What better multivarka or aerogrill

Deliver a lot of joy, reviews, videos, a household appliance promised to replace the other. Features and nuances thrown to the side, taken into account the dignity of the advertised product. The question of what is better or multivarka aerogrill, meaningless, since the appointment of different devices. Another thing we love more than grilled chicken or cereal. Cooking will be like? Sitting in the kitchen, or operate the scheme - put ingredients clicked and went to do business? Steamer multivarka unable to replace aerogrill!

work Multivarki

Multivarki programs are based on two devices:

  1. Timer.
  2. Thermostat.

Do not believe it, Aerogrill similar. Chat below. Multivarka hides heater, air-tight container, called a bowl. Launching the program, closing the lid, while we can forget the cooking food. Fill the bowl of barley, water, salt! After half an hour will be ready appetizing porridge. Some grits Multivarki evaporated until humidity reaches a predetermined value, most simply maintain a fixed temperature adjusted period of time or exposed chef. Observe the recipe - the result is excellent, in the automatic mode.

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Some Multivarki released with 3D-heating, the heat is evenly. Most simply contains a spiral under the bowl is heated electric shock. TEN operates intermittently controlled thermostat team. Sell ​​Induction model: cost-effective, fast, meaning the former action.

Multivarka foods cook more quickly, ahead of a standard pan. Inside the bowl constantly pressure. Part of the vapor is vented relief valve is not equalizing the difference to atmosphere. Cooking time is reduced dramatically (several times). Achieve greater effect Multivarki-modern pressure cooker, cover completely sealed tightly. After reaching the critical pressure, the excess is vented safety valve. Multivarka-cooker is easy to become an ordinary instrument. Litsezrim hybrid 2 to 1.

We list the delights offered by the people multivarka:

  • Possibility of cooking, using the automatic mode, parallel manual intervention when needed.
  • Delayed start timer allows to get hot fresh porridge in large numbers, at 6 o'clock in the morning. The product is ready, on the eve of multivarka completed cooking cycle, then kept the night, warmed. Holders quickly understand the delay start timer.


  • cooking speed increases, it becomes apparent in the first few days of using Multivarki. 15-25 minutes rump enough, filled with boiling water.
  • In some models meet Multipovar option to set the temperature / time, regardless of the firmware.
  • Recording a cooking program in memory required in the preparation of their own recipes.

Be careful! The product crashes reading sensor readings, being exposed to the timer valve will -perepusknoy volcano leakin water, burning out the rump. Restart the device by switching the power supply.

Dear multivarka - a device that performs the work yourself. Magic pot,: laying the ingredients, take out the cooked food at a given time. You can multivarka in frying, baking, better at cooking, stewing. Some models have acquired the ability to make yoghurt.

work aerogrill

We know what multivarka, try to compare the pot Aerogrill. There is a large glass bowl. Even pan, 10 liters. Lacking acquiring the magnifying ring, the volume increases by half. Aerogrill formed:

  1. Timer.
  2. Thermostat (temperature adjustment).
  3. Fan.
  4. TAN.
  5. Bowl.
  6. Instrument control.
  7. Electronics.

When motor operation is available in two spinning pens inscribed with risks. What is aerogrill: Glass bowl of heat-resistant material, covered with a lid. The cover is the secret:

modern multivarka

  1. Halogen lamp heating.
  2. Fan with adjustable RPM.
  3. Steel (joke) protective grille covers the bottom of the blade.
  4. Housing equipped with air intake slots on top.
  5. Easy grip, lift construction.
  6. Control panel connector power cord.

The simplest set. The difference between Aerogrill multivarka limited and the principle of work. Halogen lamp turns on command the thermostat, the fan blows the heat down on food. Note: playing a leading role, not infrared heating - convection. The fan mixes the air within aerogrill. The lion's share of heat, of course, blew the top part of the products Fitting Your cup. That food is no longer burnt, there are special steel round bars on the container area. It turns out two-tier system: put meat, poultry, cereals trays.

Slips main difference from Multivarki aerogrill:

  • First advantageously allow cooking, stew; second - fry. Moreover, a huge amount of aerogrill allow to cook a significant number of meat products. Browning foods grows golden crust ...

Attention! The difference between multivarka and Aerogrill: falls on the grill the meat to turn the other side, watching to not burnt. Can be guided by the recipe, put the egg for 15 minutes to warm up the lower grill, cook hard-boiled. Pre device 6 minutes to warm up, or get boiled. The result is defined Aerogrill nuances. Suitable cooking meat. And the need to closely monitor the process. But!

  • In Aerogrill fry without oil, is invaluable to diet. The taste is obtained simply amazing. Bothering to stock up on white meat poultry, composed entirely of protein (20-25% weight), a rigid diet fill joyful mood.

The multivarka different from aerogrill. As for the bars need to keep an eye on the timer delayed start will look odd. Went wrong, the meat so the meat - where the porridge? Try to cook time the chicken, pork Aerogrill. Multivarka will take its rightful place only in the preparation of side dishes. Is powerless to give dietary kebab at all. The dilemma aerogrill or multivarka, meaningless. the necessary instruments, will take place, complementing each other. Buy no problem laying out 2000 rubles, if you live near the point of shipment at the online store.

Aerogrill expensive model with delayed start option, you need to be able to use. Quite meat, let's see how to cook soup, porridge. You need to buy a clay pot, the other similar dishes, foil. Once inside aerogrill cook three dishes, each in an individual pot. If children are much, much better to bake pork, cook porridge multivarka. We mentioned that the product is required periodically flip ideally. When there are pots, heated, try to put in a bowl large capacity, the result is unpleasant upset. Pan will be heated from above, the recipe will come to nothing.

Home collection

in total

Aerogrill - a powerful device uses the planet completely. Able to cook multiple dishes to smell each other is not interrupted. Forget bad idea to put into both chicken and fish. The result of the experiment refuse to even have cats. Compare aerogrill, multivarku hard, both devices easy. It seems there are small pots. Cooking for a family affair becomes complicated if there are soup lovers, porridge. Manufacturers multivarok noticed as a result of today is not uncommon unit capacity of 6 liters. The volume of cereal / soup cook Aerogrill not work.

With regard to energy savings, multivarka will poekonomnee, insulated housing. Aerogrill spends much infrared radiation. This lamp is extinguished, it extends around the heat losses palpable by hand. Aerogrill take no for saving, tasty meat. America pays any attention to Multivarki, prepared by convection.

For skilled cooks interesting fact possible: for cooking in Aerogrill watched through the transparent bowl. opportunities will not give multivarka. The advantages of automation are emphasized reliability and safety. If the subject turns to the children who come to school hungry, wanting a snack, the question of what to buy, or multivarku aerogrill, decided in favor of the former. Ensures-Malasha porridge, soups, stews without problems.

Appreciating the joy of life given by a delicious grilled meat, which at home even in a convection oven cook hard problem (or aerogrill multivarka that choose) seems pointless. Take convection cooking. Stock up on foil, pots. Summing up, we call multivarku with complete safety device female, with aerogrill of heavy cover - male. The fair sex, and children may not be without cereal, hard guy with no meat (fish).

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