the product is recommended for use on sandy and sandy loam beds.The drug is hygroscopic and perfectly dispersed.



The composition is highly hygroscopic, quickly begins to cake if moistened. In this case, its properties are lost.To improve the characteristics of it sometimes pour lime, but then there is a threat of increasing acidity in the soil.


Potassium nitrate

Contains nitrogen, which favorably influences the development of plants. The fertilizer composition is perfectly preserved in dry storage. With a little moisture it hardens and becomes almost unusable. It should be brought in the spring, during the landing.The use of saltpetra is allowed in the summer season.

Potassium nitrate

The value of cement dust

The element is part of a variety of salts that are readily soluble, which makes it possible for potassium to easily saturate plant cells.It is used for crops that react poorly to chlorine. With its help, it is possible to neutralize the acidity of the soil. Therefore, the value of such top dressing is great.

Cement dust

The value of fertilizing in the life of plants

Oxidation in plant cells occurs more intensively, there is an increase in cellular metabolism. Cultures respond easily to insufficient moisture, photosynthesis is faster. There is a rapid adaptation to negative temperatures, the level of resistance to pathogenic manifestations increases.


Technology of application for plants

Three variants of fertilizer use are known:

  • pre-seeding;
  • the near-sowing;
  • after-sowing.

Most of all it is applied in the autumn, as many of its varieties contain chlorine. Dosages are set taking into account the depletion of the land.

It will be better if you spread the fertilizer several times over the surface, having sustained a distance of 15 centimeters from the roots.Liquid compounds work effectively, they should be prepared by instruction.

The additive is really popular. Only it is necessary to remember that an excessive dose of potassium or a violation in the use of the composition harm not only the plants, but also the soil composition. Particular care should be taken with chlorine-containing formulations.

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